#18 As She Turns Away

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Yoohoo(: The Song Of The Day is 'As You Turn Away' by Lady Antebellum. I'm not sure how to post the song video here, but I'll try. You know the chapter and the song is related looking at the chapter name, give it a listen! It's really sappy, like how this chapter would be. 

Disclaimer: Sorry if you can't feel the sadness in the chapter it's supposed to be sad! This is like the climax so try to vote :D Enjoy! 

#18 As She Turns Away

I was sitting by the kitchen counter when Richard walked down from the steps. “Oh hi there,” he greeted from far the moment he saw me. “Scrumptious much?” he commented with a smirk as he looked at the food. Here, the Richard you are familiar with.

“Oh is it, it looks so appetizing right?” I tempted him in a suggestive tone.

“Yes, cut the talk, if not I would eat yours too.” Richard said to me.

“Haha just as what I expected. I’m not gonna cut the talk lalalalalalala. I’m a potato.” I crapped.

“Oh my god I was joking, I can’t possibly finish two servings!” Richard exclaimed childishly like he was a sore loser, not wanting to concede defeat. Not sure why he sounded like that to me, he just did.

“Oh stop whining like a little girl,” I retorted, gloating. “Man up, eat it. And make it quick, I don’t want to be late.” I continued, adding to his misery.

“Youwillgetitfromymeipromise.” Richard said now with a mouth full.  No not said, that sounded more like a, heehawheehaw. Cue epic laughter. Anyway, he wasn’t speaking human anymore.

“Don’t talk when you eat! Gross.” I commented, like what I did to Joey. After he started eating I have been constantly teasing him for falling into my trick. It wasn’t really a trick, he was just dumb. You’re asking me how I knew he would fall for my trick.

Easy. This dude liked throwing empty threats like that since god-knows-when. He knows he would annoy me by saying things that I won’t like him to do to get me to do what he wants me to. Like, “Shut up before I take away your homework.” –was what he said when I pestered him to watch Tom and Jerry with me while he was trying to concentrate. (Yes, I know I’ve been this talkative since young and yes you didn’t read wrongly it is Tom and Jerry.) Did I mention his empty threats weren't all that threatening?

“Get me the cup of coke before I steal your chips.”-was what he said when he wanted coke from the fridge without lifting his finger because he knew damn well he could easily seize the chips away from me. That’s for being one head shorter than him. In the first case of course I didn’t budge I didn’t care about my homework unlike him who loves studying from young, not as much now. He could take it for all I care. Better yet help me finish my homework for me. In the second case I got him the coke because I valued the chips.. More than my life (I’m joking my life is more important but chips are important as well.)

“O-M-G you’re so slow.” I whined. “Look at the time now.” I continued.

It was almost the usual time we left when we were finally ready. (I was ready ages ago okay; Richard took too long to finish the two servings of food.)

He rubbed his stomach like he was pregnant for finishing a huge portion of food, with satisfaction, of course.

“And so it was really good.” I commented because when Richard opened his mouth, I could smell the food that he had previously savoured. We’re sitting in the car, and he was telling me how it was a pity I didn’t get to taste it. I knew he was out to get me jealous, tease me for making the wrong choice.

“Of course.” He smirked and gloated at my misfortune. I guess it was reverted now. Ah, we just liked gloating at each other. Bunch of masochists much?

He deadpanned momentarily as he pulled the car into a halt. “Katherine is a great cook. It’s not too late though.” He added as he turned into the car park.

“Not too late?” I shot him a questioning look, confused.

“Not too late to taste it.” He smiled warmly as he leaned over to me and planted a little kiss on my lips. I didn’t see that one coming, so all I did was to plaster a smile.

“Elizabeth, I really like you, romantically.” He confessed, his blue eyes looking into mine.

At the moment, I looked at this guy in front of me. I was suddenly struck by how good he looked. He looked charismatic; he had locks of brown hair in between his dirty blond hair. A few traces of freckles below his cheeks, he still had pronounced features, like what I’ve said. But he has become more muscular and manly. All the traces of childishness have gone; his ‘pronounced features’ have become more pronounced.

However, he was also an egocentric jock, belonging to the in-crowd. You know what that means, deep down, I couldn’t accept his identity. Jocks, huh, they are after all the same. I’m not trying to be judgemental, but yeah, he’s a jock, just like all the other jocks that I disliked. That, probably the biggest minus point.

 “Do not get involved with the in-crowd then, if you don’t like them.”

But was it unfair to Richard? Just because I didn’t like the fact that he was from in-crowd, I’m going to…

“Follow your heart, dear.” Mom’s words ringed, again.

And then I did. I followed my heart. Not sure why in that moment, I felt like the world has finally stopped its pace. Not sure why everything turned so silent. I can’t hear the usual cheering and laughing. I can’t hear the usual mocking and jeering. I didn’t observe the smiles on familiar faces around me. Not what they are wearing, not what they have as make up, not how they are feeling, not who they are talking to.


All I hear was my heart pounding. My heart was palpitating so loudly, nothing else can be heard, it was beating so quickly I lost count. I used my palms to shut my ears. Stop it. All I see was his face. Disappointment was written all over his face, by an evident frown. He looked crestfallen like he just came home empty-handed. He was still sitting in the car, with his hands on the steering wheel.


I don’t want to let you go, but you’re already gone. Now you kiss my cheek, soft and bittersweet, I can read it in your eyes… maybe this is our goodbye.”

As I turned away, the song continued to play in my head.

Nothing more to say nothing left to break, I keep reaching out for you, hoping you might stay. Nothing more to give nothing left to take. I keep reaching out for you, as you turn away.”

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