Chapter 30

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—Draco POV—

I was frozen in place. I heard Hermione speak.

"Ginny, we don't want to do anything rash-" She was cut off by Ron.

"Ginny, Just calm down, lower your wand.. it'll be okay.." He said with a cautious hand held out.

At that moment I saw her swish her wand in a familiar form, as a yellow light emerged from the tip.

Everything after that was a haze, and I was standing in front of Dumbledore, showing him my dark mark. I felt myself fall backwards and land in an unfamiliar spot.

By now I was overheated and beginning to sweat, I removed the coat that I'd forgotten to get rid of previously and started bouncing my leg up and down rapidly.

"It is my mercy, and not yours, that matters now. Come over to the right side Draco, you are not a killer."

My breathing became shallow and I became unaware of the world around me. I squeezed my hands into a tight fist and screwed my eyes shut.

"You don't know what I've done. "

"Do it, Draco."

My throat closed up and I snapped my eyes open, attempting to ground myself and breathe. I squeezed my hands tighter. I was a horrible person. And I never did anything to redeem myself. I'm still a horrible person.

I felt a figure touch me. And I flinched away.

"You don't know what I've done."

I almost killed several people. I manipulated those around me. I was a bully, more than that, I tormented kids. I was selfish, I am horrible.

—Ron POV—

Malfoy stood there frozen in place while Ginny's wand was at his throat. As soon as Ginny made a move, Hermione stepped in front of him and deflected the bat bogey hex.

"Really Hermione you should know more than all of us that he's no good. Stop pretending you're on a higher plane than the rest of us." Said Ginny, now firing spells at my wife.

"Ginny, really? you're the one who's being irrational." She shot back, deflecting another hex.

"Guys really please stop... Malfoy looks like he's having one of those fits Harry used to get-" I tried explaining, while glancing towards Malfoy.

"Shut up!" They both shouted in unison. I backed away and went towards Malfoy.

I went to tap him on the shoulder. "Uhm. Malfoy.. Are you alri-" he flinched away from me. Man... whenever this happened to Harry he'd pass out and I'd just wait for him to wake up. Suddenly a cup shattered. I looked at the two dueling.

"Please just stop it." They didn't reply to me. Ginny only continued shooting hexes and jinxes and Hermione kept deflecting them all.

Through my periphery, I saw the basement door open. The three kids peered from the door.

"No, Kids go back into the basement please." I said while rushing over to them.

"Where's dada?" Asked Scorpius? I became nervous.

"The bathroom!"

"Where's mommy?" Asked Rose.

"I'm her room! Please back into the basement, now. Keep playing, go on." I ushered them back down and I noticed Teddy's hair turn white. As he turned around, keeping his head down. The other kids kept trying to see past me in confusion.

"Downstairs, now." I said sternly. They all scrambled down. I left the stairs and closed the door, when suddenly, Malfoy stood up.

"Enough! Stop fucking fighting! Harry is missing. He is what we have to deal with right now. You all are either going to help me find him, or I'm going alone." He said, grabbing his coat and shoving past the two girls, going outside. The door slammed.

After a second, I rushed outside after him, grabbing my wand from the coffee table and my coat from the coat rack.

Once I was outside, I caught my breath.

"Wait. I'm going with you. He's my best mate. I can't leave him alone." I told him. Then, a voice came from behind us.

"I'm going too. I'm worried for him." Said Hermione. Her face showed one of embarrassment and shame, probably from dueling my sister.

"I'm not leaving my son alone with that hag." Said Malfoy. I retaliated in anger.

"Watch it, Malfoy. She's still my sister." He ignored me, which made me more upset.

"Granger, can I get to the basement without having to see her face." He said with a sneer.

I began to call him out: "Malfoy-"

"Around the back." She said. He immediately started towards the back of our home. I turned to Hermione.

"Are you listening to what he's saying about her?! She's my sister I can't just do nothi-"

"Don't you realize what's just happened Ron? Your best friend tried to kill himself not more than two weeks ago and Malfoy is the one who was there to stop him. We owe at least a little bit of sympathy. Besides, Ginny is off her hinges. I don't want to talk to her either." She said roughly.

I stood there appalled and unable to come up with a retaliation. Malfoy appeared with Teddy and Scorpius.

"Let's go. The longer we sit around twiddling our thumbs the worse he could be." Said Malfoy while going away with the two.

We caught up to him. "Why did you get Teddy?"

"I want to drop him off somewhere. I think I'll drop them both off for a while."

—-Harry POV--

"Hi mum and dad." I said, bowing my head, and kneeling at their resting place. I allowed the silence of the quiet village to take over the moment as I found myself restraining tears.

"I- I'm sorry I haven't visited you all these years. I never stop thinking about you... I never forgot you." I took a sharp breath, my lip quivering slightly.

"I love you. I'm sorry about everything I've done recently."

A small gust of wind passed, causing me to shiver. A single warm tear ran down my face, landing on the snow below me. I looked up, remembering the snow that lay atop their headstones, and dusted it off.

"I forgot to bring flowers... Is it okay that I create some?" I was, unsurprisingly, met with silence. I took my wand out, and created a quaint bouquet of flowers. With the ghost of a smile softly forming, I placed the flowers down into the vase by their grave, another tear sliding mindlessly down my cheek.

"Remember? How, all of my childhood, Draco Malfoy and I were always at each other's throats? It's funny how things change so much. I, well- I guess we- no longer hate each other. I think it's actually grown to become quite the opposite. He's absolutely nothing like he used to be. He's not the same person..." I paused, thinking about all of the time we've recently shared. How he's been tender and sweet, how he's been by my side and helped me.

I began thinking of the warmth we share when we lay together, and how his touch somehow calms me down. I thought of the intimacy I experienced with him, and no one before, just three days ago. I'd never even been with Ginny that way. I took a deep breath, before the conversation I had not an hour ago swam past my mind. It left a pain in my chest, and I ignored it.

"I love you. I promise I won't miss Halloween again. I hope everything is okay up there..."

I got up, and made my way to a nearby pub called the Seven Swans. Upon entering I was hit by a wall of warm air. I took a seat, removing my coat and scarf.

"Harry?" Said a nearing voice behind me, I looked back.

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