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I sit on the sofa at the back of the room, watching as everyone stands around the table talking. Except for Penelope who was seated with her laptop in front of her.

"Reid we need you to be 100 percent on this. We can't go accusing agents of killing a fellow" Aaron says sternly. Seeing him angry like this was different from how he was at Spencer's birthday party. He honestly scares me a bit.

"Hotch you have to trust me on this" Spencer says confidently, "The medical examiner said he died at approximately 8am and also mentioned his death was long and painful. It could be possible that the unsub has had it out for agent Henway for awhile now and finally snapped. He might not have calculated the amount of time it would take for him to die and could've came to work late or even come to work on time but stressed out."

My brain processes everything he's saying, amazed at all of it. His brain is so powerful and thinks of absolutely everything, it's scary sometimes.

Emily shifts her weight from one leg to the other. "His wife mentioned Henway having an agent assigned to work with him a few months ago. She never caught his name though." She says

"The most recent agent he had assigned to him is agent Matt Olsen. He's 27 and was shadowing Henway for months. He- oh my god"

"What is it Garcia?" Rossi asks

"He showed up 20 minutes late today and the security cameras show him as a jumbled mess" She puts the footage up on the screen, everybody turning their heads. I try to lean and see the screen but I can't see with everyone standing in the way.

I start to get an itch in my throat, coughing into my elbow. My chest starts to tighten as I struggle to breathe while coughing. Spencer looks over at me, worried, but I just wave my hand at him, showing that I'm fine. I get up and leave the room to go get water as I continue to cough into my elbow. I grab a cup and walk over to the water bubbler, trying to fill it up but nothing is coming out. I shake it a bit but still nothing.

"Come on" I groan, my voice scratchy

"Here let me help you with that"

I look over and see an attractive young man with blonde hair and a kind smile standing next to me. If I wasn't in love with Spence, I wouldn't mind being in love with this guy.

"Oh you don't have to-" I turn away from him, coughing into my elbow. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay and really, I don't mind"

He moves the bubbler around a bit, doing something to fix it. He takes the cup from my hand and tries filling it. Water successfully comes out and into the cup. He hands the full cup back to me.

"Thanks, your a life saver" I thank him before taking a sip of the water. The coldness soothes my throat. My throat no longer feeling scratchy.

"I don't think I've ever seen you around here. What's your name?" He says

I place the water down on the counter, "I'm Valerie. Also, I don't work here, I'm just visiting" I lift my visitors pass, showing him

"Ah okay. I just knew I wouldn't have forgotten a pretty face like yours"

A red tint makes it way to my cheeks at the compliment. "Oh- uh thank you"

"No need to thank me" He smiles

"Also I don't think you told me your name" I say, furrowing my brows.

He holds his hand out, "I'm Matt Olsen. Lovely to meet you Valerie"

I take his hand in mine, shaking it. His name sounded familiar I just couldn't think of where I heard it. Then it pops into my head, the color draining from my face.

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