Battle in Trost: The back up plan- chapter 35

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Sarah's pov
As soon as I stand up I found myself near HQ and I sigh smiling slightly then I look around and saw some titans going near the brown haired titan  then I look back towards HQ and jump down the roof as I zip up the castle and landed on the window swiftly as I kneel down which caught the other cadets sight as they turn toward me with a surprise look. I then stand up and look at them. " Hey Armin." I call out to Armin who tilt his head and respond with a hum. I look at the Titan and towards him. " Let's go on the gas station and get some gas" then I caught something or someone crying under the table. It was the garrison soldier. I walk towards them and kneel down. " What the hell happened here?" I question to everyone as I look at them. " Well Jean got in a fight with one of them" one the cadets answered as I sit still while staring at the receptionist " and why is that?" I ask again as all of the cadets look at each other. " Well uh Jean got angry because both receptionist didn't do their work on filling our tanks because  they were afraid to get eaten by the titans at the gas tanks station" Reiner answer and I nod my head before standing up. " How many titans are in there " I ask " 8 3-4 meter titans" the receptionist who was girl answered me and I nod my head.
"Any back up plans Armin." I stated quite seriously as I look at Armin and he nod his head. "yeah. I had" I nod and tilt my head towards the counter and he nod his head before walking at the counter stand whole being followed by the other squad " I heard from one of the cadets when we are searching for anything useful the said that they a found a wooden box full of guns under one of the cabinet." Armin said and I look at one of the cast before telling him to get the guns as he nod and do what I said then I look back at Armin. " And? What is the next step?" " I need eight cadets who are best in killing titans to go kill the eight small titan on the gas station and the rest of us we will go down there with the guns by the help of the lift up machine. And once we got there we will get the attentions of the titans and once we got their attention we will shoot them in the eyes and the eight people I assign will swoop in and kill the titans at their nape" Armin said and i nod my head as the rest of the other did so. " Who are the eight cadets btw?" I ask and Armin look at me. " I'm picking you, mikasa,Annie,connie, Jean,Reiner,Bertholdt and Sasha to kill the titans" Armin respond back with a serious look. I nod my head and put on my St IC face then look at my team mates. " Let's do the plan" I said and I nod my head towards the others and they nod back as we quickly grab the most sharpest swords we had as we quickly went down the other side of the stairs with me being in the front line with Reiner and Mikasa by my side. " Do you think we can do this?" Sasha suddenly ask out of nowhere and i nod my head as mikasa respond to her. " It depends though I just hope the best for the rest of us" and we nod back. We finally arrive at the bottom of the stairs then we quickly but carefully kneel down with our swords crossing against each other. As we saw the other cadets with Marco and Armin leading at the front arrive in the middle.

Armin's pov

After the plan was being told we quickly went inside the lever balance and I went at the front with Marco and the other cadets who had a nervous face as we position our guns in the front as we slowly descend down seeing titans walking on each side of the station while looking for food and finally we stop at the middle as I look at Marco who was staring at the space with a determined face as he look back at me with a nod then a titan started walking at the front  with a creepy face who suddenly stop and slowly but creepily turned our way which made goosebumps rise on my body and some of the cadets breath hitching but I quickly keep myself steady then quickly focus my attention back on the titan  when I heard Marco whisper to the other cadet. " Breath." He whisper and then slowly put his index finger in the trigger. " Okay  let's do it...... One..........Two......three" Marco whispered as soon as the titan put a step foot forward as we pull the trigger together then after we did that the other came in the rescue and swiftly kill the titan with smooth. But that was until Sasha land down the ground with a terrified expression  while backing up as the titan slowly turn around and look at her as it started walking towards Sasha while Sasha's muttering a string of apologies and Connie landing on the ground with a thud as he look at the titan while backing up as the other small titan slowly went towards him until he hit the wall. Meanwhile the titan jump at Sasha who dodges it andmikasa quickly saving Sasha from death killing the titan with a blank face as she land down ontop the titan as Sasha quickly run upto mikasa and hug her thanking her all the time for saving her life as Annie also went to save Connie from the titan by killing it quickly as Connie gasp in horror then look at Annie as he said his Thankyou while Annie nod and she began conversing with Reiner and Bertholdt as I heard the other cadets walk towards us as I look up and nod at them before walking towards the tanks and filling up my own 3dmg when I heard someone walk towards me " hey" I heard Armin call so softly as I look up. "Yeah?" I respond back. " You okay?" He ask as I stand up. " I should be asking you that. Are you okay?" I ask Armin as he only smile "yeah I am" he answered back and I nod my head. Then after filling up our tanks we separated ways with the other cadets as I was left with mikasa,Armin,and Jean with Annie , Reiner and Bertholdt behind us as we went back to the tower and quickly went to the roof as I look around and saw no titans anywhere. " Weird" I whisper to myself then I heard Armin suddenly gasp as I look at him confuse while Mikasa looks at him also " what's wrong Armin?" Mikasa ask concern lacing in her voice. "L-look guys" Armin said pointing at something as he we follow were his gaze was and our eyes widen. " No way" I stated disbelief as I saw the brown haired titan getting devoured by the other titans. "That titan is getting devoured" Armin stated shock. And we nod in agreement " the titan can't even grow back his body it's like he was losing now" mikasa suddenly said then Armin's eyes snap towards a blonde titan as he gasp " that was the titan that ate Thomas!!!" Armin shouted terrified and right after he said that the brown haired titan suddenly roared and began advancing forward with a determined look as it started at the blonde titan while the others titans began ripping off the unknown titans flesh until it started getting angry as it advance forward ripping it's flesh as it run on the titan full speed before biting down its neck. Our eyes widening like saucers as we watch the unknown titan rise up the blonde titan before slamming it down on a tall but skinny black haired titan then quickly it's eyes darted towards the chubby one as it roared before turning around then smack the titan it beaten on it as the titan flew on a house crushing it completely then the unknown titan then loosen up it's boys in the titans neck as it roared in victory with its eyes suddenly darting to mine as I saw teal eyes staring back to my steel grey eyes before it fell down the floor with a hard but loud thud.

- End of chapter 35 -

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