Chapter 29

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—Harry POV—

I closed my eyes and focused on my barely existent breathing. I squeezed Draco's hand tightly, trying to stop my shaking.

"It's ok. You've got courage... besides, I'm going to be there the whole time. Don't worry." He said. "I'm going to knock. They're expecting us now."

I squeezed his hand tighter and opened my eyes. My breath was visible against the cold, crisp air, and Ron and Hermione's brown wooden front door greatly contrasted the white scenery surrounding us.

"Scorpius, when we get inside, go play with Teddy." I heard Draco say.

*knock knock knock*

As I heard the door open I let go of his hand, taking to squeezing my own into a fist, my nails digging into my palm.

"Hey mate! How are you? It's been an awful long time. Come in..." I heard Ron say. His face upon first seeing me was one of happiness, that quickly changed to a look of... grief? Sorrow? It was at that moment I knew Ginny had told him everything.

"Hi Ron." I said, going in for a tight hug. "How are you?" I asked before letting go of the hug.

"How am I? How are you?" He said. I became tense.

"Ron, please let them in and close the door it's practically freezing out there." I heard Hermione say from behind him.

"Hello Harry..." she told me before glancing at Draco. "Malfoy." She said politely. I swallowed hard.

"Uncle Harry!" I heard the unmistakable voice of Teddy as he ran towards me. I knelt down, catching him in a hug.

"I missed you... why didn't you come with us? Everyone was crying." He wailed. I noticed his hair turn black. My heart dropped.

"I was just sick for a little while. Don't worry Teddy. I'm okay now." I told him, though I wasn't entirely confident at the last sentence .

I closed my eyes and allowed the two of us to deepen our hug.

"I missed you too you know..." Teddy only deepened the hug.

"I love you uncle Harry."

"I love you too." I replied, holding back tears.

We let go of our hug, and I saw tears Lining his face. I quickly moved to wipe them.

"Hey. Don't worry. I'm here now. Everything is alright."

"Don't tell him that.." I heard the awfully familiar voice say bitterly. I looked up.

"Hi Ginny."

—Draco POV—

Granger, Weasley, and I stood in quite the uncomfortable position, having to listen to Harry tell Teddy something that nobody was sure to be the truth, and now, his wife stood a few feet in front of the lot of us, giving Harry a heartbroken stare. I noticed she awkwardly scratched an itch on her arm.

After a second, she glared at me, before turning back to Harry.

"Upstairs.. please." She told him. He wordlessly followed her. The silence was tense.

Teddy looked at me, then noticed Scorpius, who was standing behind me."

"Hi Scorpius!" Said Teddy. Scorpius waved back shyly.

"Kids," said Hermione. "why don't you go play in the basement with Rose?"

Teddy looked up at us, and I could tell he understood that nothing was 'alright'.

"So... Malfoy. Would you like some tea?" She said to me as Teddy left the area. My stomach churned.

"Tea in this situation? I can barely stomach the air I'm breathing not knowing what they're talking about up there." I replied a bit harshly.

"You could be more polite, Malfoy." Weasley spat.

"Ron, his attitude is the last thing we need to worry about. Besides, he's right." she said.

"Is there a way for us to listen?" I asked expectantly.

"Isn't that disrespectful?" Said Ron with a sting behind his words, I glared at him.

"Oh please Ron, you're just as worried as either of us." Said Gr-Hermione

"Maybe you, but him?!" He told her, making it obvious that my presence bothered him.

"Ron." She said pointedly, giving him a look. At this I became slightly angry. Judging by her behavior, she must know something.

"What did Weaslette tell you?"

"Harry. Actually." She said to me. I was taken aback by her reply. Harry hadn't told me that anyone else knew... how much did she know?

"What did he say?"

"Not much. But I know you fancy each other." She told me, before trading glances between the two of us, and walking away.

Weasley and I followed her.

"If we put an extendable ear by the door and have it hanging in a way where they can't see it, we should be able to listen to them." She whispered, making her way upstairs and into another room.

Soon enough we were all in an office room, holding onto a string that connected to an extendable ear, strategically hanging around the door frame of the bedroom where Harry and Wea-Ginny were talking.

"-absolutely insane?! Draco is the one who's bullied, degraded, and insulted you all your life! He has hurt you and countless others! He's a murderer! The son of a death eater! He was a death eater! He is manipulating you! He's a Malfoy! a Slytherin! Do you not remember what Lucius put me through in my first year? "

"You don't know what you're talking about! And what does being a Slytherin have to do with any of this?! Yes! I know he's done horrible things, and so did his father! And besides, how could you insult him based on his heritage?! Don't you know how many times I was insulted for being a Potter?! You for being a Weasley?! For being a half-blood, for allowing your family to take me in! Everybody in Hogwarts had their backs turned on me for claiming Voldemort was back! Also, you know I could have been in Slytherin! What does that say about me-"

"Exactly my point. You know what the values of a Slytherin are: cunning, deceit, manipulation. Don't you realize what day just passed?"

It was at this moment, I felt anger festering within me at her words. But there was something else in the back of my mind. She has no right to say that, but she is absolutely right. Halloween has recently passed, and we both had completely forgotten.

"Oh, Of course not. You've been with Malfoy."

My blood ran cold at her words. Everything went still. I noticed Ron and Hermione turn to look at me. Their faces showed pure shock.

Then, In a tense whisper, Harry spoke.

"Damn you, Weasley."

after not even a second more, and a small popping sound, with pure emotion, she yelled.

"That's right. Run away like you always do! You- You coward."

Through the slightly opened door, I saw her storm out of the room, tears streaking her face. I felt the floor rumble beneath my feet as she rushed downstairs. Ron rushed out the door, with Hermione and I closely following, all of us remained breathlessly shocked, my body tense in anger with a powerful rage within.

We reached the bottom of the stairs to find the paltry, meager, little Weaslette drinking a glass of water, with her hand resting on her wand over the counter.

She calmly lowered her glass with a clink, before violently turning around, pointing her wand directly at me.

"Ginny?" Ron stated tentatively.

Wealslette remained unmoved, and spoke in a tense whisper. "It's you. It's all your fault." 

After -Drarry  COMPLETEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें