Chapter 45

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[Raven POV]

"Indra, no problems on return?"

"Mrs.Mechanic, no no all good, this side is clear our men are out there"

"Cane? You made it" that guy survived all of it

"Raven, aw i missed you, once again luck on my side"

"Come i'll escort you to Clarke, she is on the Arena"

"The Arena? Why?"

"Long story, Costia is fighting Lea kom Floukru"

"Jozai's daughter? Why? Oh, they trying to distract us?"

"They did, but its over before even started, Costia's team made sure of it, Indra Clarke said to go in the back fort to make sure the attackers are arrested"

"I'm going,Raven? Cane?" Indra left for the woods and the others waited

"Cane? KS? the man knotted ok, follow me to the Arena, your people are welcome here, Olk? make sure the people here are ok?" the guard knot, the people followed him and Cane and KS followed me.


[Clarke POV]

With the corner of my eye i saw Raven coming with Cane and KS as i remember correctly. I focused back in the fight, Costia is like Lexa same style with extra details she will become Heda for sure she is only 14 and she is Heda material as old people used to say.

"What did you said to her?" asked Luna

"To take her time, to study her and learn her"

"Good advise, she is amazing Luna"

"She is, but i'm terrified"

"She is gonna be ok, but i know i'm terrified too"


"Hey Raven, everything good?"

"Everything taking care of, Indra is in the woods and i brought Cane and KS"

"thank you Raven"

"How is she doing?"

"Exactly what we said, stay"


"Cane, you made it i'm so glad"

"Clarke, we need to talk"

"Cane? Sit and rest" without looking at him, my mom came from behind

"Cane? Come she knows"

"Abby we are in danger"

"She has it under control"


"Later Cane, come and rest" finally he stopped talking and sat with my mom.

Both Lea and Costia circling around the fight is almost done Costia had Lea where she wanted from sec they started.


[Costia POV]

"They are not coming"


"Your people, you know the team that supposed to attack us? That isn't the purpose of all this? she frowned and realised that she failed miserably Wanheda from sec one knew what this was about. you thought i wouldn't accepted the challenge? that i would afraid?"

"If you knew, why you didn't killed me? why go along with this?"

"To see what i'm up against, to see your style, to study you She stopped, she was stunned as far i could tell she was always the One she never faced someone better and smarted than her what do say over this Circus huh?"

We both attacked the same time but with Lexa's move i managed to make her hit the ground hard, i didn't wanted to kill her she was angry and hurt she wasn't a bad person also Quin would be heartbroken, this girl is what she waited for "And now? Lea kom Floukru? what do you choose?"

" I Lea kom Floukru, accept my defeat from you Costia kom Trikru kom Azgeda"

She threw her sword and stood on her knees, Clarke came down to the field with Luna and guards.

"Take her to the Control room, mom? take a look at her please Lea, the guards and Abby left the Arena, Clarke turned to the people All this was and attempt of take us by surprise the Correctioners tried to sneak up on us but we took them instead. In this crucial time no one spares, we need every single one of you. We must be prepared for everything, even for evacuation chatter among the crowd I know you are afraid, i'm afraid too but we need to be ready, so go and prepare LET'S DO THIS,WE WON'T SURRENDER" everyone hoorayed even they were afraid Clarke is the one they trust they have her at same level as Lexa, she had respect from everyone.

"That was amazing Wanheda"

"You were amazing kid, now lets go back and take a look at you"

"I'm so proud of you my baby"

"I Love you mom" We hugged and we were ready to return top Ark, but a group of kids came to us, the guards took steps but Clarke stopped them. Quin was right by my side and my team i could sense them.

"Wanheda? I'm so sorry but can we talk to you?"

"What about kids?"

"Kids? We are on same age Costia"

"Maybe, but i'm here and you are playing"

"She is feisty huh? I like her, what's your name kid?"

"Lar, my name is Lar kom Trikru, this is Al kom Floukru and these are our siblings. All of this time tried to keep us safe but now we want to fight and keep all safe"

"Lar? I don't know if we can train you in short time"

"We can, Costia what do you say?"

"Till? What so you say? From the Woods a howl was heard we can handle it, go to the woods my team will train you but listen what ever they say agreed?" they knotted happily.

They kids left and we finally returned to Ark. The moment we got in the Control Room the walkie went on.

"Ark1 this is FlyFox1 do you copy?"  We just froze this is Octavia what happened?

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