Chapter 18

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—Harry POV—

I woke up at roughly four in the morning and found myself wrapped up in a sort of hug with Draco. It felt warm, soothing, and comforting. I studied his features as he slept. He looked relaxed and care free. He looked happy. I smiled at the thought that he was happy. Quickly though, I remembered that I'm in my own house, and Ginny is gone. I guilt came through me at the thought of how horribly my thoughts and actions betray her, and what we had for 10 years. I carefully got out of our hug and sat leaning over the edge of my side of the bed, putting my head in my hands and sighing. Ginny doesn't deserve this. She shouldn't have to deal with this, with me. I stood up, grabbed my wand off the nightstand, and left the room. Draco doesn't deserve this either. My problems are troubling enough. I've let him in, I've caused him to have to deal with more things.

I stood in the kitchen with my elbows leaning on the counter beside my wand. My hands pressed over my eyes as I fought off my newly found headache.

"Why are you always so sad?"

I jumped up at that comment only to see Scorpius standing across the kitchen. I was quickly able to recover from the scare.

"I- no I'm not." I responded.

"Teddy tells me about how you always hide in the house and never talk. And that you and his aunt fight and that you always leave or cry. His hair always turns grey when he talks about it."

I kind of stood there dumbfounded by a 7 year old's words.

"Uhm. Why are you awake?" I asked, leaving the topic.

"I had a bad dream and I wanted to get water because it makes me feel better."

"Oh. I'll get you that." I said, turning towards the fridge to grab him a water bottle."

"Teddy gets sad when he talks about you being sad. And that makes me sad because my friend is sad. Be happy and do happy things to make you more happy. That way Teddy can be more happy. Figure out how to make yourself happy before Teddy gets too sad."

He gave me as mean of a look as a half asleep 7 year old could. And the only thing I could think of at that moment, which I happened to say under my breath, was:

"God, you're just like your father."

"what?" He asked innocently.

"Oh nothing." I decided to keep the fact that his face undoubtedly reminded me of an 11 year old Draco Malfoy to myself.

"Here's a bottle of water. Off to bed now." I said, handing him a bottle while doing so.

He turned to go back upstairs before turning around again and gave me another tiny upset look. If I was his age maybe I'd be intimidated. But right now I couldn't help but hold back an amused smile. He's just as dramatic as his father too.

What Scorpius said stuck to my mind. I knew that Teddy wasn't completely oblivious, but did I really affect him that much? That can only add to the infinite list of people I've disappointed in my life.

I grabbed some water for myself and grabbed my wand off the kitchen counter before turn to get back upstairs. I got to my room and my hand hovered over the door handle. Suddenly I remembered what Hermione told me. And I remembered Ginny. I remembered the heartbroken face of worry etched on Draco's face the first time he saw me crying in the bathroom with open wounds across my arms. As well as the time I apparated to his house, and the time I tried to hurt myself with one of his razors. My now shaking hand left the doorknob and went back to my side. I let out a quick exhale to try and calm down, then I turned to the opposite end of the hall and into the guest room. I lay there for the rest of the night, unable to sleep, yet desperately trying to.

I was finally beginning to lose the fight between sleep and wakefulness when the sun was shining and I heard a soft knock at the door, followed by it opening.

—Draco POV—

I entered the room to find Harry looking as if he was 2 seconds from falling into a deep, much needed sleep. Did I wake him? Do I snore? Oh god I hope not. Did he have a nightmare? All these questions came through my head.

"Hey. Everything alright?" I asked softly.

He mumbled a yes while nodding slightly. His eyes closed.

"Didn't get much sleep last night?"

A slight shaking of the head. His eyes remained closed.

"I understand." I told him, a small smile forming as I saw just how cute he could be when he's falling asleep. I unthinkingly brought my hand to his hairline, stroking his messy hair out of the way of his forehead. He looked as if he was welcoming a peace he hadn't felt in an eternity.

"I'm going to make some breakfast. And I want you to eat a little bit just to take your medicine down properly. Okay?"

I could tell he heard me, and he responded so slightly that if I hadn't been paying all the attention in the world, I would have missed it.

"After that I'll let you get some rest, and Scorpius and I will be headed home."

I looked at him for a second, then decided to bring my forehead to his, before getting up and leaving the room. Looking back towards Harry before gently closing the door and going to make sure the kids were awake.

—Harry POV—

I woke up with a start, bolting into an upright position. Another bad dream. I looked around. Sunlight shone into the room. Everything was still. I looked to my right and noticed a plate of eggs with my medicine on the side, a glass of water, and a note.

"You wouldn't wake up, and I figured you needed rest. Please eat and take your medicine. Scorpius and I are at my home with Teddy. I thought it would be best if I watched him while you slept." -D.M

I sighed and positioned myself to be seated more comfortably before grabbing the plate of food and resting it on my lap. I took the two pills with water before taking a small bite of breakfast.

After eating roughly half, I decided to get up and go to the office room. I walked in and saw 4 letters. I picked them up. All of them were from Ron and Hermione. I decided to open the most recent one, sent today.

"Dear Harry, I don't even know if you read our owls anymore. But just in case you do, I wanted to let you know that Ginny is going back today. She's still a bit upset, so be ready for that. Now, on a hopefully lighter note, how are things with Malfoy?"

I blushed slightly thinking of that last sentence.
Things with Malfoy....well, Draco and I hug a lot. We almost kissed. But didn't... he seems to care. He looks at me with a soft expression most of the time. It's absolutely nothing like when we were back at Hogwarts.

I put her letter down, deciding I would write a response at another time. Ginny is coming home. I burst out the room, knowing I'd need to tidy our bed before she got here. However the bed was already made. No doubt by Draco. I went downstairs to the kitchen and everything seemed untouched though I know that wasn't the case.

I went back upstairs and grabbed my wand that I'd failed to grab earlier from my small rush, and apparated to Draco's house.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Said Draco, sat on the couch.

"I, did. I did. Thank you..."

"Of course. Did you eat and everything?" He said while standing to go towards me.

"Yes. It was good, thank you again."

He nodded in acknowledgment. "I assume you're here for Teddy? He's outside with Scorpius. You could stay for a small bit if you like."

My immediate thought was to say yes, I'd love to stick around. But just as perfectly timed, I remembered all of my thoughts from the previous night, and I remembered Ginny is coming home soon, if she isn't home already.

"I- I can't. Ginny is supposed to come home today and everything."

His face faltered a slight bit before he responded.
"I understand, well, let's go get Teddy." He led me to their backyard.

Teddy and I flooed home and I brushed him off when I heard the front door open. I looked up towards the door and met eyes with Ginny.

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