Family failure- chapter 2

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Little Sarah pov

I watch with a small smile as I saw them gallop towards the gate with my aunty squealing like a little girl. I chuckle and wave them goodbye as I saw the gate open and they finally got out. I sigh and hold the guards hand and went back to HQ.

Levi's pov

Today was our first expedition. I'm quite nervous about it though in the inside but I was stoic on the outside. The gates slowly open and then one of the officer sitting with the commander shouted " forward!!!" And with that we gallop away towards the titan territory. It's been an hour though as we spotted some titans that weren't abnormal and then the other members killing it on the nape. When someone gallop towards me as I was called out and saw farlan and Isabel. I look at them then farlan suddenly said " Hey Levi are you going to o do the mission to grab some important papers from the commanders office?" He ask as I look at him and nod " basically yes I'm doing it right now since no one is looking but I might ask. What about you two?" I replied. " Oh levi bro we already told you to have faith in us right? We can definitely do this. Plus who knows how many titans we can kill" brags Isabel as she grins. I look at th m again and sigh then nod my head while I turn my horses hooves and quickly gallop back towards the wall not before I take a look at them to see them waving at me then a fog started forming. I sigh as I look around and still sees fog but when I was going to gallop back to the walls I felt that something was going to go wrong in this expedition. So I turn around gallop towards nowhere when I heard a flare gun being shot to the sky. I stop my horse and look at the front and then gallop towards the where the sound came from not before stopping seeing a scouting member raise out his arms as he laid on a tree before he fall. I started galloping towards the direction faster as I look straight but my horse suddenly trip on something making both of us fall on the muddy ground. Not a minute later my horse quickly stood up and run away leaving me behind. I grunted closing my eyes in pain but when I look down and open my eyes all the things suddenly stopped when I saw Isabel's bloody face without her body. I felt my eyes widen as I slowly got up and look at the front of me to see a titan snap someone's body on its mouth and spat it out as I see the body was none other than farlan himself. That made me enrage and I stood up and take out two sharp blades from my gear then I zip my wires towards the titans back as the titan snap its head towards the direction of where I was before and that gave me the time to slice the titans back as it turn around to swung it's hand again while I avoid it successfully and cut its other part of the body as I felt small tears drips down my face as I cry out a battle cry and began killing the titan in an inhumane speed with the head ripping itself off its body. After that I fly through the sky and saw the titan raise its hand as I slice it off and rolls on its arm then cut its nape ending its life as I jump away from the titan and onto the ground as I look down and cry. I can hear hooves of horses around me but doesn't even lift my head up. After they made an inspection towards the titan it was identified that it was an abnormal.

Your pov.

I was looking out the window of papa's bed while staring at the sky when a thought suddenly pop on my head 'what if aunty and uncle doesn't comeback with papa?' I just shook it off and look at the sky again "I hope you're all okay aunty papa and uncle" I said as I then lay down on bed and sleep peacefully.

The next morning

Levi's pov

I was kneeling down infront of farlan and Isabel's corpse while thinking 'what would I say to my daughter if I get back home? Would I just say Your uncle and aunty is dead. Definitely no. But how I don't want to see my daughter getting hurt but if I would like to lie . It would just make the matter worst so I'll just tell the truth' I sigh as I look at them when I remember their last word "have faith in us" I repeated the word in a whisper as I heard Erwin calling my name. " Levi I'm not going to be sorry for what happened with your group. This is an expedition it's a trial for the soldiers who are good at fighting or not" he said as I look at him with fire burning in my eyes as I grab my blades and attack him while he put his hand on my blade preventing me from going further. "You've done nothing but give shit to my life. I should not come with you" I spat back. The man only looks at me " but it's too late to go back to who you are before. Now are you corporal?" When Erwin said that my eyes widen as he let go of my sword and left me alone. As I run upto him again but someone hold me from the back preventing me from doing so. I look down and sigh.


After the expedition we finally came back home back to the walls. I look at the walls and saw th gate being lifted then we finally came in. We heard people talking shits towards us but I didn't care as all I care about now is Sarah. When we finally came to the HQ . I had retrieve my horse back to its home while I hurriedly run inside the HQ and frantically look around not before I caught a daze of raven hair walking towards me. I run upto my daughter and hug her. While she looks at me with a blank look. " Papa where is aunty and uncle?" Sarah ask making me freeze on the spot. " T-theyre dead Sarah. Papa can't bring them back. I'm sorry" when I said that I look at my daughter to see if she had a reaction but all I saw was the blank face she gave me " I see" she replied "they didn't came back" she look at me with those hollowed empty dull eyes " papa I want to get revenge to the titans. Papa let's kill all the titans and we won't spare any of them here" she said with a serious look. I got surprise but eventually nodded and kiss her forehead. "We will Sarah
We will kill them all" I said patting my daughters head.

-End of Chapter Two -

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