Chapter 24

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—Draco POV—

I awoke from a troubled sleep only to find the area next to me empty. My mind immediately thought of the worst. I darted from my bed out into the hallway where I found that Granger and Weasley's letter was gone. My heart began to race as memories of only a few days ago swam through my mind. What if he's actually done it this time? I took a lucky guess that he was at his home, and apparated there.

He wasn't downstairs, he wasn't in his bedroom, the upstairs bathroom, Teddy's room, or the guest bedroom. What if he's gone? What if he's dead? What if I'm too late? With a pounding heart I stormed into the last door in the hall and saw Harry, sitting at a desk, and letters upon letters and envelopes scattered around. Harry had his head in his hands, and I could see he was shaking. My first reaction was full of anger.

"Potter! Is your head screwed on right?! I wake up and find you gone... I thought you'd actually killed yourself this time!"

He didn't move. I kicked the wall harshly in frustration. My breathing labored and my mind racing. He snapped his head up when I did that.

"I thought I was too late to save you this time! Have you any idea how worried I was?! You couldn't even leave a note like you had last time?" my heart was lodged in my throat. Harry stood up and faced me, he had a dejected look on his face, but still said nothing.

I shouted: "Answer me damn it!"

All you could hear in the thickly silent room was my breathing.

Then, in a low, wavering voice, he spoke:

"I need you to leave." He looked down and away.

"Excuse me?! Did you hear what I just said? Or are you too slow to get that?!" I retorted in disbelief.

"I'm not leaving you alone in a house! Surely you should understand I don't trust you enough to do that at the moment." I said, anger still evident in my voice.

"I need you to go. I need to do something-"

"That's exactly why I don't trust you! How do I know you 'doing something' doesn't involve a knife or a match-"

"Ginny wants a divorce!" He said, interrupting.

I stood staring at him. He started swaying back and forth, looking at nothing and everything, before I saw him almost collapse. I quickly went over to him. And caught him, his arms gripping mine. My anger vanished and was replaced by worry. I got a good look at him. He looked almost sick, yet, too out of himself to do anything. I saw him gag and in a split second I grabbed the bin from the corner and put it in front of him just in time to spew his guts. The smell was heinous. I held my breath and continued to allow him to hold onto me.

After a second or so, he seemed to regain his bearings and looked up at me, before leaving to the bathroom. I stayed where I stood, watching him wash out his mouth from across the hall. I looked around, taking in my surroundings for the first time. Harry's glasses were set over legal papers, with Ginny's signature at the bottom. His wand was on the far right of the desk, and scattered around were various letters.

I looked back towards the hallway. Harry turned off the sink and grabbed a towel hanging from the wall to dry his face. I walked over to him, and quietly, gently, spoke:

"You do understand why I can't leave you alone right?" He nodded. Silence filled the air.

"Are you alright? What happened over there-"

"I-it's fine. I guess it was just shock. I mean," he said, turning to face me. "I still love her. Even if not romantically. And besides, we were together for twelve years. Married for eight. It's just difficult to believe that... it's all just gone. And that it's my fault-"

I cut him off: "Now don't go blaming yourself for any of this-"

"Well why not? My problems are the main reason for our failed marriage. I... We... She tried so hard and I just... I never... helped. I never allowed her to help me. I've basically neglected Teddy like the Dursley's did me and-"

"What?" He looked at me wide eyed as if he'd just realized what he'd said. He was neglected as a child? The golden boy? The chosen one? I found it difficult to believe, and unfortunately it was evident on my face.

"N-nothing. I... I just meant... I've just not been the best god-parent. I've been too consumed within myself I-"

"You were neglected as a child?" I asked in a sort of distant disbelief.

"That's not what this is about right now. I'd rather not talk about that. I- just..." He shut his eyes tight and his head was hung low.

"It takes two for a marriage to work or fail, Harry. I may not know how you two were, but I know blaming yourself isn't the appropriate response to this either." I said, not sure how to continue. I settled for hugging him softly instead, and letting him lean into me. He buried his face into my shoulder and returned the hug more tightly than I had started it.

I sighed loudly, realizing that we will have to talk about this at another time. I closed my eyes trying to wrap my head around everything. My hand subconsciously played with his hair as I thought about everything Harry had told me tonight, and in the past. I also tried my best to understand that his childhood was not as perfect as everyone thought it was. A chill went down my spine thinking about it.

Soon enough, he let go of the hug.

"I guess it's back to your home?" Harry asked.

"I guess. What are you going to do about all of these letters?" I asked him.

"I don't want to deal with it right now..." he responded. I sighed.

"Okay, but you have to deal with it soon. Tomorrow?"

"The day after?" He countered.

"Fine. Only because it's practically 4am right now." I said tiredly.

"Why did you think I'd..." he asked, unable to finish his question. I understood what he meant though.

"Because that's how it had happened last time. I woke up and you were gone..." I told him. "I don't know what I'd do with myself if I'd let you slip away so easily." I continued.

He only nodded. "I'm s-"

"No. Please don't apologize." I told him. "Just promise to talk to me whenever you're thinking like that. Or whenever you decide to stupidly down talk yourself. Or think to hurt yourself. Promise you'll talk to me." I told him. My mind was pleading though my voice had a layer of calmness.

He simply nodded, before whispering: "I promise."

"Lets go back home." I suggested. We went back to his office room so he could get his glasses and his wand, and I cast a scourgify on the trash bin with his sick in it. Then, we held hands, and apparated back into my bedroom. We both got into the bed, and fell asleep in a warm, comforting embrace.

—Harry POV—

Uncle Vernons large hand gripped my arm harshly as he dragged me across the house, visibly angry with me. I didn't even know what I had done wrong. Earlier at school I was being chased down by Dudley's gang and the next thing I knew I was on the roof of the school with no way down.

He opened the cupboard door and shoved me in while furiously muttering "no meals for a week."  He then slammed the door shut and locked it.

I shook at his words. I already hadn't eaten since yesterday. I remembered as Dudley took my lunch tray at school and had thrown it in the trash, shortly before chasing me down so him and his gang could have me as their favorite punching bag, causing this whole mess.

I knew better than to try to leave. If I did, I'd only be punished worse. My chest tightened and my breathing quickened. Maybe this time the punishment will be long enough for me to die. Maybe I'll never see sunlight again. What if the last face I see is the angry red face of my uncle that I'd grown all to familiar with. Maybe-

"Harry. Harry wake up." I sprang up, my breathing ragged, sweat dripping, vision blurred, and muscles tense.

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