CH. 57

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I'm torn between making another book or not. The continuation of this book might be cancelled. I don't know.

I'm just conflicted. But damn I really want to complete this. Even though I don't really know the whole story of Aot. And didn't read the manga. Oh well. This is my story.

Sorry not sorry

The book is published already. So we'll bye...


Mike's POV

I then tug the reigns of my horse. Pace turning a little faster. I watch a titan move pass me and I glare at its form. Then without a word. I took two sharp blades from the gear and stood up from my horse.  I then attach my wires on a long big tree and felt myself fly in the air. My hair sometimes hitting my face.

I propel myself faster. Once I saw a titan. I hook my first wire of its shoulder and jump on it then run towards the nape. Then I insert another sy of wires on it's other shoulder casting me to rotate in the air then I came diving down and slice the nape. The titan then began falling down the earth's ground.

Quickly I hook my wires again to another 10m titan and slice it's nape. I repeat this motion two times. Before landing on a rooftop. I dust off the dust on my uniform and count the titans that is still running. There were still two left. And my eyes snapped to the side on my left. To find a titan leaning in the wall with its arms crossed and dead eyes looking at my own in complete hunger.

Then I turn to the front and look down. I found a 4m titan  on the ground walking. It's head so big the body can topple over the ground. Then my eyesight caught sight of another titan standing a meter away behind the castle. But out of nowhere. I saw something that made my body freeze and blood ran cold.

There on the trees a little more far away from where I stood. Is a furred titan with arms so long than it reaches the foot of the titan almost. The furry titan was walking. It was barely looking at nowhere. My mind then began running a mile a meter away until I snapped. Quickly I reach my fi gets over my mouth and plug it in then began whistling.

Not a minute later. I saw my horse running towards my way. I smile in satisfaction knowing I can go back. But then suddenly. The furry titan suddenly grab the horse from the ground. It's hand crushing the animal as it cry out in agony. I watch the furry titan with eyes as wide as saucers as it turn it's attention to me. Then the titan raise its hand and throw the corpse body of my horse towards my way.

The horse landed harshly on the roof I was in. The roof then give out. It's insides crumbling in ashes of dust as the roof of the castle fly everywhere. Unfortunately. I was in the roof and I lose my balance and began tumbling down the ground. I coughed a bit. My body was facing forward. My breath getting knock out from my body as I landed harshly in the ground. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming my way then the next thing I know. The 4m titan pick me up and giddily push me down its mouth and bite down my lower part. I cry out in agony as I tried to struggle but alas I couldn't get out as I was stuck.

Then a shadow suddenly looms over me and the 4m titan. I turn my head towards the source. To find the furry titan kneeling down infront of me. The titan silently watch me before it's eyes flicker towards the small titan. "Stop." It said. I gasp in shock and surprise. The short titan didn't even listen and continue to bite in my lower area.

The fury titan narrowed it's eyes. Then it raise its hand and incase the smaller titans head in its hold before crushing it. The smaller titan's hold loosen on me and I fell down the earth's surface. " I told you to stop but you never listen." It mutters. The beast titan look at me and smile. "What is your name human?" The titan ask. But I was too frozen and shock to understand its question and answer it. The titan only stare at me. Then it's eyes inspect my form before its keen eyes landed in the gear strap on my side.

✓Eren Yeager X Female OC •| A World Full Of Lies|• Where stories live. Discover now