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Fourth Month

I lean against the counter in the teachers lounge, dipping the tea bag into the hot water filling my mug. The door opens and two familiar women walk in, my mood immediately changing. I came in here early for a reason but I guess they just like to infest everywhere I go.

"Oh hello Valerie." Lorraine says, giving me a smile.

I don't like her or Kim but she's definitely the lesser of two evils. "Morning."

Kim just nods at me and I do the same before taking a sip of my tea. I stand there while they move around, getting cups of coffee.

God I miss coffee.

As I'm standing there drinking my tea, I hear them whispering to each other, sending glances in my direction. It angers me that they think I don't notice.

"She looks bigger, don't you think?" Kim whispers, but not quiet enough.

"Maybe she should cut back on-"

I slam my mug on the counter, some of the tea spilling out but not phasing me. They turn to look at me, their eyes wide. I let people bully me for my weight my whole life, I sure as hell am not going to let these two prissy bitches do it.

"Woah look at Valerie. Her ass and thighs got bigger and oh my god is that a stomach?!" I mock. "Yes ladies, I'm most certainly bigger but that's because I'm four months pregnant. How about instead of worrying about my body, you both worry about what you're here to do, which is to teach."

They both look like two gaping fish as I grab my mug, leaving the room. The anger coursing through me in this moment is unbelievable. I sit down at my desk and release a breath, rubbing my stomach.

"We told them off, didn't we?" I whisper.

The bell rings and my students file in, taking their seats. I stand up and go to the front of the room, waiting for everyone to quiet down.

"The only reason I'm telling you all this is because for some reason people care way too much about body's that aren't theirs." I say in aggravation. "I am pregnant so if you notice that I am getting bigger, no I am not getting fat, I am growing a whole ass human. Got it?"

Everyone slowly nods and I smile, clapping my hands. "Alright then, let's get started."

Thankfully, the day goes by quickly and I'm soon picking up all my things to leave. There's a knock on the doorway, my head turning to see the principal. Oh shit.

"Mr. Moreno, hi." I say, standing up straighter. "Come on in."

"You can call me Vincent, all the teachers do." He smiles, "I was just stopping by because some teachers came to me with some concerns."

I feel my palms start to sweat as I get nervous, but I keep a calm composure. "Oh alright, uh- what are the concerns?"

He walks closer, his hands in his pockets. "They feel as though your personal life is getting in the way of your job performance. I was also unaware of your pregnancy. Congratulations but will I need to find a replacement for you soon?"

"No, I'll be here for the rest of the school year so no replacement is needed." I tell him, leaning back against my desk. "Did these concerns happen to come from Ms. Lanchester and Ms. Blanchard? Because I have some concerns with them as well."

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