Chapter 33

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--Draco POV--

Harry Potter, Room 208 Check in: 12:08AM Check out: 10:50AM

I sucked in a breath, before handing back the clipboard.

"Did he leave, did Harry Potter leave?" I commanded.

"N-no s-Mr. Malfoy. He's in the restroom." The man swallowed nervously.

"You tell no one of this. Understood?" I whispered fiercely. The man nodded quickly. I Gave him a nod in confirmation.

I looked at my watch. It's not even 11:00AM. I swiftly made my way to the bathroom, hoping he might be there.

The urinals were empty. I peered under the stalls, and saw a small pair of feet within one of them. After hearing the sound of a zipper and the sound of the toilet flushing, I backed into an empty stall, hiding. The man opened the door, clearing his throat. I watched as two feet dragged each other over to the sinks. The water began running. My heartbeat was in my throat. I soundlessly opened my door, and looked out. It's him. Harry grabbed two paper towels and dried his hands before throwing them into the trash.

"Harry." He turned his head to look at me, things were silent and tense. He didn't dare move. I made my way to him in two large steps and encased him in a tight hug, burying my face into his shoulder. He returned it gratefully. I began breathing again, something I hadn't realized I stopped doing.

"H-" I had to regain my bearings. "I've been worried sick." I said with a wavering voice. I let go to look at him. My hands were at his shoulders.

"You left and we began looking for you... You didn't do anything stupid right? I didn't sleep even a wink last night... I thought you were dead."

"I'm sorry, I know. What I did is horrible, I-" He took a breath.

"I'm just happy you're alright. " We hugged again, however, we both immediately let go at the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Let's go." I whispered.


After walking out of Three Broomsticks, I felt Harry tap me on the shoulder.

"Do you think we can go somewhere? Where we can be alone?"

"Of course. I know a place." I took his hand.

"I'm going to take out my wand so we can apparate."

"Okay." He replied. I held my wand in my free hand, and in an instant we swirled into a quiet area surrounded by trees. I was slightly surprised when Harry quickly took me into a hug. I returned it, allowing us to stay like that for a few minutes, until I heard him sniffle.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He only squeezed tighter, I took it as him saying he doesn't want to talk at the second. I closed my eyes and leaned into him.

"I messed up." He whispered into my coat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, concern growing in me.

"I did things, and said things..."

"Talk to me. I'm listening."

"You might get mad." He said in a wavering voice.

I deepened our hug. "Never."

"I-" He shuddered beneath me. "I fought. With everyone. Ginny, Neville and Luna. I insulted Ginny too. In a way I never would have before... I stole a bottle of alcohol, and-" I immediately let go of the hug to look at him in the eyes.

"At least I didn't get drunk... I know. I... I ordered a glass this morning too. I kind of want another."

"You're not going to have another."

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