The death of squad Levi and Eren's wrath. - CH.48

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Sarah's pov

I stare at the scene before me. The titans were still eating the carcass and bones of the female titan and it seems like they aren't stopping any minute now.

I sigh. It was going great actually. But the female titan decide it would be best to just scream her lungs out and get killed and eaten by almost all the mindless titans. I look down at my blades and saw its dull form.  I unhilt it from the holder before grabbing another new ones and checking half of my gas tanks.

Gladly I still can fly. I did waste a small half of of the tanks. But I'll guess I'll just refill it once we were out of battles. I look up and saw my father walking towards me.

He stop and stare at the scene before us before he gaze back at me. " Sarah." Father said as I hum in reply. "Check the squads. I'll go find you once I am done here." He said before pointing at the titans and the scouts. I nod my head. "I will." I said before turning around.

I jump down the branch of the big ass tree and proceed to fly towards where father's squad were located.

I watch the trees leaves as it get blows softly by the air. Then I look down. Everything was just the same. Nothing was going on.

Just silence greeting me and the cold hair lapping my hair and hitting my body.

I sigh. Looking back at the front as I got lost in thought.

When suddenly, I heard a very  familiar scream of a titan.

My eyes widening in surprise. As I look up, my head looking at the direction of where the noise came from. Before quickly going there in a fast pace.

I hope I ain't not late.

Eren's pov (before)

We gallop away from the female titan with Sarah's and the Corporal's horse with us.

It was just silent. And no one said a word to each other. Once we know that we are out of danger.

The squads and I then jump down from our horse and tied the animals on a tree. Before flying straight on the air.

I watch everything from my view. And saw how much pretty the scenery was. The trees were standing tall and strong and even the leaves of every branches of the trees sways in Union of the airs blowing wind.

I breath a good air. As we land down a thick big branch. The other squad members quickly taking off there gas tanks and blade holder as they squad down the thick branch and began inspecting there 3dmg's.

Petra softly put her 3d maneuver gear and stare at me before smiling softly. "Thankyou Eren." She said as I stare confuse.

"Huh? Why?" I ask. She softly giggle and stare at nothing in particular before looking at me. "Because of you believing in us. We had finally capture the female titan. So Thankyou". Petra reply. Olou scoffed and give petra a look of disbelief. "Seriously Petra!? You're thanking the brat. The only thing he even did was whine all the time. He didn't do something good. So stop spoiling him!" Olou told Petra. Petra glare on Olou's way before elbowing him in the stomach.

The grey haired man then cough a saliva before he bent down in pain while clutching his stomach. The other two men who was watching the whole scene sigh.
"Those two never stop fighting all the time." Gunther reminds Eld who nod his head. "Yeah". Eld replies as he put back his 3dm gear and stood up. Me and Gunther following what he did and stood up also.

We watch the two bicker back and forth. Before Petra got tired and stood up as she put her 3dm gear also with Olou following her actions.

Then we turn towards Gunther who was looking upwards. "Well let's move now. The Corporal sent a flare already." He said pointing up there we saw a green flare being fired on the sky. Gunther then took out his flare gun and shoot a green flare.

✓Eren Yeager X Female OC •| A World Full Of Lies|• Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang