The battle in Trost: his secret - chapter 36

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The titan then let out a roar as it suddenly look at me with its familiar teal eyes before it fell down the ground with a loud thud. My eyes widening as I felt my breath hitch. 'now that I think about it. It looks familiar with Eren's eyes' but I shook it off before staring into the distance with a blank look when I caught something in the corner of my eye the titan was steaming really badly but that wasn't the one that caught my eyes. It was a person coming out of it. Then I heard a person's breath hitch followed by someone hooking their wires on a wall as they landed on the ground as I look back at where mikasa was standing only to find her running on the ground right towards the steaming titan where a person pops out from its neck as she disappeared in the steam as I look back at the others to see their surprise face then look back on mikasa as I sigh then jump down hooking my wires on a wall as I land on the ground standing them I walk towards where mikasa was and saw her holding someone oh so familiar to me. It was Eren who was laying unconscious on Mikasa's arm while she was bawling her eyes out and hugging him for dear life. 'it must have hurt' I thought before sighing again then I turn around and walk away from the scene as I take a look with the others to see them staring at me concern but I only stay silent before I finally hook my wires on the left roof and push off some gas as I ascend upwards before landing on the roof and jumping again disappearinh from their sights.

Armin's pov (before Sarah disappear)

I ended up listening on the argument of Jean and Annie about the brown haired titan as I watch the titan landed on the ground with a loud thud as I sigh. "Annie is right Jean" Reiner finally said "that titan can be helpful to us all in humanity" Reiner added as he also watch the steaming titan everywhere before his gaze went back on Jean who was on the verge of shouting. "Are you that serious!?! That titan could be a treat" Jean shouted angrily and I shook my head before looking to the brown haired to see it steaming and suddenly just put of nowhere a person suddenly pop out of its neck making me gasp catching the attention of the others as they also look at the titan when I suddenly heard Sarah whisper something on herself and jus after she said that I can see Mikasa jumping down the roof and hooking her wires to a wall as she landed safely on the ground then she started running to the figure as she hug it then she got followed by Sarah who just calmly walk towards the two with a blank expression stopping infront of them. I stared them quiet quizzically before sighing as I look behind me and saw annie , jean , reiner, marco and bertholdt staring at me confusedly. I only smile at them then turn back towards Sarah as I saw her walking back towards us then she stop as she look at us then look away before she sigh and quickly walk again as she hook her wires onto a roof as she push some gas on it then she landed on the floor and I was going to call her out but she looks at us.... With a look of sadness? Before she jump of the roof and disappear from our sight. After that I turn back to see her holding Eren in her arms as she ascend ontop and landed on the rooftop then we follow her as I watch with widen eyes at what i saw. Eren was there in the floor kneeling infront of us with his arms and limbs back on his body as he was just there unconscious.  "E-eren" my voice crack as I walk towards them before suddenly kneeling down infront of him while holding his hand as I felt tears escape my eyes. "E-eren y-your a-" but I couldn't finish my sentence as I burst out crying with mikasa crying her eyes out also as we hug Eren's body. Then we hear Jean said something. "So does that mean Eren did all of this" he said to us as he watch all the titans steaming body infront of us and HQ. Then he look back at us with a shock expression before smiling slightly. After we ended up hugging Eren me and Mikasa decided to go to another place. "We'll take Eren with us to the other HQ" mikasa said as she wiped her tears as I nod my head then we both got up as mikasa took Eren and put him on her back as she hold Eren's thigh while Eren's hand was on her neck then we nod at the other four before jumping off the rooftop and hooking our wires to another roof then we soon disappear out of sight.

Your pov

After hooking my wires everywhere I finally arrive on the place I felt peace. As I sigh and sit down the roof with a sad look before looking down. While my thoughts drifted off to another dimension as I suddenly remember mikasa and Eren's reunion together.'is that what it feels like to lose one person. But why didnt I feel it when I lose aunty Isabel and uncle farlan. Why didnt I cry' I thought myself as I remember aunty and uncles smiling face infront of me. "I-" I couldn't finish my sentence when I felt a single drop of water in Mt hands " is it raining?" I ask to no one in particular before I look up and saw that it wasn't. And I look down and see another drop and that is when I realize something as I touch my eyes and felt tears forming on it then I quietly sigh before laughing while crying my eyes out. As I look up at the sun and saw it shining so brightly at the city in the walls. 'why now of all times did I cry' I thought to myself as I stand up then wipe my tears before laughing at my own stupidness. " You idiot why cry now of all times. You are stronger than that" I said to myself as I watch my reflection on a puddle of water before shooting my head as I sigh when I heard shouting. I look up confuse then quietly run the other side of the roof and hide on a wall as I return back to the normal me. The I peak on it as my eyes widen. There, on the ground was a bunch of soldiers with Mr. Kitz woermann on the front who has a scared expression plastered on his face. While on the other side was the trio with Eren on the front who was mumbling something with a creepy smile plasty across his face. " Really!?!? Tsk. You shitty commander. Tsk tsk." I said to myself before i shook my head as I walk out from where I was hiding while crossing my arms in my chest as I lean on the wall with an amused look plastered across my face.

- end of chapter 36 -

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