Chapter 13

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—Draco POV—

We sat there for about 15 minutes before Harry had relaxed enough to leave the bathroom. We held hands the entire way to my room, stopping at Scorpius's first to quickly say goodnight. Harry stayed behind me without a word. When we got to the room I hesitantly let go of his hand in order to change into pajamas, handing a pair to Harry as well. We wordlessly agreed to face opposite each other while changing, though all I wanted to do at the moment was hold him. I felt like at any given second he'd be gone.

We slid into the bed beside each other, and it was... odd. Turning to look a him, I studied his features. he was devoid of all energy, and looked almost sickly. It scared be a bit too much.

I daringly went in for a hug, leaning my head on his chest, and adjusting so I can hear his heartbeat... for reassurance. And security. He noticed this, obviously, I might add.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to feel your heart beat." I replied softly, too mentally preoccupied to stop and assess my newfound courage.

Time passed and I still lay awake and unmoving, just listening to his heart. Having proof and knowing, feeling, that right now he's okay. Soon, I realized he'd fallen asleep. Harry's hand rested inches in front of me. Carefully I reached out to hold it, giving his hand a soft, feather-light, emotion filled kiss. I sighed, knowing that was probably as close as I'd ever get to being able to kiss him.

—Harry POV—

I woke the next morning with my face tear-stained. I hadn't even realized that I cried in my sleep. But a new thing was, I didn't wake up. I kept my eyes closed and buried myself deeper into this hug with Draco. I let myself find comfort and keep away from my other thoughts and from the nagging itch on my wrists as I heard the gentle thump of his heart and felt the warmth of his embrace that I was becoming more and more familiar with.

Soon, he stirred and I felt him move around as he woke. I only snuggled closer, wanting to stay like this forever. I felt his arms hug me and he allowed himself to lean into me, as I allowed myself to do the same.

"Good morning." Said Draco sleepily. I mumbled a reply, still keeping myself close to him.

"How do you feel?" He asked. I took a second to respond, really not wanting to. I only wanted this warm safety that I was experiencing to stay. I hadn't felt like this in a long time, if ever.

"It itches." I said, hugging him tighter.

"Can I try something?" He asked gently. I nodded into him.

After that, I felt Draco stop hugging me so he could grab my wrists and hold them against his chest, pressing them down.

"The pressure shouldn't hurt you, but can help relieve the feeling, sometimes. Also, the feeling of my calm breathing can help relax you if you feel feverish."

We locked eyes. Draco's eyes were entrancing. All I wanted to do was kiss him.

"Thanks... It is helping." his hands slowly began relieving the soft pressure from my wrists. I took it as an opportunity to hug him tightly. I found it as an acceptable alternative to what I really wished to do, silently cursing at myself for thinking that, especially because of Ginny... God, I really am horrible to her. I shut my eyes right and viciously pushed away my thoughts. I wanted my head to stay empty for now. I just wanted to stay the way Draco and I were right now. Just silent and together.

—Draco POV—

We just laid there for quite a while, both of us seemed to be grateful for the small moment of peace and quiet together. I reached up to play with his hair and he leaned into it, visibly relaxed. It wasn't until another half hour that we heard Scorpius loudly going about the hallway, probably to find out if I'm awake. I internally wished it was just me and Harry. We could stay like this forever without interruption, but alas, I had to get up, and so did Harry. When we were both out of bed I remembered he takes medicine that just so happens to not be here.

"What are you going to do about your medication?" I asked curiously while turning opposite him to change.

"Do I really need to take it? I'll be just fine without it." He replied.

"Yes, you do need to take it. I'm not letting you go without it. It's not worth the risk." I said in a soft stern voice. I thought for a second. Then continued to speak.

"I have an idea." I said, pausing before I continued:

"What if we all eat breakfast together?"

"What do you mean?" Said Harry in confusion.

"All of us... I want to spend time with you..." I paused realizing what I'd just said. "And you need to see Ginny, and you need to get your medicine."

"I don't want to see her without you..." He responded. I would be lying if I said it didn't make my heart skip a beat.

"You will have to stay with her soon enough, it's really not nice to just run off from her." I commented.

"But it wouldn't hurt to have breakfast together... right?" He asked.

"No, not at all." I said. "That's why I suggested it." I stated, becoming more shy about this encounter.

"Alright then." He said. We stayed staring at each other for a moment, the two of us already fully dressed. He quickly went to me and hugged me. I didn't hesitate to return it. We stayed like that for a second before my sons voice broke through the comforting silence.

"Dada! Good morning! Can we eat?" I chuckled lightly at my son's energy before letting go of Harry.

"Good morning, we're going to go eat with Teddy, how does that sound?"

"No way! Yes!" Was his response, followed by his small footsteps clamoring towards his room.

"I think you should call Ginny." I told Harry. "She may not be the happiest hearing from me."

His look became one of worry and it was clear to me he was nervous to speak to her. I held his hand tightly:

"Don't worry, I'm right here." I told him. He took in a large breath before grabbing his phone from the pocket of his jeans. With shaking hands, he dialed her number.


"Hi Ginny."

"Harry my goodness. How are you?!"

"I-I'm alright. Hey. Would you like to go and eat breakfast with Teddy and Scorpius and D-Malfoy?"

"At our house?"

I felt his hand squeeze me tighter, I returned it in reassurance.


"O-oh. Well, we still need to talk about what happened."

Another squeeze.


He sucked in another breath, still holding my hand, his grip never faltered, but I felt him shaking.

"I know... I- can we not, right now? Please..."

"Go ahead and invite Malfoy."

"Okay. Thank yo-"

The line hung up.

After -Drarry  COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora