Chapter 3

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—Harry POV—

As soon as we got to the house, I went upstairs to mine and Ginny's room, needing to process what had happened tonight. I held my wand in my hand and twisted it around with my index finger and thumb whilst I lay in bed. Draco Malfoy... back in my life. The entire time we were together in the bathroom he didn't show any look of anger or hatred in his eyes like he always did in the past. My thoughts were interrupted by Ginny entering the room.

"Malfoy is saying he can come over with his son next Saturday," she said as she changed into her pajamas. Her phone was set down on the dresser. She looked over to me and saw me fiddling with my wand. I heard her sigh, and she and made her way to me.

"Harry, there's no danger here in the house. Please just put your wand on the nightstand at least."

"Ginny... you know since the war I just- I need to be on guard. What if there are Death Eaters out there? Hell, a Death Eater is coming over on Saturday-"

"Harry you told me yourself that you didn't think Malfoy would have done those things had he been raised correctly. There's a reason why you testified in his defense 10 years ago."

"I know..." I tried to calm my shaking hands and took a long breath.

"Maybe this is a sign... for you to move on from everything. Maybe befriending him will help you."

"I'm sorry Ginny. I know I've never been so aware and involved with you and with Teddy. I'm always so... so stuck in my mind."

"Don't worry about it, I understand. Goodnight." She kissed me on the cheek and smoothly took my wand to then put it over on my nightstand.

"Try for some sleep tonight, yeah?"

I lazily mumbled in agreement before the lights were turned off.


I walked down the halls of Hogwarts in its ruins. My head hurt as I made my way toward the forbidden forest. I see Hermione run to me with Ron close behind.

"Harry you're safe!" She shouted as she engulfed me in an embrace which I gladly returned. "You're not going to do it... are you?"

I looked at her with a face meaning she knew it's what I had to do. Without another word, the three of us hugged each other, knowing it would be the last time we did.

As I trudged my way towards Voldemort, my mind raced through all the lives lost thanks to me not defeating him earlier. Everyone who died trying to protect me...

"Avada Kedevra!"

I'm hit from behind

I woke with a start and turned to find Ginny sleeping peacefully. I wiped stray beads of sweat from my forehead and caught my breath before grabbing my wand and leaving to the living room downstairs. Each step down echoed, jarring my senses and starting the beginnings of a headache. I huffed out a breath, trying to ignore the contents of my nightmare, and trying to ignore how my bones felt as though they were wobbling on the inside, making me grip the stair's railing for support.

I sat in silence on the edge of the couch, my arms folded and my head hung between my legs. The dream had me stuck thinking about Hermione and Ron... how we had said goodbye for what we had thought was the last time, especially after we had gone through almost everything together. The thought sent a sharp pain across my chest, and guilt began to form a small pit in my stomach. Maybe I should write an owl to Hermione and Ron... It's been a long time since we spoke.

After a bout of internal debate, I got up and went to the office room where my owl and Ginny's are kept.

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