Chapter 48

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—Draco POV—

I changed my position to lay down, taking Harry into an embrace. He hugged back, squeezing hard. I could only rub his back up and down in what I hoped was comfort,

"I'm sorry about what I did... and for hiding from you..." He said, struggling through his cries.

"It's ok. You don't need to apologize at all. I'm here for you, always."

After a while of him crying, he spoke again, voice broken.

"I- I don't want..." he sucked in a breath, trying to control his emotions.

"It's okay. Take your time, catch your breath." I said softly.

"I don't want to remember what it's like." He sniffled, taking a few rapid, incomplete breaths.

"I never want to experience the feeling of being trapped there again." I caressed his hair, knowing it helps calm him down. Harry pulled me closer, clutching the back of my shirt. I felt his tears seeping through the fabric.

"I don't want to remember what it was like to be there. To look at them." His voice cracked at the end of that statement.

"It's okay. I'm here to keep you safe-"

"I'm never safe." He interrupted "No one can keep me from my mind and my mind makes me remember." He began to choke back sobs.

"I can help you. You'll be okay. I promise." I whispered, leaning into his hug.

"Why do I hurt myself and make myself remember all of the bad things?"

He sniffled. I wasn't sure how to answer.

"Why do I make myself feel more pain? It makes me feel worse."

"...You're sick, Harry... but with time you won't hurt yourself anymore..." I said, hiding my uncertainty at the statement I'd made. He'd made so much progress.

"I make things worse for myself and everyone else. If there was some way to be alive while removing myself from the equation, everything would be better-"

"Hey. Don't talk like that. You being in my life has brought me a company and a light I hadn't experienced in years. I can't imagine being without you now...

And I know your friends would be absolutely heartbroken if you were gone...

Promise me if you genuinely think to do anything you'll talk to me first. Don't let your demons get the better of you..." I said.

He only continued to cry. His grip on me never faltered, only tightened. He never spoke. And eventually, after at least 15 minutes, he fell asleep exactly the same way. Him talking about his own absence was stuck to my mind.


—Harry POV—

I woke up around an hour later, but I didn't move or open my eyes. I don't want to deal with life anymore today. I allowed myself to feel my immediate surroundings and realized I wasn't hugging Draco, the way I'd fallen asleep. Instead I was laying on my stomach, and the pillow under my head was sideways, and I was hugging it. I took a breath, shifting onto my side and grabbing a random pillow to hug. I'm too tired to ask about Draco, besides, he has a life, unlike me. My eyes felt like they were worn, and I know it's because I fell asleep crying and never cleaned myself up, but I don't want to move, or try opening my eyes.

My least favorite thing about this, is my only indication as to the time- the window seeping soft, dim feeling light. I don't want to be awake. I want to stop thinking. I took a deep breath, allowing myself to become one with the bed, and be comfortable. The only thing better would be if Draco were here, caressing my hair and hugging me as we give each other kisses. I sighed thinking of that. I'll just let my mind quiet down for the moment and slow down. I felt my closed eyelids get heavier, as sleep engulfed me yet again.

—Draco POV—

"So, did you like that movie?" I asked Scorpius, as the Credits began rolling.

"Yea! And I really liked the part where they were jumping on the jellyfish!"

"That part was quite fun wasn't it." I said, thinking back to the movie. Leave it to a Muggle to make a movie about a talking fish who happens to be an only father.

"Dada, Nemo's mummy disappeared like for us..."

"You're right." I said with a sigh. "Astoria isn't the only mum who has gone... it happens to lots of different... people..." I said, remembering my time with her just before she passed.

"Do you think all of the mummies who disappeared are sitting together talking about us?"

"Maybe. You never really know what happens when someone... disappears..."

Scorpius leaned into me as we sat looking at the credits and paying no attention to them. My mind drifted to what Harry had voiced earlier, and I felt a glum feeling come over me.

"I'm hungry." He said suddenly, and I remembered that it was practically dinner time.

"Me too, actually. Let's go make something, yeah?"

"Can we make chicken?"

"I think we have some, sure." I said, getting up from the couch. I walked over to the DVD player and took the disc out, putting it away in it's box.

"Scor, why don't you go ahead and put this movie back on the shelf, I'll grab our food from the refrigerator." I said, placing the box down and getting towards the kitchen.

"Ok!" He said, jumping from his seat and getting the box, leaving to the office room where all of the movies were. I opened the fridge.

"Okay. Chicken, vegetables, potatoes..." I muttered to myself, scanning the frigid shelves.


"Why are we putting the chicken in the oven?" Asked Scorpius curiously.

"Two reasons." I said, closing the oven and setting the timer. "One: the chicken is juicer and retains more flavor. Two: I need to check on Harry. He's feeling sick." I said, turning to see my son. Once again, those horrid thoughts made their way to the front of my mind.

"Alright now let's wash our hands." I said, motioning towards the sink and pushing his step stool with my foot.

"Is he gonna make us sick dada?"

"No. No not at all. Don't worry about that." I said, pumping soap onto his hands and mine, and turning on the faucet. When we finished washing our hands Scorpius spoke again.

"Okay. Can I go play with my toys?"

"Of course! The oven will beep when it's time to take out the chicken." I replied. He started running to his room. I dried my hands And went to my room, where I saw Harry sleeping soundly, I went over and laid down next to him.

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