Chapter 9

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—that night, during dinner—

—Harry POV—

I found out that Teddys tutor called Ginny, who called M-Draco. And that's why he showed up. And while I admit I am grateful, but I can't help but feel like it was a significant deviation in his daily activities.

I didn't realize I was staring down at the dinner table until Ginny waved her hand to catch my attention. "Harry, are you sure everything is all right?" 

"Yes Ginny, I promise. It was only a small fit."

"And you remembered your medicine, right?"

"Yes." Her question made my mind trail back to... him... and how he didn't leave until I'd taken them.

"Teddy's tutor said that there were medications on the counter. Are you sure you remembered-"

"Yes," I snapped. "Malfoy made sure I took them." Suddenly my appetite had vanished. "Can I be excused? I'm sorry it's just-"

"Go ahead... Harry, You know we only want to help you. Right?" Ginny's tone was soft and gentle, but it just made the nervous energy in my stomach coil.

"Yeah. I'll be in the room." I got up, leaving Ginny and Teddy at the table.

Today overall has been quite horrible for me, between not eating and laying in the bed of the guest room the whole day until my 'little fit'. I panicked and I couldn't stop it, one thing led to another and it became a nervous breakdown, and I relapsed... he helped me through it.

 Malfoy sat with me and comforted me, tended to the disaster on my arms and tried to help me... Ginny doesn't do that. But it's not that she doesn't care. It's just that I never let her and after several years she just let it be. I wonder what would happen if she did know. It's not her fault either; I just really don't want to bother people with my problems. Malfoy found me in such a state that I couldn't even process what was going on until it was too late and I couldn't push him away at that point... but why did did he try to help me? And why did I let him? Was it the wisest decision to let him in?

—-Saturday —-
—Draco POV—

The door creaked slowly as I crept into the room, ensuring silence by tip-toeing. I kneeled by his bed, momentarily pausing to observe how peacefully he slept. I reached a hand out, shaking him gently.

"Wake up, sleepy head. Today is your play date!"

At this Scorpius jumped up as though he were never asleep.

"Can I bring toys?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course. Just make sure you don't lose them," I said with a smile. Ginny and I agreed late last night that it would be easiest if we came by floo, and that was quite convenient- I won't need to be driving around that way. After eating breakfast with Scorpius and helping him get ready, then getting ready myself, we flooed over to the Potters' residence.

"Scorpius! Hi!" exclaimed Teddy, sprinting towards us. "Look what I can do!" He shut his eyes tight, curling his hands into fists and shaking in his concentration. Slowly, the color of his hair transformed itself from bright blond to pink. My eyebrows raised in acknowledgement. He usually did that subconsciously.

"Woah! That's cool! Look, I have toys to play with!" Said Scorpius.


I looked up towards the adults standing closely behind.

"Good morning, Ginny, Potter. I see the young one is getting a better grip on his magic... he's like his mother."

"Yes. It's quite remarkable, actually. I still don't get it." Said Harry with a slight smile. He seemed better today. I still observed him closely. The kids went outside to play in the grass and with Scorpius's toys.

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