The 104th trainee soldiers.- CH.44

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Here's the chapter of the story pls enjoy and take your time reading the book! Thanks.

Full of rainbow of vocabulary

Actually. Now that I remember. This book is full of rainbows (curse words).

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Now onto the awaiting story!!!


It has been a tired day yesterday. Usually it would only take you a minute and half an hour of cleaning a house. Then after that you would call it a day. Sometimes your father even let you go since he would basically be proud of your work. But yesterday was the most worst day of your life. You had to go to the court only to be force to listen to all the pigs rant and blabbering. And watch your father beat the shit out of Eren. Then after that meet Shitty Glasses, Commander Eyebrows and the Four brats you found annoying as fuck. But at least two of them is somewhat normal. And the other two. Well they are idiots. There was the strawberry haired woman which I nick name as Most Nice My Ass and the silver haired man which I called by the name of Guy of poor statue of imitating .Then was force to clean a castle full of dirty ass floor for almost a day. Oh well. That was tiring as heck.

And now here I was walking down the hallway like the lovely cold brat I am. I shook my head at my thoughts. This was the only thing that is been on my mind lately. And I couldn't even shake it out. I sigh as I turn to another hallway. Before trudging straight to my father's office. I simply knock at the door. Then wait in silence. Finally I heard the bedroom door open. Then a cold deep voice ask. "Name and business brat?". I stared at the door. And reply. "It's me father. Can I come in?" I ask. My father was a silent for a minute before he replied with an okay. Once I heard a lock being click. I open the door and walk inside. And the first thing I saw is my father putting on his cravat and fixing it so it doesn't get dirty and out of place. Papa then look at me and tilts his head giving me the signal that I can sit everywhere I want. So I took a seat on the couch and stare at the pile of papers on my dad's desk. I took a half of it and began reading some important words being written. I raise a brow. "Dad?" I called. My father who was finish putting on his jacket look at me blankly. "What is it?". Dad ask and took a seat on his desk chair then simply put his hand on the table and intertwine his fingers. I read the words again making sure I remember it correctly before looking up. "Is this about the new soldiers listing here in the scouts?". I ask my father. "Yes". He reply . I nod my head then went back on staring at the page I had read the previous words and look up. " The soldiers are just a small pack of idiots listing here. And..". I trail off as I look down again. " There might be a chance that mine and Eren's friends will be listing here in the scouts. But I'm not yet sure how many of them will do. So its just a take a guess kinda thing". I told Dad. The Corporal, my father hum. "Are you sure they aren't just some idiots?" He ask. "Nope." I pop the 'p'. Dad nod. He stood up from his sitting position and went to the door. He look at me expecting me to do the same. And I did. I put back the papers on his desk and follow my father out. We walk ahead. And turn to the hallway I walk a while ago. There we saw the four elite soldiers walking. They were talking to each other. And seems that they still didn't see me and dad and funny thing to say was that. I couldn't forget about the memory of their confused looks after thinking I might be the corporal which I wasn't. It was stupid. I know. But it's a treasure I surely will put in my mind if I feel like shit. Then out of the blue. Eld look on our way, shock and then give a salute for my father. Their leader and the Corporal of the survey Corps. The others who was plain confuse of Eld. Look our way and did the salute again. Mu father waved them off and turn towards me. "Wake up the brat." Was all he said as he went down the flight of stairs with the squad following him. Probably going to the mess hall to eat breakfast. I turn to the cell Eren was in and proceed to walk there.


After our breakfast. We walk out the castle and went straight to the barn where the horse resides. Dad then open the door of the barn and went straight to his black horse on the middle of the barn. The others doing the same. I followed also and open the gate of where my horse stays. I grab the reins and walk out.My light brown horse then stood up and walk out following me. I tie it's reins on the tree and took her food and put it on the wooden long like bowl. The horse then began its morning breakfast. The other horses the doing the same. After that we then proceed the things we did with the horse. We change its hooves with new ones since the old one become rusty and couldn't be in any of use anymore. And then we were off to do errands for the morning. After the errands we were just going to go back to the castle when we saw a carriage pulling up and stopping I front of us. The driver then open the door of the carriage and there steps out the three officials of the scouts. We salute them with respect. They give us the signal to be loose so we did. Them we heard a patter of hooves. Me and Eren look at the direction of where the sounds came from and saw our friend and some of the soldiers of the 104th trainee corps emerging from the forest. Me and Eren were shock to see almost everyone. So Eren ask for permission from our squad. And after that. We were running straight toward them. "Guys!" Eren called and give them all a wave. Our friends look at us and began waving also with smiles on their face. We stop infront of them and greet them of how they were. Then mikasa being the protective type she is to Eren's ask him stupid question like did someone hurt you, or did the midget hurt you because I'll kill him if he did. I rolled my eyes at that and proceed to look at the faces of everyone. And I was shock to find Jean with the others. I actually thought he was going to the military police. And now that I think about. Marco wasn't here. Weird. "uhmm. Why is Jean here with you?" I decided to ask. They all stop their happy talks and their happy looks change to a sad one. They look down and was trying not to cry. "Marco died. Jean was the one who found him. We didn't even know how Marco died. No one witness his tragic death." Sasha answerthen wipe her nose and eyes with her jacket. Me and Eren stood shock. I look at Jean to see him sniffling while looking down trying his best not to burst into tears infront of us. I sigh. I went straight to Jean and pat his broad shoulder. Jean look up. "It's okay Jean. We'll give Marco the justice he wants." He nod and I hug him. He sniff again and a small sad tear left his eye and went straight to my shirt but I ignore it. After the hugging session. He stand up again and give me a rare smile. "Thankyou". Jean said. I nod. I stare at Reiner and Bertholdt and they had guilty looks? They were looking down. Weird. I decide not to think about it. I walk away. "Hey Jean. Always remember." I told Jean who stare at me confuse. "Let go of your past. And move forward. Or you'll be left behind" . Was all I said before leaving with Eren by my side. Leaving them all thinking and smiling.

- End of chapter 44 -

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