Chapter 25

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—Harry POV—

It was a dream- more like a memory. I hadn't had one of the Dursley's in almost an eternity. Or at least that's how it felt. I didn't try to focus on my breathing, I don't think I could if I tried to anyway. It was my fault for bringing them up earlier tonight. Talking about them must've caused everything to resurface. My mind was racing and I hadn't even realized Draco had removed the covers from over us both and turned on the bedroom lamp. He went to touch my shoulder and I flinched away, still tense and shaking, the Dursley's still fresh in my mind.

"Hey, Hey, It's alright. Follow my breaths... I'm going to take your hand and position it so you can feel my breathing..." I didn't register what he was saying, and when I felt his hand graze mine I pulled away so suddenly and harshly that I almost fell from the bed, causing me to get forcefully yanked back into reality. Forcing myself to regain balance, I cautiously put my hand down back down onto the bed, finally being able to focus on my breathing.

"It was only a dream... you're safe..." I heard him tell me.

I tried, I really tried to listen to him, to allow his words to process inside of me, but I couldn't. I couldn't even speak. I screwed my eyes shut, desperate to just calm my breathing and go back to sleep. But I know I probably wouldn't be sleeping again. Not at this point. With a start my hands grasped at the bottom of my hairline towards my neck and I pulled, letting out a groan in frustration. Just calm the fuck down.

"Stop that." I could feel hands carefully trying to take my own and I could feel myself curling into a ball. Just stop panicking for no reason. It's gone. It was a dream. But for some reason I felt like if I'd opened my eyes I would see Uncle Vernon right in front of me or even Dudley with his smelting stick.

"Harry, Harry I need you to focus on me," I heard him say softly. I tried to nod but couldn't bring myself to it. I was scared. I'm a grown man and I'm scared of my own uncle? Pathetic. I flinched at the feeling of something on my back, then allowed myself to return my back to where it originally was.

"I'm going to put my hand on your back." When he did it again I fought off my initial reaction. My breathing became more shallow and rapid. He rubbed his hand along my back in slow circles. Focus on that. I felt him get closer to me as he continued to draw circles on my back.

"Feel my heart. Feel my breathing." His voice was steady and relaxing.

I took in a sharp, deep breath, and kept it in my lungs. Soon enough though, I felt myself exhale unevenly.

This went on for a small bit until I was able to match his breathing and relax, leaning sideways into him.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded numbly, my head aching. The circles on my back soon became a comforting rubbing up and down on my arm on his opposite side. I felt myself let out an exhale of almost relief. My eyes were still closed.

"You're safe. I'm here. You can open your eyes." I know he was right, and I know I should, but I don't want to. I just want sleep to take me over so I could forget everything and-

"Harry...I have you. Nobody can hurt you. Not like you say in your nightmares." My eyes begrudgingly peeled themselves open. I was met with the view of a closed bedroom door in front of me. It made me uncomfortable and anxious. They're coming.

I turned to look at Draco, fully understanding his presence for the first time since I woke up. I scooted back out of his arm so my back was against the headboard, and I motioned for him to sit right in front of me. He did, and I stared at him for second, not speaking, just allowing myself to understand nothing is going to happen. No one is behind me, and Draco is in front of me. I took in a breath and let it go.

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