Chapter 19

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Maria Hill guided them over the bridge and down the street, the hand always on the gun at her side. Natasha was leaning on Freya because she still got weaker with every step they took. Steve and Sam walked behind the little group, looking over their shoulders every few seconds and commanding them to go faster.

After a few minutes, Hill came to a halt in front of a black truck and said: "Hop in."

Freya helped Natasha in and then hopped in herself. Sam and Steve followed and Hill was last, closing the door behind her. She told the driver to go and then sat down next to Sam, as the truck moved and drove to who-knows-where.

"Where are we driving?", Steve asked, speaking out everyone's thoughts.

Hill looked out of the small window behind her. "Somewhere safe", she simply answered.

Natasha rested her head on Freya's shoulder and closed her eyes and after a few seconds, Freya laid an arm around her and pulled her closer.

"It's all right", she whispered. "You are going to be fine."

Natasha grunted and the next few minutes no one said a word.

After a while, the truck stops and Hill said: "We're there."

Natasha lifted her head from Freya's shoulder and looked around. "Where are we?", she asked.

Hill didn't answer and just opened the door of the truck. She jumped out and held out her hand. "Come on."

Freya supported Natasha and helped her out of the truck while looking up at the stone building. "What is this place?", she asked Hill.

"It's a safe place, that's all you need to know", Hill answered. "Bring Natasha inside. She will get medical treatment."

Freya nodded and followed Hill inside the building.

Inside it was dark, the hallways were only illuminated by a few lamps that were placed on the rough stone ceiling. In the shadows, Freya saw a man running towards them.

"GSW", Hill shouted. "She's lost at least a pint."

"I could heal the wound, but she needs a blood transfusion", Freya added and looked at Natasha's tired face. "Now", she shouted, sharper than intended.

"I'll take her", the man called back, but Hill held up her hand. "Wait. She'll wanna see him first."

Freya frowned but with Natasha, she followed Hill through another hallway.

She pushed a few plastic sheets aside that were hanging from the ceiling and stood aside to show Natasha what was behind.

It was Nick Fury.

Lying in a bed and wounded, but conscious and alive.

Freya felt Natasha shaking next to her as Fury raised his head and said: "About damn time."

The man from before appeared next to Natasha and guided her to a chair, followed by Freya who watched every step Natasha took, every movement of the man. If he does one false move, he's dead, she thought.

She still watched Nat's shocked face and the doctor pressing his hand against the wound, when Fury started talking.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache", he said.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung", the doctor next to Natasha added and Fury answered in a sarcastic tone: "Let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good."

"They cut you open", Natasha said, her voice now stronger again. "Your heart stopped."

"Tetrodotoxin B", Fury said. "Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it."

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