CH. 56

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•| A Secret Meant To Be Kept  |•

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For all these times I had live my life inside the walls. I had never thought that the walls were built with titans. It was gigantic and it protects mankind from the ever living monster that will terrorise us. The monster that lives outside.

Up until now. It was still a mystery how titans mysteriously appears here in Paradis. But we guess we'll never know. We just had to find out and hope that the future will be filled with happiness after the horror we lived on.

Back to the story!

I sat down on the railings of the walls. My head tilted to the left side. My feet being stretch lazily. And my body loosely relaxed. I watch no souls occupy the vast area of open fields I was looking.

My thoughts drifting far past my boundaries. Until I snapped out of my trance when I heard Hange talk. My eyes quickly focus on Hange and the wall cult priest. Pastor Nick was looking down at the walls. His body bending lowly. His hands the only thing keeping him from falling off the fifty meter wall.

Hange was beside the old man. Her frame standing still as she observe the man. Hange then look at the seas of houses down below before clearing her throat.
"Care to explain how the titans were formed here on the walls? And why did you kept quiet about these things for the hundred years we live inside the walls? Huh? What was your purpose!? Is it to leave us all mankind to stay confuse for the entire time. Don't you understand, that everyday we venture out of the open fields! We lose so many lives because we are trying to find solutions to fix this shitty of a problem. What about you? You're here proclaiming the walls are sacred and keeping quiet about this. AWhat the stupid hell is your reason?! Why did you keep this a secret!?" Hange shout. Her frustrations boiling inside her.

The priest ignores Hange and stood up. Then pat the dust off his clothes before staring at Hange. Then his eyes landed on mine and he give me a glare. I glared back. Satisfied, when pastor Nick flinch from my intense glare before turning to look at hange.

The wall cultist stood up to his normal height and sigh. "I'm sorry. But I cannot answer your questions for I am a busy man and I had more things to deal with that are more important than this. So please leave me alone and let me go now. I am in no interest to talk to you and the scouts" The pastor replied.

My eyes narrowed. Glare turning intense as I look at the man heatedly. The pastor flinch again. His eyes constantly flickering towards mine only to take a look back at Hange. " If you want to go. Then I'll grant you that one". She muttered under her breath.
And suddenly she grab the pastor's collar and yank the cultists towards her then she turn around and harshly push him almost off the walls.

The priest eyes widen. His hands flying over to grasp Hange's shoulder in attempt to stop himself from falling.  I watch the pastor struggle. "Let me go." The pastor beg. His pleading voice grabbing some of the scouts attention that look out the walls. They're heads turning around as they watch the scene before them with wide eyes.

Moblit also turn around. His eyes nearly wide as saucers. Then he ran straight to the section commander. "C-commander w-what are you doing?". He ask. Hange only look at Moblit and told him to shut up. The brunette man quickly nod his head. The priest glare at Hange. His breath turning ragged as his chest heaved up and down in heavy breathing he take.

"What are you doing? I told you to let me go!? Now let me go!" The priest shout and spread out his arms. His head leaning down as he close his eyes. Preparing to die by falling off the wall. Hange only stare at the man in silence before sighing. Then without a word, she yank back the man towards her and throw him back straight to scouts. The priest harshly tumbles in the railing. The man's eyes widen. His chest heaving in every breath he let out. The priest body shaking from being thrown straight to the cemented floor.

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