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¶ Just One Last Time ¶

Connie's POV

For the first time in my life. I truly felt fear. The fear of losing the people you cherish the most. I felt as if I was frozen. My mind swirling with panic. As I tug the reigns of the horse. The horse then speed up. Giving me time to think. 'My family they had to survive!" I taught to myself. Desperate and almost out of my mind.

I heard Reiner shouting behind me. Telling me to stop and stay with them but I was too focused on going back to my hometown to even care about what they were saying. I felt sweats on my forehead and my eyesight expanding largely. Finally I saw my hometown nearing in the distance.

Without a word. I tug at the reigns of my horse and the horse quickly speed up. I then went inside my hometown and turn another corner in the village. My sweats dripping down my cheeks until my horse suddenly stopped on a house. Quickly, I look up. My eyes widening in horror as I saw a titan with blonde hair staring at me. My horse took a step back and I watch the titan look at me. Studying my movements as its mouth formed into a smile.

My mouth hung open and my heart almost stopping in fear. The titan only stare at me and I quickly shook my head. I quickly turn the horse the other way around and it started walking. Until suddenly.". I heard the titan said. It's teeth grinding together. My heart stopped and I turn to look around. My head turning towards the titan to see it staring at me. It's body was trying to stand up but it fell down the earth's surface and inside the house. "W-what? I-it just t-talk." I said. I watch the titan. It's hair cascading down in waves on the ground. It's blonde locks shining in the sunlight.almost blinding me straight to the eye.

"Connie!" I heard the sound of hooves coming near me and someone shouting my name. I look on my left and saw Reiner stopping just a meter away from me. His eyes then snapped to the titan. Studying it in silence. Before looking at me again. " Reiner. Did you hear what the titan said?" I ask hopeful. The blonde boy only tilt his head in confusion. Face still blank in the process. "No I don't. You must be hallucinating Connie". He replied. I sigh. My head turn to the titan to find it staring at me again.

"It talk. I swear it-" but I was cut off. "Connie let's go. A soldier needs to continue doing his work." Reiner interrupt. "But-" I complained but got interrupted again. "No buts Connie. You are a soldier. Forget about what you heard. If the titan talks then it talks. If it not then it doesn't.  Grow up Connie. You're a soldier yourself are you?" Reiner ask and I nod my head. " Then a soldier will remain doing their missions. A soldier will do their work first before their personal life. Now let's go. The other officials are looking for us." Reiner stated and tug on his horse reign before Reiner and his horse fled off the other way around.

My mouth forms into a thin line. My brows furrowing in complete seriousness. "That's right. A soldier never leaves his work behind." I mutter to myself. Quickly. I tug the reigns on my horse and follow after Reiner.

Sarah's POV

I trudge my way out off the headquarters. My cloak easily falling over my tense body as I neared the wagon and scouts. I stare at nothing in particular. Before my eyes caught sight of someone sitting inside the wagon. His back facing mine. Before the man turn around. Revealing none other than my father himself. Levi Ackerman. He stare at me in nothing but a blank expression before nodding his head.

I nod back and turn my attention to the trees a meter away from me. And walk straight to my horse (h/n). (H/n) neigh in greeting and I slightly smile quickly grabbing the rope and untying it ever so softly as my horse simply stood still. Patiently waiting for the rope to drop down the branch of the tree. Untying it ever so softly. The rope then fall down the floor. And (h/n) neigh in relief as she shook her head. Then (h)n) look up and her gaze snapped towards my own. She neigh again and took a step forward then lean her head towards me for a pat.

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