Chapter 54

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—Harry POV—

"Wait, before you knock on the door," I heard Draco say before I was met with a kiss. I closed my eyes, returning it.

"Happy Christmas," he whispered.

"Happy Christmas Draco."

*knock knock*

My breath hitched when the door creaked open, revealing Dudley's face.

"Harry." I heard Dudley greet, a smile forming on his face. "Happy Christmas. Who did you bring with you?" I heard him ask. I opened my mouth to answer, but Draco beat me to it.

"Draco Malfoy. Harry and I knew each other in school," he said, holding out a firm hand to shake. Dudley complied, and I'd just realized I haven't spoken at all.

"Happy Christmas, Dudley," I commented, feeling tense all over.

"Yes. well, come in, my girlfriend is waiting in the dining room. We've put together a lunch."

He entered, leaving the door open for us. I heard the echo of his voice announce our arrival to somebody called Millie- presumably his girlfriend.

I could only guess how annoying it must've been for Draco as I inched through the doorway. My breath hitched and I squeezed his hand tightly when I passed the cupboard, resisting the urge to press myself into the opposite wall. I tried not to look at it, but my eyes would always wander back to it, almost as if it were going to come to life and swallow me into an eternity of darkness. My jaw tensed, and I felt Draco slightly tug at me.

"How do I get to the dining room?" He whispered, urgency just barley in his tone. The hairs on the back of my neck stood, and I was made aware of the situation as Dudley came around the corner.

"Right this way, sorry," he stated. Dudley apologized for something so stupid and yet, it seemed genuine.

I felt almost like I was dragged into the sitting area, when the truth is I probably just walked alongside Draco while he held my hand reassuringly. I swallowed. Draco pulled out a chair for me, and I had to do a double take, glancing at Dudley, almost asking for permission. I've never sat at this table before. Only served those who did.

I took a hesitant seat, and It's fair to say that both Dudley and Draco noticed. After we were all seated, Dudley cleared his throat.

"Millie insisted we wait for her, saying she wanted to have a quick shower. So she's upstairs doing that." When Dudley said the words 'upstairs' I turned my head in that direction, eyes wandering to the cupboard just under it. I snapped my head back into the conversation.

"Harry, I wanted to... apologize-" he paused. "For, everything."

"It's alright-"

"I did all these, cruel things to you... you have to understand... mum and dad, they had me believing you deserved it..." he confessed. You're not the only one who believes that. I shook my head at the thought, focusing on the conversation. It was now that I'd noticed that Dudley lost a lot of weight. He looked quite fit for his age, actually. His figure reminded me a bit of a blond version of Neville. When I realized a response was probably expected, I opened my mouth to do so, but was interrupted by a feminine voice coming from the stairs.

"Happy Christmas, I'm Millicent Bulstrode-" She paused, Staring at us both. Millicent Bulstrode? The one who held Hermione in a headlock in second year?

"Harry Potter... Draco..."

"Millie... It's been... a while," commented Draco, with a stunned look on his face. She sat down at the table.

"You're dating... her?" I said, turning to Dudley, a bit dumbstruck. I meant it to sound malicious, but it just came out plain, and confused. As surprised as I was that Dudley is dating a witch, I was equally as unvexed that it was Millicent of all witches.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" asked Dudley, clearly confused.

"We attended Hogwarts together," replied Millicent to Dudley, before turning and speaking to Draco.

"I heard you were spotted in Godric's Hollow last month. I'm surprised that you and your family weren't sent to Azkaban when everything ended, you know," she said almost carelessly.

"We had a change in alliance," he replied pointedly. "We realized-" she cut him off.

"You know, I did almost everything with you. Everybody followed you, admired you even." Said Millicent, staring Draco with a ferocity that burned. My fists balled up at the thought of all she put Hermione through.

"But becoming a death eater? Dragging Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy into your disaster... your... tasks... You went too far, Draco," she snarled. Her voice showed disgust, yet her face showed concern. Anger bubbled within me listening to her speak. Only the memories of what occurred in this household stopped me from snapping at her with some snarky, backhanded comment. Dudley just looked at Millicent, then back at us, with the utmost confusion. She seemed to notice this, because she turned to him with the softest, sweetest face.

"Remember, Sweetheart, when I told you that I left the school just before my last year?"

"Yes. You told me that the headmaster at your... wizard school... died," he said, brows furrowed, willing the memory to come to him. I suddenly became extremely aware of the topic of conversation, and only now noticed my heart pounding in my throat, I trembled, remembering that fateful night. She shot her head back at Draco with an expression of Anger and betrayal.

"Draco killed him-" She began to accuse, before I exploded.

"No!" I exclaimed sharply, before calming down, and taking a breath. "Draco di-"

"I never killed anyone," shouted Draco, quite defensively. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?! I could neve-"

*knock knock knock knock* All of our heads snapped in the direction of the door, and I tensed.

"My parents," said Dudley, looking grateful for that distraction. I felt horrible for having been the cause of that.

"It's Christmas. Let's stay civil, for Dudley," I said.

"They don't know I'm a witch. I plan to keep it that way. So if either of you even think to tell them, I will murder you in your sleep," she hissed, before standing up tall, and painting a smile onto her features. I scowled, but immediately became stone-faced at the sound of a familiar shrill voice.

"Millie my sweet, How are you and Dudley doing?" I heard, followed by the clacking of high heels into the room Draco and I were in. Well, Draco, being Mr. Perfect, got up, standing tall and straightening his attire, before walking up to Aunt Petunia and shaking her hand. I decided to get up as well, suddenly thinking that they can't catch me having been sat at the table.

"I'm good!"

"Hi mum, hi dad!"

"Dudley! Quite the man you've become," grumbled Uncle Vernon in what sounded like fondness. I anxiously listened to all of the introductions from the hall, Checking and double checking that you couldn't tell I had sat down at the table. Draco glanced at me, and almost turned to comfort me, until Aunt Petunia was suddenly right in front of him.

"And you are another friend of Dudley's? Asked Aunt Petunia rather fondly, before noticing that I was in the room. Dudley and Millicent came back into the room, and then, for the first time in 11 years, I saw Uncle Vernon's face.

"Draco Malfoy. I've actually just met your son. I came here with Harry." I didn't notice Draco was once again by my side until I felt the warmth of his presence. Soon enough, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were both standing in front of me. My breath was caught in my throat.

"Hello... Happy Christmas."

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