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"We'll be behind the glass the whole time and Reid will be in the room with you. If you need anything or want to end the conversation, just let us know." Aaron says, leading me to the room.

"How does she seem?" I nervously ask.

He glances back at me. "Very composed and calm."

"Is that good or bad?"

Aaron stops outside the door, turning towards me. "You don't need to worry about that. Focus on keeping yourself calm. If she says anything that doesn't sit right with you, don't let her know she's getting to you."

"Okay." I breathe out, "Thank you."

"Remember, you're completely safe here." He reminds me.

I nod and he opens the door, letting me go in first. My eyes immediately go to the glass, seeing my mother sitting in the chair. She plays around with the bracelet on her wrist before folding her hands on the table.

"You ready?" Spencer asks, taking my hand.


He opens the door for me and I walk in, my mother straightening her posture. "Valerie."

"Mother." I respond, sitting across from her.

Spencer stands near the door behind me, his hands in his pockets. She looks over at him, giving him a closed smile.

"Good to see you again Spencer." She says.

I look back at him watching as he ignores her and keeps his eyes on me. I give him a small smile and I can see him smile back with his eyes, his face not changing. I can tell he's trying to play tough in front of her. I don't blame him.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask her softly.

"There's a lot I need to explain Val."

I tense up. "Don't call me that. Only one person can call me that."

Her expression changes, her face dropping. "I'm sorry. Well uh- I want to apologize for everything I've said and done to you. I haven't been a good mother and I'm willing to admit that."

I nod and wait for her to continue, keeping my expression monotone.

"When your father died-" I feel the ache in my heart when she mentions him, my hand wrapping around my necklace. "I didn't want them investigating his death because I couldn't bear to find out what happened to him. What that monster did to him...." She shakes her head. "I couldn't handle it."

"How come your 14 year old daughter could handle it and you couldn't?" I ask, my hand tightening around the locket. "I did everything I could to get him justice and you did nothing. All you did was hook up with our lawyer. Did you know I saw his body? I saw my dad's dead body because you couldn't."

I swallow back my tears, loosening my grip on the necklace as I take deep breaths. She looks down in shame, before looking back up at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for that." She whispers.

"For what exactly? I honestly don't care about you not helping dad get justice. I care more about why you married that sick son of a bitch."

"I thought he loved me. I was so heartbroken over your father and Lenny was there to put a smile on my face."

"Isn't it more important if he puts a smile on your daughter's face? Because he made my life absolute hell."

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