Chapter 9.

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4 Weeks After ...

All this time Clarke was 100% back healthy and strong and only the scar stayed to remind her Echos attack.

Raven was trying to fix an old walkie-talkie so Rohan can know when the invade happens so they can be prepared. Echo was on her way to destroy Polis. Rohan was ready too all the armies were on place the only thing stayed unsolved is the prisoners where they will stand

Roan - Bring the prisoners

Guard - Yes, my King

Clarke - Thank you

Rohan - If they are against me i can't promise they will manage to survive

Clarke - If they don't, let them walk pls don't make our mistakes Rohan Rohan once more understood why Lexa loved Clarke she has a metal in difficult times and the logic .

Raven - That's our choice ? With you or dead ?

Rohan - If it wasn't for me you all would be dead. The other Nations and especially Echo wants to destroy Polis. She want to be Heda of all Nations.

Raven - Like Lexa, whats with the Trikru damn Clarke snapped and jump instantly right in front of Ravens face and her eyes were on fire

Clarke - She is nothing like Lexa, Lexa risked her life to change the rules and to evolute them

Raven - So you gonna let him kill them

Clarke - No,no they will decide Raven, them not me . I was the one who always sacrificed always for your good for your protection for your life, NOW its time for everyone by itself. You want to stay and fight with us good, you don't ? you are free to go and try make it by yourself

The door opened and the guards has brought the prisoners

Rohan - As you all know Echo and the other Nations are on their way here to destroy Polis and becomes Heda

Cane - What ? She cant do that

Rohan - She can and she will if we don't stop her. My army , Fludakru, Grounders, Podakru and some other allies are ready and waiting

Bellamy - And how this maters to us ?

Raven - They pointed Clarke and Rohan want us to choose if we fight with them or if we gonna die

Cane - Is that true ?

Clarke - Yes everyone turned and looked at Clarke

Miller - Say no more Wanheda i'm with you Miller was realised instantly, hugged Clarke and stood by her. they always had a special connection only one look.

Cane - Wait, wait this is suicide

Rohan - Maybe. maybe not

Monti - Screw it i'm not gonna run anymore WanHeda im with you

Harper - So am i Clarke

Abby - You saved us so i'll stand by you

Pike - I'm the reason for all this so i'm in too

Jaha - For one part for the other i am so i'm not gonna hide

Bellamy - The story repeats huh Clarke ? You put them above us like you did with Lexa the slap was heard almost everywhere, she was in front him like she flew there. Silence was so loud that you could cut it with knife and everyone was gasped.

The Search (Clexa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon