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First Month

"Alright, let's see how many of you have been paying attention to the book so far." I say, walking across the front of the room. "I'm going to ask a question and the first person who raises their hand will get thrown this little ball."

I show it off, shaking it in my hand. "If you get the answer right, that's five points added to your test tomorrow."

Everyone perks up, sitting straighter up in their seats. "First question! Who is telling the story?"

Hands fly up from different directions and I throw it to the person who I think put theirs up first. "Lacy?"


"Holden what?" I ask, sitting back against my desk.


"It's actually Caulfield but you got his first name right so I'll give you three points." I laugh, knowing she tried her best.

She throws the ball back to me and I bounce it in my hands, thinking of another question. "Why does Holden decide to go see Mr. Spencer?"

The 'game' continues until it's nearing the end of class. I put it away and let them go on their phones for the rest of the time. As I'm about to sit back down, the phone on the wall starts ringing. I sigh, getting up and grabbing it.

"Ms. Fitzgerald." I answer.

"There's a man down here named Spencer Reid for you."

I roll my eyes. "Can you send him up?"

"I don't know-"

"It's almost my lunch break anyways. I won't tell if you won't."

I hear her sigh at the other end. "Alright fine."

"Thank you." I laugh, placing the phone back on the hook.

I sit back at my desk while I wait for him to come up, my head lifting when there's a knock on the door. I smile when I see him standing there with a bag in his hands, walking into the room slowly. Some of the kids lifting their heads to look at him.

"Hey." He says, glancing at them and then back at me.

I stand up, walking over to him. "What are you doing here?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"You forgot your lunch so I uh- brought you something."

I take the bag from his hands, looking into it. "You didn't have to do that."

He shrugs, "I was just going through case files anyways. Thought I'd go out and grab you something."

I resist the urge to kiss him and instead sneakily grab his hand, squeezing it. "Thank you."

I bring the bag of food over to my desk, placing it down. I notice all the kids watching me and roll my eyes, walking back over to Spencer and dragging him in front of everyone.

"Since I know you all are nosy, everyone meet my boyfriend Spencer."

Spencer awkwardly waves, some of them waving back and others look at each other, whispering.

Just Neighbors | spencer reidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon