Chapter 16

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—Ron POV—

"No! Rose you poop in the toilet, not the bidet!"

Why do we even have that? The only use it has is if one of us ends up with explosive diarrhea.

"It's just a different looking toilet!" Cried Rose.

"No, Rose, it's a fountain that cleans your butt." I told her, getting a piece of toilet paper to grab her deuce that was sitting in the bidet.

"Ron what on earth are you talking to Rose about-" She saw me cleaning the bidet and Rose standing aside, I saw her stifle laughter.

"No Hermi, we need to teach her that this isn't a toilet- stop laughing."

"Oh goodness, you finish up here, I'll clean Rose up." With an amused smile she picked up rose and took her to the room.

"Hey, wait, before you do that, come here." I told her, and gestured first a kiss, which she quickly and gladly returned before continuing on to wipe Rose up.

When I had successfully cleaned the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I shouted while walking towards the front door.

Seeing my sister on the other side with tears in her eyes is what really shocked me.

"Oh my goodness Ginny what are you- come on in." I said quickly, moving aside for her. I peered our the door.

"Where's Harry and Teddy?" I asked curiously, not seeing another person out for miles.

"They're not coming." She said with a cracked voice. I turned over to her in concern. Hermione came down the stairs and saw Ginny.

"Oh my goodness it's freezing outside and you're in just a long sleeve shirt!" She said, hurrying to get the blanket from the couch.
I closed and locked the front door.

"Harry and I got into a fight."

—Draco POV—

"Alright kids, it's time to eat dinner." I said to Teddy and Scorpius, who were playing in my backyard.

They spent practically the whole day here, and I was prepared for Teddy to even stay the night. I have no idea if it's a good idea to take him home tonight because I don't know if Ginny and Harry have been talking all day or if at this point they were screaming their heads off at each other. I was quite worried for Harry too. I can't really check on him. Teddy has never been to my home, and as much as I trust the neighbor with my son, Teddy isn't my son. He is technically Harry's son. Godson, but still. And, as stated earlier, I don't know what's going on over there nor do I know if taking Teddy, or both of the kids back, is the best idea.

—Hermione POV—

"He said he was going to go, it was probably for a walk you know? To get his mind off things. And I told him "Don't bother, I'll be on my way." I packed a bag and apparated here."

"Oh my God Ginny. Wh- I... Harry?....."

"I don't understand. What you're saying" said Ginny, looking at me with confusion.

"I... I don't know what I'm saying either... I- I'm gonna apparate over there... for a second. Just to make sure. I-" I didn't bother trying to speak again. I just got up and popped away and into Harry's house.

I immediately made my way upstairs and to his room.

"Harry, Harry are you in your room?" I made it up and knocked softly before opening the door. Harry was laying in the bed in fetal position.

"Harry..." It seems today's my day to be at a loss for words.

"Go away, Hermione." He said softly, it sounded like he didn't mean it, or just wasn't bothered enough to care.

"Have you eaten today?"

"It doesn't matter. Aren't you going to ask about Ginny?"

"No. She apparated to ours a while ago."

"So I assume you're here to tell me what an arse I am." He said unmoving.

"No. I came to check up on you." I said that as if it were obvious. "Talk to me. I'm here to listen to your point of view." I said.

—Harry POV—

"There really isn't much to it is there. I don't function properly and it affects everyone around me." I said to her. I sniffled.

"Okay.. and what about Malfoy... Ginny mentioned him quite a bit...what's up there?"

"Doesn't matter. There's nothing happening." I said quickly.

"He got into a fight with her about you-"

"I don't want to talk about it Hermione." I said while shooting into a sitting position.

"H-he, he helped me once-twice! So what... isn't that... What's so special about that anyway? F-friends can, well they can help other friends!" I said in a frustrating manner.

"Yes, but Harry, you don't let anybody in. You're even putting up a fight with me. What makes Malfoy so differen-"

"There's nothing different, Hermione." I replied angrily, cutting her off for what felt like the millionth time.

"You know... there's nothing wrong with it... if it is what I think:.." she said softly and carefully.

"And what, pray-tell, do you think it is. Huh?" I bit, glaring at her in a challenging manner.

"Well, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were going to explode if I told you." She said, equally as challenging.

My mind was racing with her words. I didn't want to know what she could be implying.

"Well... spit it out." I told her, refusing to back down.

"You like him. You're losing your affections for Ginny."

I stared at her, frozen. A wild look was in my eyes and my breathing was quite audible.

"What- how. That's not even... possible I- I..." I didn't have an explanation, and I was upset, knowing I lost.

"No of course not. That explains everything perfectly doesn't it. He reenters your life, you start sharing your troubles, and everything goes to shit with Ginny."

"Shut up Hermione." I bit in reply, embarrassed by the possibility that she could be correct.

"Look. Just know that, as much as it's something I'd have to adjust to, really all of us... just know that I'm here for you... where's Teddy?"

"Draco's house. I told him the argument was bound to happen..." I said in a small manner.

"Oh, so he's Draco now." She gave me a slightly amused look. I set my sights towards my lap, feeling a tickle rise to my cheeks, embarrassed at myself.

"Well," she said. "I think you should let him know that you and Ginny aren't tearing each other's heads off. And just, talk to him. Okay?"

I mumbled a quick "Yeah."

"I love you... and I'm here for you. Stop ignoring our owls, and talk to Malfoy- sorry, Draco" she said his first name in a dramatic tone as if to poke fun.

"But seriously. Stop ignoring us."

"Yeah." I got up and gave her a hug. She returned it.

"I think you have a, friend, to call."

"I guess."

"Hey. Whatever happens, if you do... you know... do it the right way. Don't hurt Ginny more than she already will be. Okay?"

"Yeah... thanks Hermi. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."

"It's okay Harry. I've got your back. Bye-"

"Wait... you aren't going to... tell Ginny? That I... God I don't even know what I'm talking about."

"I won't tell her. You go and figure out your feelings okay?"

"Okay. Bye Hermione."

"Bye Harry."

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