Chapter 12

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—Draco POV—

I awoke around and hour later and found that the two of us were loosely intertwined. I hesitantly got up, not wanting to make for any awkward situations. I grabbed my wand, which I fell asleep with in my pocket, and cast a tempus charm. It was around 5 o'clock when I got Scorpius and began cooking with him, leaving Harry to continue resting.


"Dada I want to do that!"

"No Scorpius, you are not cutting the tomatoes. Just go ahead and stir the pot for me."

"But I always do that. Why can't I do that?" He said, pointing at the knife and tomato in my hands.

"Because it's dangerous, knives are sharp Scorpius, you're 6 years old"

"Nu-uh! I'm 7! I'm a big kid!"

"I'll let you cut the tomatoes another time, okay?"

"Next time?" He said hopefully.

"Another time." I said strictly.

I tossed the tomato slices into the bowl of salad that was prepared, then reached toward the cabinet for 3 bowls to put the soup we made.

"Here you can put the salad bowl on the table." I said as I handed the bowl to Scorpius. "Two hands. Don't let it fall."

I served 3 bowls of soup and set 3 small empty plates on the table, before leaving the kitchen and going down the hall to my room, where Harry is.

I opened the door slowly and quietly, and saw him in the same position as earlier. He hadn't budged since I'd woken up. I knelt beside the side of the bed, facing him. I slowly reached out my hand and shook him gently, then whispered:

"Hey, it's time to eat, come on."

I felt him stir then heard him groan, as he turned to see my face, he responded groggily

"I'm not hungry." His hands reached towards the ceiling.

"You need to eat, I'm telling you to." I told him. To my knowledge he hadn't eaten since breakfast, so I wasn't going to let him finish the day that way.

I got up and headed out of the room. I looked back to see Harry sitting up and stretching. It took everything in me to not stay and wait for him to stand so I could hug him.

I got to the dining room and sat Scorpius down in his usual seat, serving him salad and making sure he could reach his bowl of soup before taking my own seat. He, of course, immediately began eating, I decided to wait though.

Soon enough I saw him coming towards us from the corner of my eye. I looked over to him, allowing a small smile to form on my features.

"There's soup and salad." I said. "Your bowl is served already."

He looked at me before replying: "thank you. You really didn't have to-"

"Of course I did, You're not going hungry in my house." I replied.

We were nearly done with dinner when Scorpius asked to leave the table and I let him. That's when Harry spoke:

"I know what happened earlier."

I looked up at him, confusion on my face.

"I know Ginny came over... I heard you two. I wanted to stay awake but I just-"

"I'm sorry you had to hear that." I said. His face was downcast.

"No. I'm sorry. For getting you into this mess. I don't even know why I apparated here, I wasn't paying attention and I was just-"

"It's alright. I don't mind at all. I do care about you, and you really shouldn't have had to listen to that argument.."

"That argument was nothing less than my fault, if I just hadn't... panicked...

you shave don't you?"

I was quite taken aback by that question. It was just so off topic.

"I- well it's obvious isn't it? I don't naturally have a clean face."

"Yeah I guess it is obvious... can you point me to your restroom?"

"Right down the hall..." I said, still thinking about his first question. He stood from the table and put his dishes in the kitchen sink before turning towards the bathroom. I stopped myself from asking if he needed the toilet specifically. I had to trust him at least slightly with private affairs, but I felt uneasy. My hand subconsciously went towards my chin as that same same question lingered in my mind

" You don't shave do you?"

"Can you point me to your restroom?"

Suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks, my heart raced and I bolted towards the bathroom.

—Harry POV—

Is soon as I locked the door I immediately sucked in a breath, suddenly aware I wasn't breathing properly. I gripped at the sides of my head willing my conscious to stop shouting at me, but with no such luck. I now inhaled rapid and shallow, my arms began with that unbearable itching sensation and I began rummaging around for anything sharp enough to ease my mind and stop my feelings. I felt the tears welling at my eyes and I desperately tried to hold them in, determined to keep myself together.

"Potter! Open the door please, Potter!"

His voice went through me almost as an incomprehensible blur. My breathing quickened. I was shaking almost uncontrollably. I felt like I might break down before I even find the damn razor. I closed and opened my eyes, trying to keep a grip on reality. I found the razor and grabbed it feverishly.


Just as quickly as I had gotten the razor, I had someone holding me from behind and grabbing my hand, forcing my grip to loosen around the object. I fought against him as I was painfully thrown back into reality and realized who was doing what, and yanked back into my reasoning for doing what I was about to do just as much. My breathing still rapid, I begged.

"Please, please just let me, please..." I had to suck in a breath.

"Harry you don't know what you're talking about please just stop fighting me." I heard Draco say with a struggling, desperate voice. I replied just as desperately, no longer thinking.

"Please. Please I deserve it, I just need to make everything stop please." Soon enough I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. My futile attempts at fighting grew weaker.

"Please.." I said with a cracked voice. Once again needing to pause and breathe in, though it came out more as a gasp. "I just want it all to stop, I don't want to cause anymore problems please.." I let myself stop fighting and slip into Draco's tight embrace, sobbing and shaking. I whispered one more time: "please"

After -Drarry  COMPLETEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant