The battle in Trost: humans vs titans (Part one) - chapter 31

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Me and Mikasa quickly walk away and started running as we then hook our wires onto a roof and began zooming away. I look around and saw titans started coming inside the wall. As I cursed under my breath. And quickly hook my wires onto roof to roof and land on it. Mikasa then follows me as she land also on the roof. The elite squad turn around and we salute them . " Cadets Ackerman's" squad leader Ian said and we nod our head. " Follow us we'll go look for some citizens around. Kill some titans. If you can" another squad elites said and we nod our head. Then they jump off as we follow behind them. Hooking our wires to a wall. As I started looking around. I then caught some one on the alley with a titan coming on its way. I quickly hook my wires to where the person was and flip through the air then spun around and hook my wires again. As I we t behind the titan and slice off it's nape killing it instantly as it made on the ground with a loud thud. As I stand ontop if it then look at the person to saw that it was a small girl shivering in fear. I quickly jump off the titans decapitated body as I walk to the child and kneel down. " You okay?" I ask softly as the little girl shook her head. I sigh and scoop the girl up as I stand up also and look around. " Sweety hold me tight okay. You can put your hand in my neck. I'll fly off? Okay?" I ask as the little girl nod and hold my neck as tight as she could while she bury her head in my neck then I hook my wires to a roof and zoom away. As I fly through the air. Then I look around and saw the exit on the other side of the wall then I hook my wires to a roof again and fly through the air while holding the child as tight as I could and hook my wires again then landed on the ground safely as I quickly run to the exit gate and called out the soldier as the soldier look at me and I give him the little girl and turn around then run back and zoom out of the exit gate and went to the other side of Trost. And saw titans everywhere as I position myself backwards and hook my wires to a roof and landed on it as I started running towards the titan who look at me while I glare at it. I hook my wires onto its shoulder as I push off some gas them plop myself upwards as I spin in the air downwards killing the titan as I then hook my wires to the other titan's neck. And slice it as I jump off the titans nape to the roof. Then quickly look around and saw titans in the other area and one in the ground. It was a small abnormal titan. I look at it and saw that it was just staring at me creepily with its mouth open as white sharp teeth were revealed. While I growled and quickly look at my blade. " That titan is going to eat me. If I don't act fast.' I thought and sigh then look around and back at the small titan who was sitting in the ground. ' I can't out run it' I thought and shook my head then curse " damn it" then quickly look around and saw a brick wall with a high roof on the other side and I look down again. Then look to my side and an idea pop on my head. As I quickly got onto my plan and started running to the side as I quickly hook my wires onto a roof as the titan quickly turn around and stand up and jump in the air and landed on the roof I was in also as I glared at it and jump off the roof unhooking my wires again then flip in the air as I hook my wires onto its back and push off some gas as I quickly put my blade sideways and spin through the air fast slicing the nape perfectly as I hook my wires again to the other side of the high roof and flip in the air then hook my wires to a roof looking around and saw mikasa killing a titan on the other area. As I hook my wires to where she is. Then I hook my wires again as I landed ontop of the titan and saw mikasa arguing with someone familiar. As I jump off the titan then walk towards Mikasa and the guy which was my grandfather. Mr. Burner. While the citizen started moving aside giving me a way to the bickering. "oi. Mr. Burner" I growled as the old man look at me with a shock lock but he glares at me. " You. The daughter of my child. You are a monster!!!" I heard him shout but I quickly kick his stomach as he fell down on the floor and slowly got up while grunting in pain as I kick him again while Mikasa point her blade on his face as Mr. Burner quickly shook his head telling us he doesn't want to die." Tell your fucking mens. To move that wagon away" I demand in a cold hearted voice. As the man quickly tells his men to move the wagon as they move it away then the citizens started moving to the entrance. As me and Mikasa quickly walk away when we heard running footsteps as we turn around and saw aittle CHD running towards as she say thankyou and we nod our head as we look at each other and salute them as we heard the squad leader call us. Then we quickly hook our wires to the roof as we land ontop of the roof when we heard a sudden scream as we turn towards each other.

Eren's pov

I quickly run away as me , Mikasa and Sarah quickly separated as Armin, Thomas, Mina, Zach follows me outside the HQ then we quickly hook our wires to a roof as we began zooming away then we land onto another roof as we stood up and started looking around and saw titans everywhere. "Wow. It looks like hell" I heard Thomas mutter as he watched everything moves around. Then he look at us grinning stupidly. " Isn't it great. We can kill titans as many as we can today!!" He yells at the tip of his lungs. Excitement lacing in his voice as we look at each other and nod our head. " Yeah. And afte this we can go to the corps" Mina said with a smile. " Ha. Now come on guys. It's time to kill some titans!!" Thomas yells raising his blade in the air as we followed also. Then we quickly jump off the roof as we hook our wires to the nearest roof and push off some has as we fly in the air as the wind flew past us with our hair flowing also. When suddenly a tita. With blonde hair suddenly jump while we successfully avoid it as the others hook their wires onto a bricks of the walls while I told the lever of the barrier on the house except one. The titan landed onto a tower as it stay there for seconds then look at us. With Thomas on its mouth as we stared shock. Thomas was staring at us confused as we look back with paralyzed face. Then the titan quickly full Thomas onto its mouth. As we stare horrified. But I quickly shook my head and yell. " You bastard you'll pay for this. I'll kill you!!!" As I jump of the house barrier and hook my wires to a roof and took out my blades while zooming faster when an abnormal titan suddenly jump out of nowhere and but off my leg as I fall down onto a roof harshly with blood on my face and legs. As the other quickly went towards me but got captured by a titans hand and get eaten. And Armin then lands in the other opposite side of the roof who was looking at me with a concern look while i was still opening my eyes trying to fight the blurriness as I saw a 15 meter titan looking at Armin. Then slowly my eye lids started dropping down not until I heard a scream as I quickly open my eyes and fighting the blurryness as I slowly got up and hook my wires to a roof and quickly went to the titans mouth and grab arnins hand and yank him out of the mouth as I quickly turn around and put my left hand on the top teeth of the titan while teaching my other hand to Armin. " We are going to..... The ocean Armin. I can't...." But I caught off myself as Armin started shouting. " Eren!!! Hurry!!!" That was the last thing I know as the titan snap its mouth and I fell down its throat.

- end of chapter 31 -

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