Chapter 6

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—Draco POV—

"Harry..." Ginny rushed towards him, her tone laced with worry. She shot me a look burning so fierce I could feel the suspicion radiating off of her, as if she were to wordlessly ask me 'what did you do'. I couldn't move or speak on account of not being able to understand what the hell is had just happened. Potter's eyes didn't leave mine for even a second, his wand never faltered from its position in front of my chest. Did I really pose myself as such a threat?

"Malfoy, you tell me what happened," she gritted towards me. I held my hands up defensively.

"I swear it was nothing. I went to cast a cleaning spell on the dishes..." She quickly looked at Ha- him, grabbing the arm which held his wand gently.

"Harry, it's me, Ginny. Listen, Everything's fine. Please lower your wand; nothing bad is happening." She was holding his shoulders, trying and failing to get the tense man to relax.

I backed away, feeling my presence was no longer welcome. As if it were really welcome in the first place. "Maybe I should get going..."

"If you don't mind," she interjected, "stay a bit. I'd like to speak to you. But for now you should go with the kids while I calm him down."

I did as she said, my mind racing the whole time with questions as to what on earth... Potter still won't stop looking at me. As though I scare him. As if he can't figure out what's going to come of me. Did he carry his wand with him tonight thinking I'd attack? Why is he so... on edge? Does he still think me a threat?

I saw the kids playing in a room with the lights on and door open, a film playing on a small boxy television.

My son ran towards me excitedly as I entered the room. "Look dada! He has the same dino as me!" He waved a plastic dinosaur in my face, his features showing such wonder and enjoyment.

"Yeah? That's amazing," I replied with a smile. "Come on, lets keep playing," I suggested as Scorpius began to pretend that the dinosaur was walking on a carpet city. Teddy then came up to me with his toy car. His hair color had changed since dinner, along with some small facial features. Do you want to play with us?"

I figured it would be good to get my mind off of why Harry... has been so odd. "Of course! Hand me a toy."

As soon as I began dragging a toy truck back and forth on the carpet city, Teddy asked me: "what was momma like?"

I was stumped. How did I never get to know Nymphadora?

"We never were around each other much."

"But aren't you Family?" He asked. Little bugger is so curious.

"Yes. But we didn't live together or anything...she was older than me." I settled on that as my poor excuse for allowing my parents to hate her simply because she loved a warewolf... and was in the order... and did not follow the dark-

"Malfoy..." Said Weaslette softly from the door. I turned to her in acknowledgement before telling the boys I was going to go 'play with the adults now'. I got up and fixed myself before allowing her to lead me downstairs. Harry wasn't there...Potter.

She gestured for me to sit on the couch before doing so herself. She wore a tired expression.

"Malfoy... about Harry. Ever since the war, he's changed quite a bit." I listened intently. Nodding for her to continue.

"You see. He has some... issues. That have sprouted or worsened because of what happened." She looked down towards her lap and seemed to be struggling to find words. I waited patiently and quietly for her.

"He's just." She looked up at me for the first time in this conversation.

"Just be careful around him. Don't pull out your wand unannounced. And try to stay calm whenever you're around him..." she swallowed hard. I waited a bit before figuring this is where I need to say something.

"I understand. Don't worry... I promise I mean no harm..."

"No. I know. I was weary 10 years ago when he told me he'd testify in your favor. He believes you're a good person. We both do. It's just his mind is all..." she made a gesture with her hand.

"Where is he?" I asked. Suddenly very curious.

"I sent him to bed. If you want you can stay here a bit longer or go. I don't mind."

"Well, we'll see each other on Saturday won't we. So I guess I'd better get going for tonight."


"Thank you for having us." I said.

"Of course. It was nice. To think things between us all might improve."

I went upstairs to gather Scorpius before bumping into Potter- looking disheveled with tear streaks down his face, shaking, and holding to himself; a pillow and blanket. My breath caught in my throat and my body filled with concern.

"P-" I started

"Ginny I think I need the guest room tonight." He said tiredly and kept going past me to a room on the opposite side of the hall without another word. Did he think I was his wife or did he just not care?

I turned to Ginny and she only nodded then looked down. "Scorpius say goodbye!"

"Aw man. Bye Teddy."


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