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I'm almost blinded as I wake up, the curtains in our room open, allowing the sun to shine through. My hand hits the nightstand as I go to grab my glasses, a few curse words leaving my lips.

I finally get them on, yawning as I check my phone for the time. It's almost one o'clock, shocking me that I actually was able to sleep in for once. I brush my teeth before I make my way downstairs, seeing Eli in his chair in the living room and Spencer whistling to himself in the kitchen.

"What a beautiful sight this is." I say groggily, going up behind him and wrapping my arms around his torso. "Are you actually cooking?"

"I'm making eggs and toast." Spencer says proudly.

"Breakfast for a late lunch?"

"Yes but only because these are the only things Rossi taught me how to properly make before giving up on me. Apparently I was making them wrong my whole life."

I don't question how he can make eggs and toast wrong, knowing that it's because he's just Spencer. A guy who lives off nuts and coffee.

"He tends to get impatient and very judgy." I laugh, pressing my cheek against his back.

"Try working with him."

"Speaking of work, how come you're here and not there?"

He turns around, holding the spatula up. "Christmas is next week so Hotch gave me this weekend off as well."

"That was nice of him. Unexpected but nice." I say, stepping back from him to lean against the island counter. "Is that why you were working so often? To get more time off?"

Spencer shakes his head. "That's not the only reason. I like working and being around the team. The time off is just a plus."

"Oh so I'm just a plus?"

His eyes widen, seeming startled by my sudden tone change. "I said the time off is a plus."

"But technically-" I lean towards him, smiling. "-I'm your time off."

He aims the spatula at me. "You're really pushing it."

"Good." I wink.


Spencer goes back to making the food, having me set the island. I grab two plates, handing them to Spencer to put the food on and give us each a fork, knife, and a couple of napkins.

"What would you like to drink, love?" I ask him, grabbing the cups from the cabinet.

"I'm good, I have coffee."

I put both the cups back and grab a mug, deciding I'll have coffee as well. Spencer puts the plates of food down, taking his seat.

"More coffee?" I offer, Spencer nodding quickly.

I pour him some more before I sit down, my stomach growling at the sight of the food. Before I start eating, I lean over, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you."

Spencer smiles, looking down at his lap. "You're welcome." He says quietly.

We eat in silence, not really needing anything to talk about anything. I clean our plates when we finish, rinsing them off in the sink before putting them in the dishwasher. Arms wrap around my waist, Spencer's cheek pressing against the top of my head.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask, placing my hands on his arms and leaning back into him.

"Who said I had a plan?"

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