Chapter 35

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—Harry POV—

"So I'm never going to see you again?" asked Teddy. His hair was streak white, and we were hugging. The three of us spoke about my competence as a guardian... which started a few minor arguments. But it was decided that Teddy should stay with Andromeda from now on.

"We will see each other all the time. It will almost be like you never left... We'll have dinner, you can have play dates with Scorpius, and even Rose... your grandmother is just better at taking care of you."

"It's because of your brain medicine isn't it? I heard you guys talking. It's because your medicine doesn't work," he claimed, voice quivering. I sighed.

"Not exactly... You're smart. You know that?" I said with another sigh, slightly trembling.

"Are you going to die like Aunt Ginny and Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron were saying?"

"It sounds to me like you've been listening to a lot of adult conversations," I responded, trying to discreetly change the subject. He pulled away from our hug, and I saw a few streaks of grey in his hair, as well as his face growing longer. for a second, he reminded me of Moony.

"Because nobody tells me anything!" he shouted. "Aunt Ginny dragged me all the way to Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron's house crying about you and nobody is telling me anything! Why have you never talked to us?! Why is everyone talking about you dying?!" He said, tears streaming. I saw Andromeda standing in the corner, watching us expressionless.

"Things are just... happening. And It's best for you to stay with Andromeda. She knows better than me how to watch over you. And she will be able to prepare you for your first term at Hogwarts next year."

His lip quivered and he stared me in the eyes, trembling.

"I promise we'll see each other Teddy. I wouldn't dream of going even a month with out your smile lighting up the room," I told him.

"Can I stay with you for the rest of the week?" He whispered. "So I can say bye, and so I can get my things?" I looked up at Andromeda, knowing it wasn't the best choice for me to make any decisions. She nodded curtly.

"Yes. We'll have the rest of the week together, and You'll come back here on Sunday," I reassured. He suddenly took me into a hug that would have been bone-crushing, if it wasn't for his small size. I hugged him back softly. I felt his tears soaking through the shoulder of my shirt.

When I moved to get up, Teddy hugged me tighter, signaling he doesn't want to let go. I took him in my arms and carried him. He was heavy, but I didn't let my struggle to hold him show.

"Where's Draco?" I asked, wanting to leave.

"Upstairs with Scorpius. I'll get him now," she said, moving up the stairs beside her.

"Teddy. We can keep hugging after we put on our coats, okay?" I said, tapping him on the back. With a sniffle, he let go. I took out my wand, Accio-ing both of our coats, and helping Teddy put his on, before putting on my own. Then, as promised, I lifted him up again. He held on tightly.

—Draco POV—

I got out of the shower, allowing Harry to enter, while I got dressed. After going to Andromeda's, which was a rather interesting visit to say the least, we went back to Hermione and Weasley's to find Neville, Luna, Weaslette, and the two, drinking tea and discussing who knows what.

Before dinner, I saw the Daily Prophet from this morning as it transformed into its night-time edition, revealing the resurfaced rumors about Scorpius being Voldemort's son and how me being spotted might mean he's returned. I ripped up the paper angrily, throwing it in the trash. Don't these pigs have anything better to do than pick on a seven year-old boy? I asked myself, holding back an outraged expression, and determined to protect Scorpius from these ridiculous, baseless rumors about him and his family's 'disappearance'.

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