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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! As you'll see this book didn't get updated all the time. I'm sorry bout that though. I had to put this book in a one month hiatus because I literally lose interest. But now i'm back and I can't promise this but I'll try updating and publishing as many chapters as fast as I could. (Without any Author Notes in it. LOL)

But anyways thankyou for being such an understanding reader and supporter. You have my best of thanks and loves.

Once again this is your author Irene Jaeger. Now continuing the story!

Bye bye!



Chapter Preview:

_ After the successful rescue in Utgard Castle. The scouts head back to the walls for their departure. Unaware and unprepared for the battle that was about to face them.

_ After arriving ontop the walls the armored titan and colossal titan decided to reveal themselves and quickly made a devious plan to try and kidnap Eren but the scouts were in the way. So now the scouts and the titans began fighting eachother.

_End of Preview chapter_

Third person's POV

All the scouts simply stood still. Their breathing stuck on their throat as they watch the two titans under the walls. Only to come back to their senses when they remember the other titan they were battling with ontop the walls.


With Eren and the 104th scouts...

Everything was silent. No one dared to move as they look under the walls. Their breathing stuck in their throat. As they fought the panic attack and cold shiver that went up there spine. Every scouts knew they had to make a move sooner than later. Or else the enemies will do. And Eren was literally doing what the scouts want to do. Thinking. He was thinking about a plan on how to make Reiner lose the fight they had. Eren simply stared at Reiner's titan form who stayed frozen on the spot he was standing. Reiner's yellow-ish eyes staring blankly at Eren's teal ones. Suddenly Eren was snapped out his trance when he felt that someone had landed on his right shoulder.

Eren quickly look at his right shoulder and saw Hange perch ontop. The woman was staring at the armored titan lost in thought also. When she suddenly snap out of her said trance and turn to look at Eren who stared at her with curious eyes. The woman's face then turned serious. Her glasses glinting a little as the sunlight hit the glass. Then she smile. "Eren? Can you hear me?" Hange started. Eren simply nod his head. And Hange's smile grow even wider if that was even possible. " Eren I had a plan. Remember when you rip off Reiner's arm pit?" Hange ask and Eren was hesitant to answer before he let out a steam from his mouth and nod again. Hange grin mischievously. Her eyes darting to look back at Reiner who was still frozen like statue. Before she look back at Eren.

"I want you to do the same thing to his back and knees. Rip all of the tendons on the armored titans back and knees. And in that way you can win faster. And if possible I want you to slam Reiner's head on your knee caps. I don't know if the bone skull will break but it's worth a shot. It might be harder for you to do it Eren. But we trust you. All of the scouts, Sarah and your friends trust you. So trust yourself. Please Eren do this. We need you back with us." Hange said and cheekily sent a wink to Eren. The titan let out a small snort in amusement. Before nodding again showing Hange that he understands the plan. And we'll Hange's face exploded in different kinds of shady blush. Her eye glasses glinting in the sunlight. Then hange nod her head and gave Eren a goodluck wave before attaching her wires to the walls and taking off back to the top.

Eren then look back at Reiner. His hands forming into fist before putting it infront his face for defense. Meanwhile Reiner wasn't dense though. He knew the scouts were planning to kill him. How did he know? We'll let's say he had an instinct telling him to fight back. Reiner stood still then he swiftly push his left foot back before bolting straight towards Eren. All the plated armor on his knees breaking apart at how fast he was running. Eren quickly act on instinct and spread his arms around. Just in time as Reiner slammed his armored body on Eren's one. Eren quickly wrap his arms in Reiner's titan body tightly. Eren's titan back slamming itself in the wall. His eyes closing in pain as he double over. Reiner stared at Eren blankly before he grab the brown haired titans shoulder and harshly slammed the long brown haired titan on the ground. But Eren didn't back down. He was going to kill the armored titan and no one not even Reiner himself can stop him from doing so.

Eren's knees then wrap itself on Reiner's waist and he put his hands on Reiner's shoulder. Reiner not liking what was happening raise his armored plated arms and swung it at Eren's face. Eren quickly did the attack by tilting his head to the right. And Reiner raise his right arm again and swung at Eren who dodge it again. Agitated, he did it a lot more times. Eren dodging his attacks all the time. Eren could have sworn he heard Armin and Mikasa shouting at him to get up. His eyes then landed on his two childhood friend who was staring at him in panic and concern. Not wanting to see those reactions though. He turn back to look at Reiner and kick the armored titans abdomen and get up as quick as he can then jump away from Reiner who stood a meter away from him also.

Eren stared at Reiner. His hands then form into a fist again and he swiftly put it on his face. Them Reiner bolted straight at Eren again. Once Reiner get closer at Eren. Eren then jump again and wrap his arms and knees on Reiner's body then he slammed himself and Reiner on the ground. Creating a big crater and ripping off trees roots from the grounds earth. Eren then quickly hover ontop Reiner and smirk triumphantly. Reiner was well angry. He swiftly raise his arms up. And punch Eren on the face. But Eren knew better. He grab Reiner's plated arms and slammed it on the ground then wrap his knees on Reiner's waist again. Reiner not caring about that quickly raise his knees and started moving forward. Eren was shock. But he was more confident this time. Eren then swiftly switch positions with Reiner again and this time he finally wrap his kneecaps in Reiner's waist and his arms in Reiner's neck and started stretching it to gain a little advantage.

Reiner tried to move forward again. But everytime he did. Eren's holds in his body tighten. Eren stare at Reiner with a snug look and begin to tighten his grasp more. Eren was confident he was gonna win this little fight he and Reiner had. Reiner was restless. He never felt this much panic before. Sudden Reiner felt as if his kneecaps were slice to shreds. Because really mikasa had slice it though. The armored on Reiner's back began to break. And even his neck was beginning to break though. Finally Reiner decided to just call for help. So he screamed at the top of his lungs. Calling for Bertholdt. Everyone was silent. Unaware of the two enemies escape plan. Then out of nowhere the colossal titans bone that was keeping him from falling under the walls begun to break. And the colossal went falling down the walls. His mouth open like it was gonna rip something off.

And once the Colossal,attack and armored met. A big steam erupted causing all the soldiers everywhere to fly. Meanwhile Reiner open his mouth and bite down Eren's titan nape unaware of two dates of eyes staring a him horrified. Then once Reiner had Eren on his captive. He stood up and begin running to the open fields. Bertholdt then got your of his titan form and attached his wires in Reiner's shoulder with Ymir laying on his arms. Nd together all four titan shifters run away from chaos.


A/n: sorry if everything is rush. I wrote this in the middle of the night.

✓Eren Yeager X Female OC •| A World Full Of Lies|• Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora