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"He still hasn't been found?" I hear Spencer whisper.

I peek one of my eyes open, seeing him talking in the doorway with Derek. I quickly close it and move my head slightly so I can hear them better.

"Garcia tried to track him but it's like he just disappeared off the face of the Earth."

"That doesn't make sense." The stress was noticeable in Spencer's voice.

"We'll find him, kid. Focus on Valerie, she's been through a lot."

"I want to go out and help. I should be looking for him."

"Reid, listen to me." Derek says, and I hear movement. "She went through a whole lot of shit and we don't even know most of it. She needs you here."

"I can't keep her safe if I'm here 24/7 and he's still out there."

"But by being here you're helping her feel safe. She probably hasn't felt safe since the minute she woke up."

I hear Spencer let out a heavy sigh, "I just don't know what to do. I've never not, not known what to do before."

"Just take a breather. Your genius brain will think of something."

It's quiet until I hear the door shut and feet moving towards the bed. My body stills when the bed dips and a hand gently brushes my hair off my cheek.

What is he doing?

I hold my breath when I feel his face get closer to mine, his breath hitting my ear. "Val I know you're awake."

I peek an eye open, seeing his head tilted as he looks down at me. I quickly shut my eye again, "No I'm not."

"Hm I didn't know you slept talked. This must be new." He jokes, and I slowly open my eyes to look at him. "Good afternoon."

"It's noon?" I ask

"Yeah you slept for awhile. It's your body trying to heal itself." He explains

I nod, gently sitting myself up. "So he hasn't been found yet?"

Spencer sighs, "You really shouldn't eavesdrop."

"Well I did sooo...." I trail off, urging him to give me the information.

"No, we haven't found him yet but we're doing everything we can."

"He's not a serial killer though." I think out loud, "He should be easy to catch right?"

"He may not be a serial killer but he's smart when it comes to getting away with things."

I didn't feel safe with him still out here. If he could get away from the FBI then what's stopping him from finding me in this hospital? I'm sure he could easily find his way into a hospital.

"Are you going out to look for him?" I ask, watching his face for any emotion.

I know he wants to go out and look for him but he feels like he has to stay here and babysit me. Of course I want him here with me because I'll admit I'm scared shitless. But he's better off doing his job than babysitting me.

He shakes his head, glancing down at his lap. "No I'm going to stay here with you. I don't trust any of those officers to keep a close eye on you."

"You should go out." I say, his eyes lifting to meet mine. "I'll be fine here and you can even call me however many times you want to check in."

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