Chapter 14

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—Draco POV—

We were all sat at the table at Harry and Ginny's house eating breakfast, well, more the children were eating breakfast. Us adults were stuck in silence with a tension so think you could cut it with a butter knife. Harry and I were sat side by side. Ginny was in front of Harry, and Scorpius was in front of me. Teddy sat on Ginny's other side. I could feel Harry's nerves radiating off of him, it took everything to not show physical affection towards him in front of her. Nobody knew what to say.

I took a bite of food before looking around table. The boys acted and ate as though nothing was going on. I wonder how they can't feel the tension. Then again, maybe that's a good thing. Ginny has half a fork of eggs resting on the plate, her hand lingering around the forks handle. Her eyes were fixed on Harry. You could see the wheels in her head turning, I wonder what it is she thought at that moment. I quickly glanced over to Harry. He wasn't even on the same planet as the rest of us. His hands were folded on his lap, and he stared intensely at the plate in front of him. The plate he'd barely touched.

I looked away quickly, not wanting to draw attention. I kept my head down and took another bite of food.

Ginny cleared her throat before speaking:

"Harry." There was no response from him, I turned in his direction.

"Harry?" She asked again. Still nothing.

She slammed her hands on to the table, pushing herself up. That caught his attention, I know because I saw him jump and look at her. She put her plate in the sink and walked out the front door with her keys, phone, and wand.

His head turned down to his lap. Soon enough, he stormed from the table and up the stairs, I assumed he was going to his room. Now, I was alone with the two kids. The first one to ask a question was Teddy.

"Why are Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry so mad?"

I sighed. "They had a small disagreement. They will talk and everything will be just fine before you can say pumpkin pasties... why don't the two of you go on and play together in Teddy's room?"

Teddy got up and went towards his room, Scorpius however got up and went towards me.

"Me and Teddy can still be friends right?" I saw the sad look in his face, Teddy is his first friend.

"Of course the two of you will still be friends, don't worry your little head about that. You can always count on me. Okay?" I responded.

"Okay." He gave me a quick tight hug before running upstairs to catch up with Teddy. I felt bad for lying. The truth is I know nothing about Harry and Ginny's relationship and I have no idea if they'll work this out... whatever 'this' is. I got up and put the remaining plates in the sink before casting a quick cleaning spell. Deciding to put the plates away, I first began opening cabinets to find the one where the plates and utensils were kept, thinking about how last night, somebody was by my side in the bed for the first time since Astoria passed. I pulled my thoughts away as something curious caught my eye. I found Harry's medicine organizer, completely full, including the tab that said 'Sunday', which is today. I took the container out before finishing putting everything in it's place. Then, I went upstairs to find Harry and give him his medication and some water.

—Harry POV—

I lay on my bed curled up. There were too many thoughts going through my mind, I was just frustrated and numb. I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that's happened in the last month, and, I need to figure out what the hell to do about Ginny. Our relationship isn't even fading, it's just getting torn apart. And it's my fault.

I heard the door open and turned my head up slightly to see who it was. What I saw was Draco holding a glass of water and a small handful of something else. I closed my eyes in bother and let my head rest again.

"Your medicine..." He said softly, approaching the bed.

"I don't need it. Besides, I'm tired. I just want to sleep and forget my problems." I said. That really is all I want to do. I just need everything to stop for a while.

"Harry... do you really, truly, think you don't need these?" He asked with concern lacing his tone.

Well I know I need it, it'd be obvious to anyone that I need that shit. I just don't want it. I don't deserve the help anyway. But I wasn't about to tell him that.

"I don't really need it though." I said, turning over to face him.

"I'm going to make sure you keep taking them until I know a doctor has told you otherwise." He said matter-of-factly.

I shut my eyes tight and sat up, grabbing the two pills from his open hand and shoving them in my mouth. He handed a glass of water to me and I took it.

"There." I said. I drew in a long breath.

"You know, you can't avoid her forever..."

"I know. I just couldn't deal with her.., not after yesterday. I know she won't stop until we talk, but that never turns out well. And now I've upset her. I made it worse."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to trigger you yesterday morning... and although things got out of hand yesterday, it is all out of concern for you... because we care so much. I..." he stopped speaking. I know Draco's right. I'm just stupidly procrastinating what I know will be another argument, as if Teddy hasn't heard enough of those at this point.

"W... When she comes back... do you think you could take the kids?" I came to terms with what was bound to happen, and it made the air all the more difficult to inhale. I found myself fighting to not choke up or shed more useless tears.

"T-take then both. To your house. Don't let them know anything is happening." I felt a shiver go down my spine. I already know this isn't going to be much of a better day than yesterday. And it's my fault.

He scooted closer to me. "Are you sure you'll be alright? You're looking a little bit pale..." his voice trailed off. I could barely focus on him because all of my thoughts were stuck on this waiting dread that consumed me.

"I-I'm fine. I just... I don't think this will turn out well, and Teddy has already bared witness to enough arguments. I-" I cleared my throat which seemed to be getting more and more dry.

"I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to him, and I've messed up already enough. I just don't..." I swallowed hard at the thought that I might be no better than the Dursley's were to me. I was subconsciously rubbing my wrists at my jeans, rather harshly I guess, because the next thing I know Draco is holding them softly and I felt a lingering violent warmth from my previous action.

"Don't do that." He said softly, almost as if he wasn't sure what else to say. I slightly acknowledged him pressing them to his chest like he'd done earlier this morning. I turned it into a hug though. I needed the calm and steady rise and fall from his breathing to ground me. I felt myself fading away from reality. Thump. I closed my eyes and focused on him and how he felt. Thump. I tried to keep myself aware of my surroundings and subconsciously hugged him tighter. Thump. I only slightly felt him return that. Everything was still and silent. Except for the sound of his breathing and his heart. My eyes closed tighter than previously. Thump. I tried to focus on being more aware. This was a very silent and calm type of dread. The kind where you know exactly what's going to happen, and when. The kind where you only had to wait stiffly. Thump. I felt myself take in a large, deep breath. I tried to keep myself focused on that. I didn't want to lose track of it. Suddenly I felt Draco softly caressing my hair. I wondered if he'd been doing that the whole time. I enjoyed it. It was relaxing. I let my tightly shut eyes relax a bit and allowed our hug to loosen, becoming more soft. Slowly, he leaned into my ear. I felt his breath tickle me as he said:

"Don't worry. I've got you. Everything will be alright."

And with that he leaned into the hug before letting go. I opened my eyes, only faintly proud that I was able to ground myself before I completely vanished from my own awareness.

We both jumped at the sound of the front door opening downstairs.

"Harry... we really need to talk." Said Ginny from downstairs. I shot a look at Draco. He grabbed my hand

"You will be alright." He said, before letting go and leaving. Probably to get the kids.

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