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"A person can never move on if he/she is still facing the past."


Connie's POV

We rode out in the open fields. Our minds all jumbled up as we tried to focus on our mission to stay alive. A mission so deadly. And so terrifying at the same time. I rode beside Ymir who was also beside Krista. Our hearts pounding in our chest as we fell in silence. Listening to the sounds of nature around us. Then in the middle of the fields a mile away from us. Was a lone destroyed castle. The old headquarters of the scouts. Utgard Castle.

"Alright we'll stay  at the castle for the night." Nanaba shouts in the silence. "Yes ma'am!" We replied back. Quickly we rode straight to the castle. As soon as we arrive. We jump down our horse and quickly walk towards the other end of the destroyed tower and tied the horse on it. After we finish tying the horses. We began searching for any grass the horses can eat. Luckily we found some and put it on a long wooden like bowl and push it straight at the horse who quickly gubbles down the grasses in no time.

Finally after a long time. We walk inside the castle. The officials staying outside just incase titans began attacking us from out of nowhere. We turn the other corner around and see a flight of stairs going towards the second floor. We then went upstairs and walk inside the room we first saw. Sitting down. I sigh in content as I stare at the ceiling in complete tiredness completely forgetting about what just happened a while ago. "Hey Connie. You okay?" I heard someone ask me as another set of footsteps came near me and sat down beside me.

I look towards the person and saw Krista looking at me in concern. I only smile back. "I'm okay Krista". I replied back. She smiled and nod her head then she got up and walk towards Ymir to sit down beside her. "Hey guys. Why don't we look for food first?" Ymir asked as she stood up and began walking to the door on the side of a big window. We all nod our heads as we also stood up and go after Ymir.

Ymir then open the door and we were greeted with darkness. She clock her tongue in annoyance as she turn around and grab a set of candles and light it up with a match. Then we all walk inside the room. There standing before us where sets of cabinets. Our stomachs growling in hunger as we stare at the cabinets before us. Ymir then walk first to the first cabinet and open it to find it completely empty. She then went to the other cabinet and open it. Empty. We also do what she was doing and open some cabinets here and there.

She sigh and open another set of cabinets. After a minute of almost giving up. We open the last set of cabinets and we were greeted with six cans inside. We all sigh in relief. Gradually. Ymir grab all the cans and quickly look around. After finding a knife in a counter. She opened the cans and there inside it's content was sardines. We then walk out the room. And sit down the floor.

After putting it on another set of plates we began eating the food in silence. After eating all the foods. Krista then put it in a counter and walk back to us. Then without a word. We began our search again. Luckily we found a book near an old wrinkled cabinet and a notebook that contains every little detail we can get from the titans.

Nanaba's POV

We stood outside the castle. Our gear and blades ready as we stand at the highest roof we can see. Suddenly I heard set of  wires landing behind me. I turn my head around and saw Lydia stand at the side of Gelgar who was drinking another set of bottled wine.  "Did you see any incoming titans?". I ask in seriousness. "Not yet. So far everything seems good." Lydia replied back as she look at the other way around.

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