Chapter 11

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—Ginny POV—

"Thank you for having us" I said, feeling embarrassed. After Harry left, Doctor Bravo told me something that I was upset for not thinking myself:

"He seems deeply disturbed by this war you spoke about. It's quite obvious he has PTSD. And from his constant fidgeting I can assume he has a form of I don't really know enough to diagnose him, but, I think if he gets the help he needs, your relationship will fix itself. The problem isn't so much the two of you. It's him, he hasn't moved on from everything."

"Oh he is diagnosed, doctor. He takes medicine for anxiety and depression."

"Well his medications need to be changed, coupled with therapy, or both."

"Thanks..." I looked down in deep thought. At least I know that our relationship is less of a problem than I thought.

"Well, our time is up. Call me if you want to make another appointment."

"Thank you." I got up and left. I figured Harry had gone home, but when I apparated I to our living room, Teddy's tutor asked about Harry.

"He's not here?" I asked.

"No. Would you like me to ring him up?" Asked Mr. Frazier

"No. No it's fine. He must've gone somewhere to breathe..." I looked around.

"Understandable. Well, I'll be going now." He said.

"Here." I handed him his pay. "Thanks for watching Teddy."

"Anytime! Thank you for giving me the opportunity."

—Draco POV—

It's been a half hour and we are sat in the same place on the floor with him leaning on my chest in fetal position. I was half mindedly playing with his hair. He's calmed down significantly, though I can still feel him trembling very slightly. Every once in a while he would quite audibly let out a short exhale.

I didn't dare speak, I didn't want to ruin the moment. I only closed my eyes and leaned into the wall behind us. It was after a moment that I heard Scorpius's loud footsteps coming towards the room.

"Dada!" He spoke through the door. "Can we eat lunch?"

"Yes, I'll be right there, just give me a minute." I answered. I looked down at Harry and saw noticed he'd been staring blankly for a while. "Hey. Do you want to eat with us?"

"I'm really not that hungry." He replied numbly as he forced himself up. I began to get up as well.

"Well, let's at least get you hydrated yeah?" I asked, giving him a hopeful look. He only nodded, keeping his gaze down.

"I'm sorry about what I did earlier..." He started, but I quickly interjected:

"Please don't apologize for your feelings. All I care to do is help you, really."

He rubbed his face. "let's go get that water." He went towards the door and opened it before remembering this isn't his house. I led him towards the kitchen.

"Scor, Harry is going to be joining us for lunch."

"Who's that?" He asked curiously before seeing him trailing behind me. "Oh! Okay." He turned back to where he was sitting.

"Fancy a sandwich guys?" I turned to see the two of them as Scorpius responded "Yea!"

Harry looked like he just wanted some sleep. "I'm alright thanks." He said with a polite smile. I turned back around and fixed two sandwiches.

—after the food—

Harry and I were sitting back upstairs in my room.

"Do you want to talk about what happened? What caused it?"

After -Drarry  COMPLETEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz