The breach of trost district in wall rose - chapter 30

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The lightning disappeared and there in the other side of the wall was none other than the colossal titan itself. As it watch us with its own two brown eyes. While we stare back with shocked expression. Then the titan suddenly kick the walls gate creating some steam as it blew off some of the debris of the wall and some steam coming in us as it blow all of us down from the wall. Then we hook our wires to the walls except one. " Samuel's falling!!! Help him!!!!" I heard Mina shouted at the top of her lungs. As I was going to run towards Samuel Sasha beat me to it as she started running downwards and hook her wires to Samuel's leg preventing him from falling. As I sigh in relief then look down my eyes widening. " The broken" I whisper when I heard a familiar voice yell. " The gate is broken. Appendage 4 prepare for battle!!!" I look towards my side and saw Eren unhook his wires then hook it to the top of the wall as he grab his blades . " Eren!!" I shouted his name but he ignore me as he land ontop of the wall.

Eren's pov

We were just looking at Sasha when a lightning suddenly appear out of nowhere then there the lighting disappear and reveals the colossal titan itself. As it looks to us then raise its feet kicking the gate of the wall as it cause the debris of the wall fall all around Trost causing steams to puff out of nowhere as if went to us. Making us all fall down as we quickly hook our wires to the walls except one. I then heard Mina yell on the top of her lungs. "Samuel's falling!!!! Help him!!!" I look at Sarah to see her going to run downwards but sash beat her to it as Sasha hook her wire on samuels leg. As I stare at the gate to see it broken. " The gate is broken!!! Appendage 4 prepare for battle!!!" I yelled and grab both blades on my blade box and jump off the wall unhooking my wires as I hook it to the top of the wall again then zip off to the top as I landed ontop while staring at the titan with a glare. " Long time no see fucktard" I said and saw the titans hand going towards .t form as I quickly hook my wires to its arm and jump in the air as I avoided it's hand and land on its arm. As I saw the cannons gat thrown away by it's hand while I glare at the Colossal titan and hook my wires to its neck as I position my blades backwards and let out a battle cry but what I didn't know was  it burst off some steam making me close my eyes and cover my face as I stated in the air by the steam. " It burns" then the steam quickly vanish as I hook my wires to its neck again and cut it but it disappear out of nowhere making me cut the air as I fly at the air shock. But realising that I was going to fall down the wall. I then hook my wires ontop of the wall. As I heard footsteps running towards me. And there stood ontop was Sarah and Thomas. While Sarah glares dagger at me but then look at the gate with a blank look. As Thomas shouted. " Did you kill the titan Eren!!" He yells and I shook my head then shout back. " No. It's just like 5 years ago. It disappear without any trace!!" And look at the gate with a groan as I zip ontop and land at the side of Sarah who glared at me again. We then heard footsteps running towards us then we turn around and saw a Garrison officer running. " Cadets go to HQ quickly!!!" The man yells and we salute then shout at the same time. " Seir yes seir!!" Then we jump of the wall as Samuel was sent to the infirmary quickly.  We then hook our wires to a roof and began zooming away hooking our wires to roof to roof again and again as we land onto the ground then we run to HQ and then we separated as Thomas , Sarah went with me then we barge to the mess hall and shouted. " Wall rose got breach. Let's go!!!" I yell and then our comrades quickly got up panicking as we run out of the HQ and towards the storage room as the others quickly grab their gears and strap it to themselves. As I refill my gas tanks again while looking around and spotted at in on the other side refilling his gas with shaking hands. As me, Mikasa and Sarah quickly we then to Armin. While Mikasa hold his hand as Armin look up and stare at us. " Are you okay Armin?" I heard Sarah ask. " Y-yeah I can definitely get away from this." Armin said as he finally finish refilling his gas. Mikasa and Sarah turntheir gaze at me and ask at the same time. " Will you be okay Eren?" While I just nod my head and give Armin a hand as he took it and got up then we quickly walk out and saw cadets everywhere the HQ . Some were vomiting while others where either panicking or cursing their selves for being  weak. As I look at Krista to see her patting Daz back while asking him if he was okay. Daz look up but quickly look back and vomit again. As I turn my head towards Jean. " Shit. Why is this happening?? I was planning to go to the interior tomorrow with Marco. Fuck it!!" He yells at no one. As I went to him and grab his collar as I slam him in the wall. While Jean stares at me shock but recovers quickly as he grasp my hand and tried tanking it away. " Get your hands off of me!!" He yells in my face but I don't budge and instead shout on his face. " Can you just shut up for once. And fucking listen to what I'm saying!!! You can wait to go to interior tomorrow Jean you horse face. And don't fucking forget we went here in the training corps for three years to train. Not being a coward you fucktard. So fucking stand up. The interior will wait for you!!" I yell as Jean look at me shock while I push him to the ground and walk back towards. The girl when we heard footsteps and turn our head around and saw squad leader Ian. " Eren Jaeger. Lead squad 4 and help us evacuate the citizens out here in the wall" i nod as mikasa and Sarah look at me. " Both Ackerman's. You'll be joinh the elite squad on luring the titans away from where the citizens are!! Now let's go!! Squad leader Ian yells but mikasa shook her head as Sarah went past the squad leader. As she look at us. " I can't do that seir. I need to help E-eren.." she stammer. But I look at her and head butted her. " I'm fine by myself Mikasa. You don't had to protect me. I'm fine!!" I yell on her face and was going to walk away but she grab my ha.d and I turn around to give her a glare. " But please Eren..... Please don't die" she says and I nod my head. " Mikasa let's go" Sarah quickly calls towards Mikasa as mikasa nod her head and we separated ways.

- end of chapter 30 -

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