Forgive Us- chapter 25

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Next morning....

I fully woke up this morning as I sat up and look out the window to see the Sun was up in the horizon meaning it was already morning. As I got up in my bed and yawn stretching my arms in the process as I sigh and grab my towel and uniform then walk to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath. I then wear my uniform and put on the knee high boots and walk out of the girls barracks as I went to the mess hall and walk inside to see some boys and girls already inside eating their food also. As I grab my tray and went to an empty table and began eating. The door open and I heard familiar voices walking in. As I just ignore it and conitue rating my food. After eating my food. I then got up put my tray on the counter and walk out the mess hall as I went outside and look around and saw no one. While I look up at the sky and sit down on the stair case and look down on my hands. " Today is graduation. But fuck it. I don't even know who's the 1st rankings." I whisper to myself and put my head on my hand and sigh. The door of HQ open and all the cadets walk out as I also got up and head to the storage room and grab my 3dgear as I walk to the entrance of the forest and hook my wires to a tree and began .y training when I heard zipping behind me also as I turn my head around and saw Annie and Jean zipping behind me with their blades ready also. " Hey morning" I said. " Yeah morning also shortie" Jean respond with a smirk and I rolled my eyes as Annie nod her head and I turn my head around as the first wooden titan pop out and I hook my wires to another tree and slice it like a normal cadet would as Jean and an Irish did the same then we we then to kill another. " I see that you weren't with your group mates . Walhat happened though?" Jean ask jsut as he slice the nape and went to my direction with Annie beside me who looks at Jean with a plain look. " I don't know. Those brats just act weird last night." I replied and we hook our wired to another tree. " There might possibly something about it. Why they act weird and distance" Annie finally says as me and Jean look at each other. " Who says those people are more on talking and blabbering their mouths" Jean says as he look around. " Doesn't mean they're stupid and weird. Yes they a t weird lat night. But I don't like it" I said a d whisoer the last part. But both heard it as they sigh and look at me. " You really cared about them" Jean mutters as Annie nod her head then after our last kill we walk out of the forest and head to the training grounds together while talking. " So? What regiment are you going?" Annie ask as she look at the front. " I'm going to the survey corps and join their. " I said as I look at Jean." What about you?" I ask as Jean smile. " To the military interior police." Jean replies as both of us look at Annie. " Military police also. It is were I'm heading" she said nonchalantly as we both nodded our heads and went to the training area. " Hey Sarah wanna fight with me?" Jean says as Annie watched us. I nod my head and grab the dagger from Jean as I went to position myself also. Jean doing the same. Then I run upto him full speed as Jean dodge my incoming attacks and tried kicking my stomach as I dodge his attack also and punch his face as he grab my arm and push me down the ground ASI fall down in my back with a shock look but it was replaced by a blank look as I glared at Jean. And flip myself and run upto him again. This time dodging all his incoming attacks as I flip in the air and elbow him in the chin as I quickly went to his back and grab his neck head locking him as I put the dagger I. His neck while I stare at Jean. He looks at me and grunt in pain. As I let him go and he run upto me also but I kick his stomach hard as he fall down the floor and I then kick his head as he lays down on the ground on his side as I give my hand to Jean who took it and got up dusting himself as he look at me. Then he walk away. I sigh and look around and saw Annie fighting with Reiner. When I heard footsteps behind me as I turn around and saw Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Ymir, Sasha, Connie, and Krista walking towards me with something behind their backs as I stare at them. " Uh hey Sarah. We know we offend you last night. Sorry about it. We were just talking about something" Krista said with a sad smile even Sasha looks at me with a regretful look. " Yeah. We were just talking about something and there was no seats with us" Connie reasoned out and I sigh. " Whatever you staying brats. But what in the world is that in your back?" I ask as I raise .y eyebrow. They look at each other and nod their heads. " We heard that it was your birthday today. So uh we wanted to give you some gift" Eren blurted out as they show me the things in their backs. As I took it. It was all some gift boxes and I look at them as they smile sheepishly at me. " Brats" I whisper and walk away all of them following after me as I sit down under the tree and look at them. " What are you even talking?" They gulps and looks t each other and back at me. " We heard you are going to the regiment corps. After the graduation so uh we were planning that we are going either the military police or survey corps?" Armin said as I stare at them with a surprise look but it was replaced by a glare. " Who the hell starts this kind of Tallis?" I ask as they all point at Eren who smile sheepishly at me. I rolled my eyes as I look down. " But if you are joining the corps with everyone or anyone of us. Please don't die in the hands of a titan brat" I said and look up to meet their shock expression but they smiled and hug me. " We won't we promise you that!!" They said as they'd still hug me. I nod my head and pat all their heads. " So uh did you forgive us already?" Sasha ask as I look at her and tilt my head to the side as they gulps except Ymir and Mikasa were just staring at me with confuse look as I sigh and nod. " Yeah I forgive you all. You idiots" I said and got up as they smile and got up also then we left the training grounds as we went back to HQ talking...

- end of chapter 25 -

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