Battle of Trost : The unknown titan - chapter 33

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" Mikasa!!!" I shouted as I saw her jump off the roof as she quickly hook her wires to a roof and began zooming away. As I quickly jump off the roof and hook my wires to a roof. And push off some gas. As Armin and. Connie follows me also. Jumping off the roof and hooking their wires to a roof as they push off some gas while following behind me. Then we heard a shout as we look back and saw Jean standing up and raising his blade in the air. " Why are we even being a coward. Come on let's fight amd kill these damn titans!!!" Jean shout at the top of his lungs. The other cadets following also as they shout out a battle cry while raising their blades in the air as they jump off the roof also and followed us then Sasha also shout. " Let's kill some titans!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs then we are off while following Mikasa. As I look towards her and hear someone coming towards me as I look beside me and saw Armin staring at Me with a serious look. " She's using too much gas. " He muttered and I nod. " Yeah. I'm worried for her well being." I said and look at Mikasa. " I guess she got affected with Eren's death" Connie response back. And me and Armin nod. " I know she is strong and can kill titans that much but I'm worried her gas might run low." Armin said as we watch her kill a titan pushing off some gas while I followed her and flip in the air as I quickly hook my wires ontop a roof and observe her gas. "Fuck it. Mikasa." I curse under my breath and saw her kill another titan again as she push off herself into the air then hook her wires again but out of nowhere the has suddenly run out. As me and Armin widen our eyes and shout at the same time. " Mikasa!!!" She landed onto a roof harshly and descend down as she fell into an alley. I quickly look around. And hook my wires to another roof as I land on it. " Armin. I'll look for mikasa on the other side of the town. You go look for her in the left side.!!!" I shout and he nod his head as I left.

Armin's pov.

I watch as Sarah hook her wires to a wall and jump in the air as she zoom away then I quickly left to the other side as I look around. " Pls be okay Mikasa" I muttered to myself mostly.

Connie's pov.

Me and Armin watch as aarah let the area she was in a while ago. As Armin also went to another area on which I was going to follow him when I heard Jean called my name. " Oi. Connie. Where are you going?" He ask. " I'm going with armin. We'll find Mikasa. Jean lead all the cadets to the HQ!!" I shouted and quickly left as I follow Armin to where he is going.

Mikasa's pov

I started killing titans and pushing off so many gas that made my gas tanks run out of gas as I tumbled on a roof and fell down in an alley. I curse under my breath. And groan in pain as I slowly stand up and walk towards the dark street of the alley as I kneel down there and look at my blades. " I lost my family again." I whisper to myself. And look down putting my blade on my lap also while closing my eyes as I heard giant footsteps coming near me. The titan then tried to grab me but I slice off its hand as I got up again. 'Why am I fighting. My life has no meaning already. Why?' I thought and look up at the titan as I saw the sun started shining on something . I look at where the sun was shining and saw a fruit. 'why?' I thought again. The titan then stand up again as it walk towards me then tried to grab me but I quickly jump away then turn around but the titan already push me to the wall as I hit my back on it as I fall down on my knees. Tears leaking in my eyes but I shake it off when a memory suddenly flash on my mind. " If you want to live. Fight. Fight. Fight!" Eren voice boomed my entire mind as I felt my eyes widen. " Eren" then I heard footsteps behind me as I turn around and saw another titan coming out of nowhere with long brown hair. As the two titans began coming near me. " I'm sorry Eren. If I die this memories of you die with me also. So I'll fight till the last day of my life!!!" I whisper to myself as I position my blade backwards and let out a battle cry when the titan behind me suddenly move a foot forward as it punch the titan infront of me as I get blown away by the sudden wind as the other titan fell down on the ground with a big thud. Then the titan quickly step forward and riqse it foot then stomp it into the titans stomach. While I felt my self became dizzy as I look up. " What was that?" I ask myself as I look up and my breath hitch. When I saw the brown haired titan keep on stomping on the other titans stomach. Then the titan finally finish killing the other one with a last stomp of its foot as it look at the other side of the city and let out a loud victory roar. U cover my ears and look down then look up again a d uncover my ears. "W-what the?" I was completely speechless as I stated at the titan with a shock face when I heard a shout then next thing I know. I was being g carried by Armin in his hand as we fell on a roof harshly. Armin quickly looks t me and examine my body. " Mikasa? Are you okay?" He ask and I just nod my head then we heard someone landing inbetween us as we saw Connie. " Are you both okay?" He ask and me and Armin nod our head. As Sarah also landed behind Connie and look at the other side of the town to see a black haired titan move out of an alley as the other brown haired titan that save me a while ago walk towards the titan with black hair. " Crap two fifteen meter titans" Connie said as all of us watch the titan look at each other. " No that titan is different" I said and point at the brown hair one as if We understand it he look at where I was from and his eyes widen when he saw a steaming decapitated corpse of a titan. Then we look back at the titan to see that it let out a loañud roar the other titan doing the same. As the brown haired titan then put on a fighting position as our eyes widen.

- end of chapter 33 -

✓Eren Yeager X Female OC •| A World Full Of Lies|• Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon