Chapter 10

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Grounders Camp...

Grounder Guard - Indra ?

Indra - Ras ?

Ras - You are alive ?

Indra - They can't kill me, you know me , now where is the leader ?

Ras - We don't have anyone after Lexa no one could replace her

Indra - Octavia? Castia and Octavia came to Indras side Ras? this is Octavia my second

Ras - I know who she is and always wondered why a Skaikru girl ? Our girls are more skilled than her

Indra - No one has her spirit

Ras - Is she worth it ?

Octavia - You should come later and figure it out

Ras - I will Skai girl both smirked

Indra - Ras ? Gather all the leaders its urgent Ras didn't wait run and started to gather all the leaders, no questions asked. The entire time Indra had her attention to Costia, so she can see the traitor. Octavia ?

Octavia - I see Costia gave a unknotted approval the he is the one Mar ? Indra its Mar

Indra - Mar ? No way

Octavia - He is moving to Costia 

Costia did exactly what they planned, he allured him in the woods, the entire time Costia had a proud smirk on her face walking to their randevouz point. She was fearless like her mom and aunt.

Mar - Hey ? yelled , Costia turned without any fear or hesitation How the hell did you came here ?

Costia - Traveling

Mar - I though i had killed you back then

Costia - U should have done it better, as you see i'm alive and better

Mar - For a kid you have a big mouth

Costia - Thats my job, for a kid sarcastically can i ask you something though ?

Mar - Shoot

Costia - How much Echo paid you to get rid Clarke and Luna ?

Mar - How do you know ?

Costia - I'm Costia kom Trikru, daughter of Luna Kom Fludakru and Trikru and niece of Heda Lexa Kom Trikru ofc i know !!!!

Mar - What ? You're lying took 3 steps back

Costia - You are lucky we are not alone... Octavia ?

Octavia and Indra jumped out and took care of him, he didn't saw it coming, they tie him and put him in the carriage.

Octavia - Now what ?

Costia - We will take him to Polis with us, i'll talk to my dad, if we take him to my mom or Lexa he will be dead , i don't want that for my mom and Lexa they are not murderers.

Octavia - You will be an excellent Queen or Heda, Costia. Its my honour

Indra - Hide i'll be back

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