Chapter 31

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"No, no, no..." Freya turned around and paced around the jet, her mind spinning. "They are dead, I saw them die, they-"

She walked towards Steve again who hadn't moved. "Listen, maybe you should check again, this is not real, it can't be."

"It's real", Steve said. "But aren't you happy? I mean, they are alive."

"Yes, yes", Freya murmured, not really listening to him. "I'm... I'm gonna go now."

She left the worried-looking Steve and walked over the bridge into the Tower, her mind spinning with questions.

Back in her room, she sat down on the bed and laid her face in her hands. He got us, she remembered Wanda saying in her dream about a year ago. We are now like you.

She should have known. She should have at least guessed. She didn't know how they looked like now, so every time she thought about them going through this experiment, she saw them as six-year-olds, sitting on that chair, screaming, their skin ripping open as it did with Freya.

But they are alive, she told herself. They are alive, they are alive, they are alive. I have a family.

Someone knocked on the door and Freya looked up. "Yes?"

Natasha opened the door. "Hey", she said and sat down next to Freya.

"How's Clint?", Freya asked, more out of kindness than curiosity.

"He'll get through, thanks to Doctor Cho's new tissue-building -" She interrupted herself when she realized that Freya wasn't even listening and asked: "What is it?"

"Did he tell you? Who it was?"

"What? Who do you mean?"

"Steve. Did he tell you who the Enhanced were?"

"No. Why?"

Freya looked at her. "Wanda. And Pietro."

Natasha fell silent. "But... how? You told me-"

"I know what I told you", Freya interrupted her. She stood up and started pacing again. "Somehow they survived. My parents are dead, but somehow they survived. And they went through the experiment."

"I don't actually know what to say right now. How do you feel about it?"

Freya exhaled. "I don't really know how I should feel about it. Of course, I am happy that they are still alive. But they went through the experiment like me. They experienced that pain. What if Strucker did what he did with me?" All of a sudden, there was fear in Freya and she sat down, shaking. "What if he hurt them? What if he made them do all those things? What if he punished them like he punished me? What-" She let out a sob and Natasha's arms embraced her.

"Shh, it's okay", she said and stroked over Freya's hair while she breathed heavily. "You don't know if he did it. Don't think about 'what if''. Think about what you know. They are alive."

Freya nodded and a tear dripped into Natasha's lap. "They are alive", she repeated, like a reassurance. After a few seconds of silence, she added: "I need to go back to them."


"I have to go back. I have to bring them here. I can't let them stay with... that monster of a man." She stood up. "I have to go. Now."

"Freya." Natasha stood up. "Freya", she repeated and held her arm.

Freya turned around to her. "What?"

"You can't go now. I know that this must be a shock for you, but-"

"But what? But what, Natasha? We are done with the mission, we have the sceptre, what do you need me for?"

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