Chapter 34

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—Harry POV—

"Hello Andromeda, I-" Draco tried to say, before Scorpius came running to him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Uncle Harry!" I turned to see Teddy running towards me. I knelt down to give him a hug, and he gave me a tight one.

"Why did you leave? Why did you leave me alone?" He wailed, burying his tiny face into my shoulder. I began to feel guilty. I am a horrible guardian.

"That was rather stupid of me, wasn't it..."

—Draco POV—

"Dada!" I saw Scorpius bolting towards me and I crouched down, taking him into my arms.

"Hello. How are you?" I asked, happy to see him again.

"Why did you leave me alone for so long?"

"I'm sorry. I had to go do adult things." Scorpius hugged me tight, wrapping his legs around my waist, clinging to me as I stood up.

"I thought you left forever, like mommy."

"No, no. Never. You don't ever have to worry about that Scor, We're a team!" I said, trying to raise his spirits. I don't think he ever fully understood that his mother is dead, just... gone.

I looked to my side and saw Harry and Teddy hugging, then, I looked ahead of me, and saw a soft smile on Andromeda's features.

"Thank you for watching them. I know it must have been a surprise, seeing me of all people, asking for such a big favor."

"You're right. Would the two of you like some tea?" She asked. I looked over at Harry, who shrugged.


We walked over to the table where, with a flick of her wand, Andromeda set up 3 cups of tea. We sat down.

"So, what occurred that caused this sudden visit?"

I took a deep breath, glancing at Harry.

"It's a long, complicated story." I replied.

"I assume the long complicated story involves why the two of you are being civil towards each other. And includes why Draco and Teddy were ever in the same room together?"

"I- yes."

"Well then I need to know... after all, when Harry left with Teddy 8 years ago, he was married to Ginny Weasley." My face turned in disgust hearing her name.

"I- I still... am." replied Harry. I swallowed hard, and retained a straight face, keeping my thoughts and expressions to myself.

—Hermione POV—

"We should check Hogsmeade." I suggested. Right now, the three of us were outside our home, discussing where to begin looking for Harry.

"We have to wait for Neville and Luna first." replied Ron. I had almost forgotten about that. But is it really wise to wait for them? I mean who knows what Harry is up to... My thoughts were interrupted by Draco muttering angrily.

"I can't believe those nosy bloody pricks at the prophet were there last night. So what? I'm walking around London. I've lived here all my life." He grumbled, walking with us. He exhaled, which was visible in this cold weather. Then, Ron replied harshly.

"You're a death eater Malfoy. They probably fear fo-"

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you, Weasley." Spat Malfoy dangerously. He sped up his pace, making sure to be ahead of us, and shoved his hands into his pockets. I nudged Ron.

"Ron, really you could think before you say something like that." I told him.

"Wh- Hermione tell me I'm wrong!" At this I became slightly cross.

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