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- a place where thugs and criminals lives in.


Little Sarah's pov

Age: 4 years old

I sat down at the floor. My eyes focus on my work. As I write about my life in the underground on a notebook. Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps coming. I look up and saw my mother Stella Ackerman walk towards me. She smile softly and look at my notebook. "Oh are you writing Baby?" She ask in confusion. I look at mom for a little longer before my attention turn back to my notebook. Watching words messily scribble against each other. I nod my head and look down in embarassment.

My mother laugh and kneel down. Softly patting her dress to clear off the dust from her apron before softly putting her fingers on my chin while raising my face up gently. "No need to be embarassed Sarah. You know? I think you're writing improves really well." Mom said as she grab my notebook and began inspecting my work with a smile painted on her face while nodding as she did so. Her attention then turn back to my own. Her fingers gently cupping my cheeks. Before putting the hair that falls on my face behind my ears.

"You did a great job honey bee. Papa's gonna be so proud of you." Mom complimented. I smile back and stood up to hug mom. "Thankyou mama." I said softly. My mom hug me back while patting my back with a hum. "You're always welcome honeybee." She replied with the same soft tone. Suddenly we heard the sounds of door opening. My eyes widening in glee as I quickly look at the living room. Quickly I tug mom's arms off of me and raised straight to the living room. A squeal leaving my lips as I saw papa come inside the door while holding a bag of food.

"Papa!". I shout with a smile. Papa quickly halt his actions and turn around. A soft expression painted on his face as he kneel down. A series of giggles then escape my mouth. While opening my arms really wide and running to papa to hug him. Papa then accepted my eager hugs. Before he tilts his head and kiss my cheeks while scooping me up in his arms. " So how's my lil princess doing?" Papa ask me. His eyes gazing in my own steel blue ones with love and affection. I tilt my head on the side looking at papa confuse.

My father chuckles. His hands quickly coming it's way to my raven locks before ruffling it messing up the bun mom just made a while ago. I pout in sadness. "You ruined the bun mama did on my hair." I said and cross my arm. I then heard a giggle infront of us. Mine and papa's attention snap to the kitchen and saw mama giggling to herself. After her giggling feat. She stop. While her eyes turn to gaze at my own. Then she neared our forms. Giving a soft peck in my father's cheek before she pinch my cheeks.

"Ow.  That hurts mama". I said rubbing the red marks on my cheek. My mom heartedly chuckles. Her happiness radiating in the lonely house we're living. Father could only stare at mom with so much love. His eyes shining brighter than the candles inside. Mom then turn her attention to papa. "So did you got food Hun?" Mom ask. Father hums and gives the plastic bag to mama who happily took it. Mom then thanks papa and walk to the kitchen to prepare our dinner for the evening. Father simply follows behind. And as soon as the table came in contact with my form. Papa then grabs a small chair and sat me down on it. Before bending down on the floor and inspecting the messy writing on my notebook.

He smile and look up at me. "Well it seems that you improve well. Did your mama see this?" Papa compliments with a question in the last. I cover my mouth with my hands giggling. I nodded my head and turn to look at mama who was cutting the veggies in the cutting board. "Yeah mama said I improve. And.. and you.. you were going to be proud of me!" I happily insisted. Father shooks his head in amusement. His hands finding its way again on my hair only to ruffle it. I pout. "Mama is right. Papa is proud for you lil girl. You did great." Papa said.

I smile and nod my head.  Sooner than later. Mom finish cooking our dinner. She quickly put it on some plates and serve it on the table. Me and papa were sitting. Mom then took a seat beside papa and grab a knife on the side of the plate and cut the chicken in three halves giving the other two halves to me and papa. Before putting some rice on my plates. She then stood up and walk to the drawer near the cooker and open it. Grabbing some spoon and fork before giving me a spoon and a fork and putting the other two on her plate and papa's plate. Without another word. We began eating in silence.


Mom then walk to the sink and began washing the dishes while papa walk to the living room to finish his work on cleaning the kitchen house equipment. While I sat down at the kitchen chair holding a pen while writing something in my notebook. I sigh and stop. I softly out the pen down and look up at mama. "Mama? Can I ask a question?" I ask. My mom stop her work and turn around to look at me. "What is it Sarah?" She replied.

I softly fiddle with my fingers contemplating my choice of words before giving a simple question to be answer. " Do......" I halt my words and shook my head. Earning a confused look from mama. "What does it feels like when you became an adult mama? Do you need to do a lot of work?" I ask. Mama hums in response. Turning around. She then washed the dishes and put them on the dish rack before grabbing a towel and wiping her hands on it. Then she went towards me and pull out a chair before sitting down in it. "Well. When you grow up and became an adult. There are lots of works you need to do. Like for example. If you're a man like your papa. You need to do works that men's do." Mama said. "What work do men's do mama?" I ask in curiosity. My mom smile. " Well they will find jobs and do work. Sometimes the men's do the work in helping their wives take care of their kids.  There are also a lot of times. The men's help their kids learn new things. But if you're a woman. You're expected to do something good."

"Good?"Mom hums.
"Just like mens. Women has work. They work inside the house and sometimes cook food for their family. Sometimes women do men work also. They also find work outside. But if you're a woman who's much more dedicated to stuffs about fighting. You're bound to sacrifice almost everything you have when you become a soldier. So it isn't easy." Mom said.

I could only stare at mom in awe. Blinking back before staring at the wall lost in thought. Suddenly an idea pop in my head. And I look at mom in wonder. "Mama. How do women like you become strong?" She chuckles. "Women became strong when they saw they're close love ones happy. They became strong when they achieve victory and their dreams. Women became strong when they completed all their task as a woman." I ooh and aah before bidding.

"Then I'll be strong also ma! I'll be strong?" I proclaim with a question mark in the end. My mom laugh. "You're always strong honey bee. Mama knows that." She stated before standing up. She then walk out the kitchen only to stop in the door way. Her head tilting to the side to look at me with a smile forming in her face. " Remember Sarah. A woman who never fears is a woman who never thought of giving up. And a woman who stays strong til the end of time." She said.

Then mom leaves the kitchen leaving me in confusion and awe.

_ End of special chapter_


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