Battle in Trost : Humanity's saviour - chapter 39

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After they're small talk. The commander stop at the other Garrison soldiers. As he stood at the wall infront of the soldiers who was just standing lazily on the street while others were talking. "Alright soldiers I need your attention infront of me!!!"shouts the commander with a serious voice as Sarah looks at him with a blank look before taking her hand from Eren's hold as she kneel down beside a focus Armin. "We are now going to recapture the district of Trost." Commander pixis end his speech leaving the soldiers confused. The soldiers began whispering to each other. Some were surprised and shock that the commander was thinking that. "A plan to recapture Trost district!?" "You're kidding me!" " As if we have technology to plug that hole in the gate." "What're the higher ups thinking" " Isnt entering Trost district just suicide?" "But all we can do is defend Wall Rose's gate since the hole can't be sealed..." The soldiers whisper started to get louder until it becomes yelling and shouting. Soldiers everywhere standing at the ground with disbelief and shock faces while some are angry and surprise. " Damn, are they that starved for glory?" One soldier asked the other as the other soldier shrug his shoulder and turn to look at the wall where the commander stood who was still patiently standing with a calm but serious expression with his hands behind his back as the commander look down. "To be forced back into that hell..." The soldier suddenly grab his head as he force himself to look down and close his eyes. "No, I don't want to die!" He shouted as Marco look at him with a gasp, the other soldiers also turning their heads towards the man who was pitying himself. " Let me see my family!" "Hey, Dazz! You're too loud!" Whisper Marco as he watch Dazz with pity. Silence fills the place as the other soldier looks at Dazz in disbelief. "You there, I heard that!" One of the soldier yells as they turn around and went to Dazz. "Are you planning to abandon your duty?!" The soldier ask the other terrified one who was now trembling in fear. Then without a word. The soldier look up "yes, that's right! There's nothing to be gained from this mass mission!" Dazz shouts to the soldier. Glaring, the soldier slowly grab his blades. "How dare you make a mockery of mankind and order?! I'll have you know I have the authority to execute to on the spot!" The soldier yells. Dazz also took out his blades. "Fine by me. That would be a hundred times better than getting devoured by a titan!" Dazz looks down with tears cascading down his face. Marco quickly went towards his side. "Stop, Dazz!" Marco tells the terrified soldier. Back at the walls the commander looks at the ground with serious face. As voice can be heard shouting to one another. Even every soldier in the area was now doubting themselves. Murmurs can be heard all around the pack of soldiers. "Hey, I wonder if someone will rebel here too." Mutter a female one as the other female look down also while muttering towards herself. "I also want to die on my own terms". "Hey, you two!" Yells the same one with fury lace on his tone. "I-i was just joking" the female stutter as she look at the man in fear. The soldier then slowly lean towards her and began whispering on her ear. "Many of us in the Garrison aren't in agreement too. We'll take advantage of the chaos and escape!" Jean who was now listening the two then ask " where would you go then?" The soldier was silent first before he replied courageously. "I'll go to see my daughter! This wall won't hold us for long either, after all." He mutter. "Kill me! If you're gonna execute me, do it quick!" Can be heard under the wall followed by another fierce shout. Even the soldiers in the walls where tired of listening to the soldiers under. Finally, the commander take a step forward and cough. The Raven haired girl who was now leaning on a cannon talk almost sarcastically. "Fucking finally." Eren and the commander paid no mind to her as they look down. " Attention!" Shouts commander Pixis silencing the whole crowd of soldiers who look up confuse. Without a word, the commander began talking. "I will now elaborate on the plan to recapture Trost district!" Silence fills the air as everyone listen to the commander's oh so inspirational speech. "The objective of this plan is to seal the hole in the destroyed gate!" Commander Pixis said making every soldier's soul left their body for the tenth time of the day. "Huh?" A soldier ask confuse. "Seal?" Marco mutter ti himself. " Is that even possible?" Again, Marco ask but not even himseld could answer the question for they don't know the real answer to it. The commander continues again. "I will no explain how we intend to seal the hole! Belonging to the Training Corps, this is Eren Jaeger!" Eren then took a step forward with a strong facade and did the salute the military did. The crowd stood wide eyed. Others from the training corps looking surprise as fuck as they look at Eren too wide eyed. Connie silently yells stuttering. "E-eren?!" But no one paid mind to it for they were too focus on the teenage brunette boy who stood at the wall who never break his strong facade. The other Ackerman slowly look up and stare at Eren monotonously. Sarah simply looks down the wall blankly before her attention went towards Armin who was explaining the plan towards the soldier of the Garrison. She sigh and look back at Eren before she slump down the wall sitting down in a crisscross way. The commander then began his speech again. Everyone now silent continue to listen to the awaiting grasp of death and titans. No one said a word they were too afraid to speak for they will be judge by the others. But of course the fear always linger in their mind and heart. Making them unable to think straight. "In his titan form, he'll lift the large boulder in the vicinity of the front gate, carry it to the destroyed gate and seal the gate!" Although the commander was still talking. Sarah Ackerman block his voice out for she was too focus on the titans that were now residing on the city. She grown agitated. Nervous that this plan might be a lose to everyone. She sigh. She didn't doubt Eren's strength. She knew he was strong. Determined and strong she might add. But the difference was that this was a real life situation. It's not like the dummy titans in the training grounds of the training corps. It wasn't a toy that everyone can slack off. These were real titans. Titans that ate humans. Monsters that only kills human for their hunger. This monster are the ones who need to be wiped out in this world. Not humanity themselves. And Sarah Ackerman herself is willing to sacrifice her life saving humanity from the titans and even in the brink of extinction.

Sarah herself has a will.

She will kill the titans.
And won't leave a single one of them. And save the life of humanity and her family.

She will join the scouts and avenge the death and living.

She is the daughter of humanities strongest soldier.

Levi Ackerman.

She is the one and only.


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