The start of new life - chapter 1

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I was laying on the couch holding a little notebook while I had papa's pen and started drawing on something . When the door suddenly open and someone cooed my name making me roll my eyes. I then turn around and saw ms hanji looking at me with a smile " hey ms. Hanji" I said and sprang into my feet then walk towards her while she squealed " your so Kawai . You know that my little bunny" she said and I cross my arms and look at ms. Hanji with a blank face  while imitating my father's posture. Ms. Hanji pout as I rolled my eyes and grab her hand again as I started walking out papa's room not before closing the door. " Ms. Hanji why is papa calling you shitty glasses?" I ask " oh baby because your papa is a short guy" when she said that I frown and let go of her hand before I muttered "four eyes" then walk away and started descending down the stairs and quietly went to the mess hall not before I heard someone running and squealing behind me.  I immediately act on instinct and run towards the mess hall and slam the door open and closing it behind me with a shriek and a shout " you freakin four eyes" with that I stomp towards my papa not before hearing uncle Erwin aunty Isa and uncle farlan laughing their asses off . I can hear ms. Hanji slamming herself on the door while I smirk and sees my father shaking his head and look at me with a small smile. I then stop infront of uncle Erwin and salute him with my hands behind my back and the other hand to my heart. But uncle Erwin just shrug it off telling me it's okay. I nod and sit down beside aunty while she pat my hair and smile at me . " Sarah your hair grows too long do you want me to cut it?" Aunty Isa ask. I look at her while my bangs fall through my eyes and nod. She smile at me and nod her head also.


As the afternoon falls , you can saw the sun glowing orange as I run upto aunty Isabelle's room as I knock on the door. She open it and smile at me then she opens the door wide and sit down on her bed as she prepared her scissors and comb while I walk in . " Let's go out sarah. It might be best if I cut your hair outside." She said as I nod then we walk out with aunty on the front and me behind her. She then opens the door on the back of the HQ then we walk out to see a chair infront of us. I quickly walk to it then sit down. As aunty walk behind me and started doing my hair cut. After she cuts my hair she grab a mirror and let me look at it. I look at myself and give an oohs as she chuckled and ask me if I like it then I just nod and we went back inside. Then I then shower myself and change into my night purple dress as I put on a slipper then kiss aunty's cheek and run towards papa's room as I open it and walk in and sees papa and uncle talking seriously. I decided to interrupt their conversation. " Papa, uncle. I'm tired" I said and they look at me and smile. My father then scoop me up and put me on his lap as he started patting my thigh while he sings some lullabies making me close my eyes and sleep peacefully.

The next morning...

I wake up and saw the sun shining on my face making me chuckle as I sat up and stretch my small arms out then sprang into my feet as I got in my slipper and run out the room and in to the mess hall while slamming the door open and shouting my lungs out. "Good morning family!!!!!!!" When I finish I put my hands on my knee while breathing heavily as I look up and sees everyone smiling at me. I chuckle and went to uncle Erwin and salute again making everyone laugh. But uncle Erwin just smile and shrug it off as I can feel ms. Hanji staring at me . "Did you feel happy today ms. Hanji?" I ask curious about why she is happy. But she grins madly "oh yes baby. I'm super happy." She replied. I tilt my head cutely and ask "why though?" She looks at me and pat my head as I can saw the psychopath but insane scientist infront of me "because today will be the expedition and I'll be going to capture my baby titans again" ms. Hanji said as I "ooh" and nod . I then sit beside papa as I grab a bread and munch on it. "By the way Sarah . Who cuts your long hair?" Ms. Nanaba ask as I look at her and point at aunty Isabelle who looks at me and nod her head. "You look cute though baby girl" ms nanaba said with a smile. My cheeks flared up making me look down while blushing cutely. Everyone looks at me and awe making me blush harder than before. They just smile and shook their heads.


After the meal for today which is a soup and bread, all of the members of the survey corps walk out wearing their uniform and jacket with their hoodie with them as I look at them in awe when I heard three people calling my name " Sarah" I turm around and saw uncle farlan aunty Isa and papa walking towards me in their respective uniform except papa has a white handkerchief on his neck. " Aunty, Uncle ,papa. Are you leaving now. What about me? Are you going to come back after this?" I ask. They look at each other before uncle and aunty kneels infront of me both staring at me while I stare back and saw uncle farlan put his hand on my shoulder before smiling at me. " We will comeback sarah. We promise you that baby. We will" says aunty as she saw tears descending down my eyes then to my cheeks while I cried at them. Aunty then wipes my tears and cups my cheek while she smiled at me. I smile back while still crying then they stand up. While papa kneels down infront of me and kiss my forehead. " Sarah we will comeback without a single scratch. I promise you that." Papa said as he kiss my forehead then grab something on his pocket then put it on my neck which revealed to be a butterfly necklace as he stand up and went on his horse. Then they gallop away towards their expedition.

- End of chapter one -

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