The battle in Trost: Now that you're gone - chapter 32

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Armin's pov. ( Before he scream)

We were now flying in the air when a titan suddenly jump out of nowhere as we quickly dodge it and land on the roof except someone as Eren was just holding the level barrier of the house as we watch the titan land on the tower and look at us with Thomas on its mouth. As thomas look at us with confuse look but he became horrified and tried shouting g but he was too late because the titan swallowed him already. All of look at the Titan with horrified faces when we heard Eren yell at the top of his lungs as he quickly push his hand off the barrier and hook his wires onto a roof while bringing out two blades as he started zooming away. We quickly followed him and saw him going straight forward when a titan suddenly pop out of nowhere jumping in the air as it bit off Eren's leg making Eren land on a roof harshly. I then land on the opposite side of him and gave him a concern look while I turn to look at the others and saw Zach and our other squad mate get capture by a titans hand and was eaten alive. While Mina went  towards the other side when a titan hold her wire and push it backwards making Mina slam herself on a wall as she wince in pain then the titan look at her as Mina look back horrified and panic. As the titan grab Mina and eat her alive. As I look back at Eren and slowly walk forward then kneel down . When I heard big footsteps coming to my right side revealing a fifteen meter titan with beard staring at me. As I just froze out of nowhere while the fifteen meter titan walk infront of me and lift me up by my jacket as it open it wide mouth then quickly left his hand in me as I felt myself getting caught into its saliva as I finally snap and scream at the top of my lungs while crying. When I wmt someone grab my hand as I look up and saw Eren holding me as he yank me out of the titan as I land in the roof while Eren was in the mouth of the titan then I got up and saw Eren pushing his other hand out for me to get as he started rambling about the ocean while I scream. " Eren!!! Hurry!!" Then slowly we both started reaching hand when the titan snap its mouth breaking Eren's arm as it falls down on the ground while I scream at the top of my lungs. My eyes started getting blurry as my hand was still in the air as the titan finly left me alone. Then after an hour or so. I snap from it but I was still terrified out of mind. While I walk away as the thing that happened today keep on replaying in my head as I shook my head and hook my wires to a roof and zoom away then I finally arrive on the other roof as I land on it then walk to a wall as I sit down and put my knees to my chest while hugging it as I bury my head ontop of it when I heard some zipping of wires then a set voices suddenly calls me. But I didn't even mind it as I was still in my paralyzed state then the bickering began but I was still drown in sadness..

Back to your pov...

We suddenly heard a sudden scream as me and Mikasa turn our head around and saw the city destroyed with smokes as our hair was blown out of the wind then we turn our heads at each other and gave a confused look. " What was that?" Mikasa ask as I shrug my shoulder and look at mikasa. " I don't know. That's a panic scream. I think it came from the other side of the city" I said as mikasa nod and then we heard the bell rings as the squad leader look at us. " Cadet Ackerman go to the wall now" said squad leader Ian and shook our head as we quickly jump away from the roof as we hook our wires to some roof and spin in the air as we hook our wires again and saw Annie, Bertholdt, Marco and Reiner on the other side of a roof standing. As we landed on the roof to where they stand as mikasa quickly walk towards Annie. " Hey Annie sorry to bother you but have you seen Armin?"  Mikasa ask as I look around and spotted a blonde on the opposite wall. " He is on the other roof" Annie simply said and I quickly hook my wires to where Armin was as I land infront of the others. While Mikasa lands beside me. Then she quickly went to Armin and kneel down infront of him. " Armin. Where are your squad and where is Eren?" Mikasa ask softly but she didn't even get any response in Armin who was still crouch in a fetal position as I felt myself getting worried about his condition. " Armin. Where are your squad and Eren?" Mikasa ask again and armon look up. " I-im s-sorry mikasa. I-i can't s-save Eren. I-im the r-reason h-he died." Armin stammered as we watch him know sorrow. " What do you mean?" Mikasa ask again. " Squad 4. Mina Carolina. Thomas Wagner. Zach Macallios and Eren Jaeger. Soldiers in squad four died in a fierce battle." Armin said as our eyes widen. " It can't be." I whisper under my breath. As I look at Armin and saw him look down again but then got up  " I'll go to the squad elites" he said and quickly jump off the roof before we could stop him as we watch him disappear then we look back at mikasa to see her still looking down on the ground as I walk towards her and put my ah d in my shoulder but she push it off as I step backwards surprise as she slowly got up. And look at us with dull grey eyes. " There is no time to mourn for their deaths. We can mourn on them after this" she said " you're crazy" one of our comrades said but Mikasa shook her head as she stop on the end of the roof as she look at us. " I am strong. Stronger than all of you.  Extra strong. And I can kill the titans all by myself..I'll kill them all without sparring one of them!!" She tells and rose her blades in the air as I glared at her. " Mikasa your stupid. Don't you know what you are saying!!" I shouted in protest and she look at me. " Your wrong!!" She said as we heard someone zipping behind us and we turn around and saw Armin as he walk beside me then watch mikasa withpp confused look. " What is wrong with her?" He ask and k shrug .y shoulder. " You're all cowards. Pathetic. If you can't fight you can't live so better kepp fighting to live your life to the fullest" and with that she jump off the roof and hook her wires.

- end of chapter 32 -

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