Chapter 2

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—Draco POV—

As I opened the door of the stall to let my son out I heard a small, youthful voice at which I whipped my head towards.

"Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny is worried for you. She's just outside and sent me to make sure you're alright-"

My eyes widened briefly before furrowing in equal measures of shock, confusion, and curiosity. I couldn't believe it. Just in front of me stood Harry-bloody-Potter, in a defensive stance, with a protective arm in front of presumably his nephew, and a hesitant hand on his wand.

"Potter?" I asked, as if I had to be sure.

"Malfoy," he practically sneered.

The room fell silent. Of course, there was tension, what with everything that's happened between us. Especially when one of the first things for me to remember about him was my stupid third-year crush- of all the things for me to remember.

I forced my thoughts to stop wandering as I realized the gravity of this very moment. I looked at him. His eyes bore into me with wild hatred. He was disheveled and on edge. I would have half expected him to have jumped straight out of a jungle with how his hair had managed to become exceptionally messy. He was sweating and the hand over his wand trembled ever so slightly.

We drew our wands out at the same time. I ushered my son behind me on reflex.

My heart was pounding as I memories of sixth year came through me, and how I wished he'd succeeded in killing me. But now? Well, I am beyond grateful that he wasn't successful, for now I have a son. Blood, pain, everywhere.

"No- I didn't-" I blinked, keeping my eyes trained on him.

"Potter... we put our wands down together."

"How should I trust you?!"

Before I could respond I saw a certain fear flash through his eyes. He looked as though he expected death to come from every corner.

"We have children." I paused to think. "We have lives to get on with."

The silence was deafening.

Harry then spoke in a sort of nervous haste: "Drop your wand and kick it towards me."

I did as he said. I truly don't want to fight him like we're children again. Especially not in front of Scorpius. If I can do anything, it's honor how his mother would have raised him, and honor how she helped me grow and change into a better person.

The wand rolled over to Harry and I saw him crouch down to get it. I never left his sight, nor his aim- as if he thought I'd throw a punch or something. When he grabbed my wand is when he lowered his own. I visibly relaxed and let go of the tightness in my shoulders.

"Did you follow me here?" He asked in an unsure tone.

"No," I immediately defended. "I moved here 6 years ago to raise him," I replied gesturing towards Scorpius, who no longer stood behind me, but rather next to me, holding my arm tightly.

"I moved here 8 years ago," Harry responded in return. "I couldn't take the wizarding world anymore."

"What, you and your eternal glory?" The snarky comeback left my mouth before I could stop it. I mentally scolded myself for it. Now's not the time.

"Sod off, Malfoy."

More uncomfortable silence.

"Is that your nephew?" I asked.

"My Godson. Teddy... he's Tonks and Moony's child."

"So he's my cousin... once removed." I paused as if to make sure I'd done that correctly. And I wondered why my family hated my cousin to such an extent that she and her husband were cast away by us, how I never got to know Nymphadora and how she died before I could realize everything my family had done wrong to her.

"Uncle Harry, does he know my mum and dad?" Asked Teddy.

"It's complicated," he responded. H- Potter glanced at me as though assessing if I'd make a dangerous move. I stayed put, making as much of a display of innocence as I could.

"...He's part of your family, Teddy. It's difficult to explain-" He was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Harry, are you in there are you alright?" I pondered for half a second to remember that voice.


"Don't call her that," he bit angrily.

"Harry? Who are you speaking to? I'm coming in."

"No wait Gin-" The Weaslette walked in and bore a worried expression which changed to shock as she saw me.

"Hello Malfoy," she greeted me cautiously.

"Hello..." I never learned her name. I mentally slapped myself for it.

"Ginny," she said.

"...Ginny," I replied.

She drew in a breath. "Well, Harry, I think you should give him his wand back," she said eyeing my wand that Harry still held. "And we must get going. It's late."

"Yes," he said. He eyed me again as if I were a snake about to bite, though I don't think I had a harsh expression on my face. He handed me my wand with shaking hands that I don't think anyone could fail to notice at this point. What happened to him? He used to be so determined. Suddenly Scorpius cut up into the tense conversation.

"I want to get to know my cousin, dada!"

I looked at him then back at the three, Harry of which looked most eager to leave.

"Give me a call." Weasl- Ginny walked up to me and sighed before hastily pulling her phone out and giving it to me.

"Go on. Enter your phone number. Our past shouldn't stop the kids from getting to know each other." I looked at her suspiciously. Taken aback by her boldness, and entered my number into her phone.

Things went still yet again. I hastily pulled out my Muggle phone before mumbling a quick apology. I thrust the phone her way. "Here. Enter your own."

I could feel my heart going against my chest as I realized I was now exchanging phone numbers with.... my father would call her a blood traitor. My mind briefly drifted back to my late wife. She never cared about such small things. The tension seemed to lessen as Harry hastily and nervously left the restroom as if he couldn't take it anymore.

"Goodbye then,"  said Ginny briefly as she gave me back my phone. She then asked Teddy for his hand and left with him.

"Alright, then Scorpius... let's wash our hands now..." I felt shaken by the previous encounter. Potter is nothing like he was. The war must have done a great deal to him, and not in his favor either.

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