Chapter 61

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—Harry POV—

"Dada-" I shushed Scorpius gently.

"He's sleeping." I said, turning my head to face him.

"Why did he fall asleep on top of you?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"We were hugging." I stated, a shade of pink coming across my cheeks. Draco and I are never really intimate in front of Scorpius. I don't think he really has any idea I'm with his dad.

"Oh! So it's like when I fall asleep on him!" He exclaimed, I had to remind him to keep his volume down.

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I wanted to make a scavenger hunt around the house. He does that for me sometimes." He said happily.

"If you give me a second, I'll be right there. I think we should let your dad sleep." I said. "Go get the things you want me to hide."

He left the room excitedly, closing the door. I was left in silence, glancing down at the taller man, fast asleep on top of me. How on earth am I going to move?


Draco POV—

I awoke alone in my bed, feeling unclean, and tired. Memories of what happened just hours before trickled back to me as I sat up, deciding I needed a shower to remove the stale feeling I had from when I'd fallen asleep. I rarely nap, and this is why.

After showering and getting dressed, I walked out of my room, only to be greeted by Scorpius, who was almost trying to squeeze his way through the kitchen cabinets.


"I hid something in there." Whispered Harry from slightly behind me, I looked over to him, and saw he had a slight smirk on his face, and his wand in his crossed arms.

"I hid a bunch of things. One of them, I even transfigured, don't tell him." I stifled my laughter, looking over to Scorpius in amusement. I heard a clatter, followed by Scorpius holding up a stuffed bear triumphantly.

"I found it!" He shouted. "The clue is on his arm!" He looked down. "Look where I belong." He said thoughtfully.

"My toy chest!" He said, thundering past us. I chuckled.

"So he wanted to do a scavenger hunt. You know, you could have woken me." I told him with an entertained smile.

"You looked like you needed the rest." He said, then he looked at me suspiciously, inhaling deeply.

"You showered." He commented.

"Of course, I smelled like moist rotting wood." I told him honestly, turning to him.

"Does it surprise you?" I teased.

"No, I just wasn't thinking about it." He said with a shrug. Soon Scorpius zipped past us with a DVD box, stopping abruptly at the shelf of movies I had for him. He looked around, confused at not having found anything out of the ordinary.

"Watch this." Harry whispered to me excitedly, before pointing his wand at the shelf. I noticed that one of the movies turned into a chocolate bar. Scorpius's eyes lit up, and I immediately walked towards him.

"You are not eating that before dinner." I told him.

"Dada I got the treasure!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. I eyed Harry.

"You haven't been giving him loads of chocolate while I was asleep right?" I said half jokingly. Harry shook his head. I looked outside, noticing the setting sun.

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